The Good News❤️(part-3 "last")

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Third person pov:-
After taking Draupadi to the Raj Ved everybody was worried about her especially the Pandavas as she was there wife and they couldn't notice the tiredness in her. They were guilty that they were so ignorant about her health.

After what felt like hours Ved ji came out of the room and turned towards everyone. Everybody rushed towards him and started introgating him with different types of questions.
"How is Panchali?" Asked Yuddishter before Ved ji could answer him Bheem cut him off "Is she ok?" "What happened to her?" Asked Arjun then "Is there somekind of problem?" Asked Nakul, "Why are you not saying anything Ved ji?" Asked Sahadev. Before could say anything he was again cut off by Mata Kunti. "Aree putron if you let him speak then he will say na."

Ved ji smiled and said "Thank you Rajmata. I want to say that Samragyi is completely fine." Everybody left a sigh of relief then what they heard shocked them. "And I also want to congratulate all of you that Maharani is pregnant." This news left a gleefull smile on everybody's face.
"This is such a nice news! Oh god thank you for giving us such a good news!" Prayed maa Kunti.

"Ved ji? Can we meet Panchali?" Asked Yuddishter. "Ofcourse Maharaj." All of the Pandavas entered and saw there beautiful wife sitting and smiling. She already had the pregnancy glow in her face that made the Pandavas to again fall in love with her.

Draupadi looked up to see her husbands standing there with a dreamy look on there face. She giggled. The Pandavas got out of there trance when the heard a giggle it was like bells were ringing. They started
asking her questions "Are you ok? How are you? Are you hurt anywhere? Is something paining? Is everything ok?" She laughed and said "Yes Arya I am completely fine."

"Well that's good to know and Congratulations to you Sakhi~" said Krishna. "Govind..Thank you so much."

"So that means a big celebration and you have to take care of yourself sakhi because now you're a mother" said Krishna. "Yes I will take care of both me and my child." Said Draupadi keeping a hand on her stomach like a protective mother. Her face was filled with complete bliss and happiness.

"Don't worry Madhav we all are here to protect her and we won't let anyone harm her." Said Bheem while smiling and having a determined look on his face. "Yes we will" the Pandavas said while smiling.

Draupadi looked at everyone and prayed to God "Oh God please always keep my family this happy and healthy also give me enough strength to pass through every hurdles in life and protect my family." Prayed Draupadi while smiling.

Govind smiled and said "Absolutely sakhi and don't worry I am there for you and your child." "Did you say something Madhav?" Asked Arjun who was standing beside him. "No Parth. Nothing" said Krishna and Arjun nodded while smiling. They both went back to talking with each other and laughed occasionally.

There was another person who was also very happy to see all of them happy, it was Maa Parvati. She smiled a heavenly smile and gave blessings to them.

Note:- Thank you everyone for reading this chapter. I hope you all liked it and enjoyed it. I am sorry for the late update but I was really busy with my offline classes and all. But once again I want to thank you and I am also sorry if there's any mistakes that could offend someone. Please do vote and comment.

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