The Yearning For Love❤️

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Devika's pov:-
It was past lunch hour and still Arya has not finished his adminstrative works or has eaten anything. If I am being honest it's just that Arya has not been spending some time with me, I know he is a Samrat and he has a lot of responsibility in his shoulders and as me being a wife I should understand it. But...what if he slowly stops loving me? "No! No remove this thought out of your mind Devika..he is a Samrat obviously he is a busy man and you should understand it." said my consciousness. Agreeing with it I went towards mine and Arya's chamber with his lunch so he would eat something.

After reaching the chamber I knocked the door to inform him about me presence.
"Arya? May I enter?" "Ohh Devika? Come inside love." I don't know why I get so nervous whenever I am infront of him? I know because of his blazing copper eyes, I want to just drown in them~ "Priye? Devi? Devika? You there?" Get back to your senses Devika! Shouted my consciousness. "Ye- yes Arya!" "What happened? I was calling you for 5 minutes. In which thought you are lost priye?" He asked. "No it's nothing, here have your lunch." I forwarded the plate filled with food towards him.

"Umm...sorry but I have a lot of works to do and I don't think I will be able to eat." He said. Sighing I sat beside him looking at the plate of food I had made for him. "Have you eaten anything?" He asked still focused in his works. I shooked my head "no.." I said. "Why don't you eat then? I will eat later on." He said.

I didn't reply anything and sat there silently. When he finally completed his works and turned towards me he frowned and said "Is everything ok? You look really upset. What happened?" He asked. I couldn't control and started crying and said "I-I am not ok! You you don't spend time with me anymore an-and I know that you have a lot of responsibilities in your shoulders and I don't want to be seen as selfish bu-but then also what can I do?! I know I am looking and pathetic right now bu-but I am getting a feeling that you don't love me anymo-" he kept his fingers in my lips to stop me from saying anything.

Yudhishthira's pov:-
I must say she was looking really cute when she was ranting out everything with her puffed up cheeks, red nose and her beautiful doe eyes. But I didn't know she thought all of this and she has been thinking about this for who knows how long? I couldn't here anymore so I just shushed her by keeping my finger on her lips. She stopped rambling and looked at me with her doe eyes wide and filled with tears. "Bas bas priye first of all I am sorry that I was being so busy with the administration works that I forgot to spend some time with you, second of all you're not selfish you're the most selfless person I have ever seen in my life, third of all You don't look pathetic at all actually you look beautiful and cute right now." She blushed while looking down. "And last but not the least never get this thought in your mind that I don't love you because I love you so much that I can even sacrifice myself for you-" she stopped me by keeping her hands on my mouth. "Never never say that Arya I can't live without you." I smiled at her and hugged her.

(Please ignore mamashree Shakuni at the back.)

Devika's pov:-
I hugged him back. Then he pouted at me, Imagin seeing the Samrat pouting so cutely.
"I am hungry but I am tired too will you feed me?" I smiled at him nodded. Then I quickly heated up the food and then went back to the chamber. I sat beside him and fed him, "I love you priye~" he said. "I love you too Arya~"
With that our day went away and night arrived.

Note:- Thank you guys for reading this chapter I hope you liked it. I am sorry for any mistakes or grammatical mistakes that could offend you guys. I hope you enjoyed it . Do vote and comment.
Thank you ❤️

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