Chapter 2: M-My Na-ames P-Peter...

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(Ack! This is a bad chapter but I hope you like it....short too)


Tony and Pepper stared at the scene in front of them in pure shock.

A boy age 4 or 5 was covered in cuts and bruises, blood was dripping from his head, tear-stained face as he was on the floor, back to the wall. Some of the older children were protecting the young ones in the corner as 2 to 3 of the older children were trying to protect the younger one on the floor or trying to stop the older man from hurting him anymore.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" yelled a young girl,

"Stop it!" yelled one of the older kids trying to stop the man, the man pushed the 3 older children away and walked up to the boy huddled in the corner.

"You little BRAT! Messing up everything!" the man yelled. Tony looked at Pepper who nodded and pulled out her phone, calling 911,

"I'll make sure you remember not to mess with me!" the man yelled as he raised a fist, Tony ran across the room and in front of the young boy, taking the hit. A sickening crack was heard as blood dripped from Tony's broken, bloody nose, the man growled,

"Who are you!? Stop getting in my way!" he hissed, Tony looked at the man with a smirk,

"Who am I?! Do you want me to call my suit?" Tony asked the now scared man, a small whimper was heard from behind Tony, which made his heart shatter. Soon the police arrived, they cuffed the man and asked Pepper and the kids for details about what happened, Tony walked up to the older kids who were protecting the young and trying to stop the older man, he told the kids that it was brave for them to do what they did and even gave them a signed picture of him next to his suit. The children beamed and thanked Tony (Trying not to explode with excitement) and went to grab their things as they would be moving orphanages.

Tony turned to the young boy and kneeled to his level,

"Hey there, kid," Tony said, the boy looked up with large brown eyes,

"I-Ironma-an?" the kid stuttered out, Tony smiled,

"Yup, that's me!" he exclaimed, the kid's eyes widened

"Tha-ank you for-r sa-aving me," he said

"No problem kiddo, that's what superheroes do!" Tony said as he looked at the young boy who looked a lot like a puppy. Curly brown hair, chubby face, big brown eyes, Tony swear that his heart melted, he smiled

"What's your name kid?" Tony asked

"M-My na-ames P-Peter, si-ir,"


(Ah, this is so bad....waaaaaaa, I hope you liked it, GreenFlame1 swinging out!)

(Please vote ma wolf spiders :p)

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