Chapter 7

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Francis's P. O. V

Calm down.
Calm down.

Do NOT panic!

Okay....panic now.

This is really bad.
Really really really bad.

I glanced at the girl holding me in her arms and fighting with the security who asked us if we had a reservation.

......and by fight I don't mean the usual kind of argument.....

....It was an all out brawl.

She plopped me on her shoulder and held me with one hand as she fought with her free hand and legs.

The security called his other security freinds when she broke his nose at his snobbish comment on how this place is a private hospital that doesn't do charity for homeless people.

Okay so we are a bit dirty because of all that running around...but is it really that bad to mistaken us for homeless bums?

I glanced at my dishevelled clothes and looked at my hands caked in dirt from touching the cars hood as she leaped towards it.

Yep definitely homeless.

I gasped as I saw a guard throw a punch in my direction and shut my eyes tightly expecting a painful blow.

Nothing happened.

I hesitantly peeked my eyes open and saw her grab his fist in her hands and twist his arm.

"Whoa...thats real badass." I whistled quite impressed.

Oops...did I say it aloud.

I gasped as I looked at her reaction.

"Meh. I could do worse." she said grinning like a cheshire cat.

I gulped.

She was so cool but scary too at times.

I glanced at my legs that were shot.

My healing was much rapid at the upper part of my body and usually moves steadily downwards.

So my eyes were able to heal instantly and it would take a while to reach my legs.

But I couldn't take any risk and let it be found out that I had healing powers.

The girl didn't show any signs of letting me down as she held me in a firm grip...that made me feel safe for some reason.

Uhh....stop thinking stupid brain.

I need to figure out how to escape her and the guards and probably break out of this fancy hospital of snobbish people.

I frowned.
Hmmm... This will be hard.

"Does it hurt?" She looked at me in concern.

"hm?" I asked blinking dumbly taking a while to understand her question.

"Your leg. Is it too painful? You were frowning." she explained.

"Uh...yeah a bit." I nodded furiously.

Man my conversation skills are so bad. This is embarrassing as heck.

"Shit. You are hot!" she exclaimed placing her hands on my head.

"I Um you...too?" I gaped at her in shock at the unexpected compliment.

"Your face is red and your temperature has risen suddenly! Do you have a fever? Hmm is this because of the wound on your leg? Some kinda after effect of infection or something?"
She looked at me anxiously.

Oh... That's what she meant....

I could just dig a hole and bury myself right now.

"Hm? What do you mean by me too?" she asked tilting her head in confusion.

"Ahhhhh! That... You felt hot too. your hands feel warm? I mean maybe coz of my fever. So uh you felt warm?" I blabbered fumbling for an explanation for my faux pas.

"Oh no! That's bad! Where's the damn doctor when you need one?!" She exclaimed looking around at the pile of unconscious bodies of security guards and nervous spectators watching us from afar at a safe distance.

"M..iss this is a well known private hospital. I am afraid we can't let you see the doctor without a prior reservation." The guy at the front desk spoke holding the file in front of him defensively.

"Didn't know and don't care. He is hurt so you better get me a doctor. What kinda shitty hospital is this hah?" She leaned closer to him and banged the desk with her free hand that wasn't holding me.

"Eep! Miss... I would help you! Really I would but you know protocols and all." He stepped back looking at her with wide terrified eyes.

"Protocols be damned. Now get me a freaking doctor."

"I dont think you can pay us miss...No offense...but the bill is not on the income level of your kind of people." He said glancing at our dirty dishelved clothes in mildly hidden distaste.

"Um...its okay if we don't get a doctor. I think I can manage by myself. Let's not trouble these people anymore. They don't like us being here very much it seems." I said tapping her hand lightly with a hopeful look towards the exit.

I can feel the healing power slowly heal my leg.
I need to get out of here now.

"Please miss?" I gave her her my best puppy dog look that worked on everyone except psychopaths like Jean.

"Hmm. Fine....I guess we don't have a choice."

I grinned.
It worked!

......Or not.

She went out of the hospital and ripped a nearby pole from the ground and walked back in.

Then broke into an occupied room which had a doctor.

A snobbish man in his sixties was being fed grapes by the nurses and wearing an expensive suit.

He was busy talking about how rich people shouldn't be taxed at all when we barged in.

He looked at our clothes in disgust and horror before being kicked out.

Literally kicked out...

The girl kicked him out of the room and locked us in with the doctor.

"He is hurt. Heal his leg." she explained simply as she gently placed me on the now unoccupied bed.

"Why the nerve! Get out of here filthy peasants! Security!" The doctor bellowed.

"Don't bother. I took care of em all." she yawned as she stood near the locked door swinging the pole around casually looking absolutely bored.

The doctor looked terrified.

"Now the patient?" she asked in a low threatening tone.

"Yes ma..m! Right on it!" The doctor stammered as he reached to look at my leg.

This is bad.

My wound almost completely healed.
I can't let them see it.

I was just about to run for it when someone knocked on the door.

"Hah?! Who is it now?" she clicked her tongue as she unlocked the door.

