Trouble at Lakshagriha

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Draupadi's POV:-
We all were getting ready to go to Varnavat behalf of Maharaj Dhritarashtra, we all were little bit careful because we all got this bad feeling about this journey, I was worried for my child, yes you heard it right. I am 2 months pregnant with mine and Arya Yudhishthira's child. I just hope nothing goes bad at there. I came out of my thoughts when I saw my Aryas and Mata Kunti enter my chamber. "What happened mata? Why are you not ready yet?" I asked, "Putri, I won't be going to Varnavat with you." She said, "But why mata?" Asked Arya Arjun, "Because there's something wrong here so I am not sure what it is but I want to say and look out for it." She said."If you say so mate but be careful." Said Arya Bheem.

The next day;-

We all got ready for travelling after sending our bids to everyone, we traveled for 7 days (I am not sure how many days did they travel) and then the next morning we reached at a village. Throughout the way all of my Aryas were continuously asking about my health and comfort. But the most interesting part was all of them except Arya Yudhishthira and me everyone was fussing over What should be the name of our child. After reaching Varnavat we came infront of the palace and saw Purochan, his wife and his son waiting for us. "Pranipat Yuvraj, actually this palace is not ready yet so you cannot stay here, but there's another manson where you all can stay." He said, "It's been so many days and the palace is still not made!" Shouted Arya Bheem, "Calm down bhrata." Said Arya Sahadev, "What calm down? Do you think Panchali will be able to travel so much? Won't she be so tired?" He questioned, "It's ok Arya." I said. After that we went towards the manson which was ready for us. "Gentlemen we're here, this is the Lakshagriha!" I didn't know why but I didn't feel good about this place at all I don't why but I got scared for my baby. But then also we went inside and got freshed after eating we all were joking and laughing around but suddenly we smell something burning and saw that the whole castle was being burnt down. We didn't what to do,"How did the fire spread so quickly?!" Asked Arya Bheem asked, "Because.. because the whole palace was made up of wax!" Concluded Arya Arjun. "Let's go to the middle room it will be easy to extinguish the fire!" I shouted, we ran towards the room I was surrounded by my Aryas saying that nothing should happen to me and my child. "We shouldn't extinguish the fire or else they will know we're alive!" Said Arya Sahadev. "Then what should we do?" Asked Arya Nakul, "Remember what Kakashree Vidur had said?" 'Fire cannot extinguish the soul but can annihilate the material body. But one who protects the soul lives.'  Said Arya Yudhishthira.He already knew about this planning which means the only way to get out of here is too "Dig out way outside.." I said. Then all of my Aryas started digging and I with the help of my dupatta I collected fruits, medicine, clothes and more food and then tied it securely. After what felt like an hour we came out of the manson just in the time when it burnt completely down. We all hugged ourselves and sighed in relief. "Are you ok Panchali?" "Yes are you ok?" "Are you and the baby ok?" "Did you get hurt anywhere?" "You're ok right?" My Aryas asked. "Me and the baby we both are ok. What about Aryas are you all ok?" "Yes we all are fine" They replied. "How dare them! If something had happened to Panchali then!? What would have happened?" Shouted Arya Bheem. "Don't worry Anuj thy will pay back for this." Said Arya Yudhishthira. Then we made our way to a new journey for the whole world we're dead. I don't know what is more stored for us in the future.

Note:- Thank you for reading. I know this is not up to the mark but I hope you liked it and if there's any mistakes, grammatical mistakes or I offended anyone them I am really  sorry. Bye!

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