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Heya Arianna? Are you online?

posted by Allie

heya giRL! I dOn'T ThInk sHe is. :/ WhAts WrOnG???

replied by Sal Queen

Oh :/ Nothing is wrong just wanted to ask her something .. ^_^

replied by Allie

Okie.. I WiLl TeLL HeR To COntaCt YoU wHeN sHe comEs onLine ^_^ So.. HoW Are you?

replied by Sal Queen

Doing okay i guess :/  wbu??

replied by Allie

YOu havEn'T added Me On M chAt yet -.-

replied by Sal Queen

Oh wait I haven't? I will k? Asap. cya later :* I have to go now. And pls tell Arianna I wanna talk to her and it's kinda important...

replied by Allie

Okiee I will ^_^ bbieee!! :*

replied by Sal Queen

__ _ __


Allisonlovespizza: Heya 😊

AustinSalford3098: Heya 😁

Allisonlovespizza: so wssup?

AustinSalford3098: mm came back from footy practice... kinda tired...you?

Allisonlovespizza: Im just texting you xD

AustinSalford3098: I feel privileged to have your undivided attention ;)

AustinSalford3098: So tell me something about yourself 😉

Allisonlovespizza: What do you wanna know?

AustinSalford3098: Umm... I don't know... Where you're from and all that stuff

Allisonlovespizza: why does it even matter where I am from?

AustinSalford3098: I don't know... because that's the basic question you ask to know someone?

Allisonlovespizza: not really. You know, there are other stuffs you can ask someone to know actually know about them

AustinSalford3098: um.. Ok. let's start over this whole thing?

Allisonlovespizza: Okay

AustinSalford3098: So, Miss. Allison what's your last name?

Allisonlovespizza: haha xD now we're talking ;)

AustinSalford3098: well, phew ;)

Allisonlovespizza: it's Drake.

AustinSalford3098: Drake as in hotline bling Drake? ;)

Allisonlovespizza: haha, so funny.

AustinSalford3098: I'm really funny, you know 😏

Allisonlovespizza:That was stupid, not funny.

AustinSalford3098: but you laughed

Allisonlovespizza: No i didn't

AustinSalford3098: "haha" *up there*

Allisonlovespizza: You are so lame, Mr. Austin Salford.

AustinSalford3098: Nah... You're just too shy to accept I make you smile 😏

And that Mister, did make me smile.

Allisonlovespizza: umm.. No?

AustinSalford3098: pfft yes!

AustinSalford3098 is typing...

AustinSalford3098: I'm really scared, you know 😕

Allisonlovespizza:  about me not laughing at your lame jokes?

AustinSalford3098: LOL no :P

AustinSalford3098: I have my results coming out tomorrow... I don't know what's gonna happen. Everyone has high hopes and I'm just scared I will disappoint them if I don't do well.

Allisonlovespizza: It will be fine...I am sure you did well. Even if you didn't, that's not the end of the world. I see you working  hard on your practice everyday. That counts for something ❤ So, just relax and don't stress kay? You should rest now. Just go and sleep, okay? :))

AustinSalford3098: Yeah I guess. Football really makes you tired... Will text you when I wake up. bye ;) and thanks ❤

Allisonlovespizza: bye 😊

AustinSalford3098 is offline.

__ _ __

I constantly had this tingly feeling while texting Austin. I had been experiencing a mixture of feelings. Nervousness, happiness, excitement and trust me, the combination feels like it will burn your stomach.

I decided to look into stelp to check if my message was delivered to Arianna.

Logged in at 6:00 pm

Heya guys... good evening!!

posted by Allie

I heard you wanted to talk to me? Sally told me it's something important, What is it?

replied by Arianna

oh yes, I do. But not here. Can we go private?

replied by Allie

Okay.. here's my m chat id: Ariford30

replied by Arianna

What the hell?

What's up with this girl?

Why Ariford? and 30?

At this point, suspicion was killing me inside.

I needed to find out what relationship she shared with Austin.

__ _ __

Hello dear readers! How are you all? I know, I haven't updated in a while whereas I promised regular updates. The thing is I'm on holidays (Yay) and I didn't get the time to write it. I'm still on holidays but I managed to write this chapter ^_^ Yay! I hope you enjoy reading it, if you did vote!

Comment down your thoughts!
Oh and thank you so much guys for keeping this book in top 100!!! Means a hella lot <3
Love, Althea.

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