A well dressed man with neat side parted hair and glasses, wearing a surgeons gown bowed with flourish.

"My apologies mademoiselle for the inconvenience caused by my esteemed staff. I am Doctor Brown,
A well known wound care specialist. As an apology would it be alright for me to take care of the patient's wound?" the surgeon spoke in a respectful tone looking truly apologetic.

The skilled surgeon looked like he really wanted to help me.

Surgeon my foot!

That was Jean!
Even though he was disguised a bit, there was no way I wouldn't recognise that obnoxious psycho!

The girl looked calmer as she looked at me and said, "If it's alright with the patient then sure! Why not?"

I nodded furiously.

Jean knew about my healing abilities.
It's better to go along with whatever crazy idea he had in mind then have my abilities found out.

"I promise to take good care of Pardon me for asking but may I know what your relationship with the patient is?" he asked smoothly.

"Is he a family member of yours?" he further questioned her.

What is he doinggggg?

"Oh no! He is a good freind of mine doctor." The girl smiled looking in a better mood then before.

A part of me was happy at being considered her freind but there was another part of me that felt constricted for some reason.

I shook my head trying not to get distracted.

"Right this way sir!" Jean said cheerily leading the way to the operation room.

The girl helped me walk thinking my leg was still hurt.

By now my wound was completely healed but I limped a bit to make my injury look convincing.

"Mademoiselle I am afraid I must ask you to wait in the waiting area on your left. This won't take too long." He nodded at her.

She nodded back.

"Sure let me know when you are done!" She said dragging the pole behind her as she sat down at the hastily evacuated waiting area.

All the other patients fleed immediately on seeing her.

Jean led me to an operation room and locked the doors.

I could kiss him!
Finally no one to look at my leg and find out about my abilities.

Actually ew no... I couldn't kiss his smug face even if my life depended on it.

"You know what to do right?" Jean asked towards the empty room.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

A girl walked in from under the desk dusting her dress.

"Yep I do!" she said cheerfully holding a box.

"Let us begin the surgery." Jean said lifting the hem of my pants and grinning maniacally as he glanced at my leg that didn't have any wounds.

"Wait! What d..." I gasped trying to escape this psycho bastard.

A machine whirred and chained down my arms and legs to the bed.

There was a clicking sound and a belt like object wrapped around my chest and held me down.

I was trapped.

"What the hell Jean! Have you finally lost your rockers and gone bonkers?!" I yelled trying to escape but my struggle was futile.

"Shh don't make too much noise okay? Don't want mademoiselle to hear you scream right? It would be a shame if she finds out about your abilities no?" Jean said as he put a finger towards my lips silencing me as he looked down at me smugly towering from above.

"W..hat do you want hm? Is this because I said I won't give you bonus? Why are you doing t..his?" I tried not to cry and beg him to let me go.

That would just increase his ego and make him more smug.

"This is purely for my own entertainment." he said in an amused tone.

"Where the heck did you even find this contraption?" I said tired from struggling as it tied me down firmly.

His grin got even wider.

"Let's just say I once made it for my freind who is into these sort of restraint plays if you get what I mean." he laughed amused at my horrified expression.

"He and his significant other often like to play a doctor patient role like this one just more intense if you understand what I am implying." That psycho was openly laughing now.

"Too much information Jean!" I groaned.

"I just like making you uncomfortable. Your reactions never fail to amuse me boss." he bowed gracefully.

"You are a sadist!" I glared at him angrily.

"I know." he smirked at me obviously enjoying this.

"Heyy Doctor! I prepared the tools!" The bubbly brunette said indicating the neatly arranged surgical knives excitedly.

Jean slowly slipped on his gloves and slowly picked up a nearby scalpel examining it with intrigue.

"No. Please don't." I looked at him in terror.

I looked at the girl with pleading eyes hoping she might help me.

She looked really excited as she brought her toolbox near me.

This can't be happening.....

I am scared.
Don't tell me they are seriously going to perform a surgery on me....

I don't even have a wound on my leg!

The girl took a light marker and traced some lines on my leg.

"Here andddddd here! Ohhhh I am sooo excited! Kyaaaa!" she said gleefully.

She is scary....

"Very well! what are we waiting for? Let us begin the surgery." Francis said in a cold, calm and collected voice as he kneeled down in front of my leg with the scalpel dangerously close to my skin.

"Please let me go Jean... I am your boss! This is a crime! I will give you as much bonus as you want....please don't...." I begged desperately throwing away my pride as tears streamed down my eyes.

I knew Jean was a psychopath...but even he wouldn't do something like this...right?

This must be a nightmare...I must be dreaming.

"Unfortunately we ran out of anesthesia so I am afraid we must begin the surgery without it." He said grinning as he traced the drawn out lines on my leg with his gloved finger.

"No." was all I could say before I saw him hold down my leg with one hand and bring the scalpel closer to my leg with his left hand.

I couldn't move due to the restraints and gave up on struggling knowing it was useless.

I hoped to get through the pain and relied on my healing abilities to live through this as I shut my eyes tightly.

I shuddered and couldn't stop my hands from trembling as I felt the cold metal touch my skin.

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