The Surety

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At first I want to say that this whole story is made completely from my imagination and if it offends someone then I am completely sorry for it. Enjoy!

I was doing my work but suddenly I got disturbed by a thought. Now a days this thought is disturbing me alot, the thought was whether my husband's or the Pandu putras love me or not? Or will they forget me like everyone does after doing another marriage? These questions always arise in my head. What should I do?

With these questions in my head I was sitting in the garden and thinking about the solution of these questions. Suddenly I heard loud laughs from behind me. I turned back and saw my Aryas coming towards me.

They came infront me, after calming there laughs they turned towards me, but when they saw my sad face they knew something was wrong so Arya Bheem asked me "Panchali What happened? Why are you looking so sad?

"It's nothing", I said. Arya Arjun asked me "What happened Panchali say us." "It's just I am scared that you all will not love me or worse forget me after doing a second marriage." I replied. "If you're thinking like this then you're completely wrong priye." Said Arya Yudhishthira. "Yes, Draupadi we won't ever forget you because you live in our hearts and we love you so much that we won't forget you." Said Arya Nakul." Yes Bhrata Nakul is correct Panchali." Agreed Arya Sahadev. After listening to all of this I got this surety that my husbands are the best and I love all of them equally and they also love me. Smiling with them I went towards our home.

Notes:- I hope you liked it. If there's any grammatical mistakes then I am sorry. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you.

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