6|| Friend Request Accepted!

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The next day when I woke up my adrenaline rush, which didn't let me sleep all night, made me log onto stelp and check on the last confession I made.

What if his girlfriend read that?

... and replied too?

and of all the thoughts, I was hoping he wouldn't see it.

I really didn't want to come out as a needy, desperate lovesick girl.

Chucking off all my paranoia thoughts I came across the confession post and saw some more replies than what I had seen last night.

To be specific, two.

In the back of my mind; I was hoping him to be single and then on the other half of my mind I didn't want to talk to his girlfriend if any.

I mean obviously, I don't believe such a gorgeous soul not having a girlfriend.

but maybe... by luck?

Allison Drake you are gabbling again.

My inner self beckoned me.

My gathered all my willpower and clicked on the reply button to check the two replies.

Damn! you if only you would have talked to me first ;)

replied by Alec Charming

Haha do you have a crush on him? :P

replied by Arianna

The last reply was enough to freeze me.



Who's she?

Why does she care if I like Austin?

So I replied with something that would soothe my doubts about her relationship with Austin.

Haha I am so sorry if you're his girlfriend!! That was a dare I hope you don't hate me :P Are you his girlfriend?

replied by Allie

Not suspicious at all Allie.

Good job!

God, I'm stupid.

I sighed as I closed the tab.

__ _ __

Logged in at 9:35 am

Heya guys! Good morning ^_^

posted by Allie

None of the people was online from the groovies but nevertheless, I refreshed the page and was surprised to see a reply to my post.
Probably some 'fan followers' or 'newbie'.

Good morning ;)

replied by Austin Salford

That reply got me to stare at the computer screen for good two minutes without blinking. And also the constant scream inside my mind.

What kind of sick joke was God playing on me?

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming or anything.

Nope, it was happening.

The first time ever Allison was going to have a proper conversation with a crush.

Like actually have a talking type of conversation and not just "Hey! do you have a pencil?" kind of conversation.

I had this crush on a guy at school but except for staring (and obviously asking for pencils) I did nothing to introduce myself and then he got a girlfriend.

Those are some painful memories I don't want to recall.

This is your chance, Allison Drake, talk to him.

Hey! :)

Nah this looks too plain.

Hey :D

replied by Allie

I have Never seen you before.. Guess you are new huh?

replied by Austin Salford

Yeah.. I am new ^_^ Hi I am Allison..

replied by Allie

Nice name Allison ;) I am Austin

replied by Austin Salford

As much as I'd love to have a conversation I've to go now.. I have football practice.. See you later I guess?

replied by Austin Salford

Hey wait. Do you have a mail chat?

replied by Allie

um yeah i do.. my id is AustinSalford3098. okay bye gtg.. :P

replied by Austin Salford

Okay.. I will text you then :) Bye.. good luck for the practice :D

replied by Allie

uh.. Thanks ;)

replied by Austin Salford

Way to go Allie!

Not desperate at all!

Not even creepy.

God, I suck at making conversation.

Should have taken lessons from Linda.

Good thing, I didn't talk to that crush, huh?

__ _ __

Hello fellow readers! #Austin_and_Allie_Chat!! Yay or Nay? xD
See? I am such a good girl I updated!!!
Anyways hope you liked the new chapter! Vote if you did! <3 And... Comment down your thoughts cause I love reading them! ( P.S: They inspire me to write more :P) Share the story if you love it!! Spread joy!! xD

Love you guys!! Keep reading <3

Love, Althea.

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