(2) Birch

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I Birch Magnolia Hansen is in love with my best friend. I'm seventeen years old, and I have a tree for a mom. I have a twin sister named Willow, and a little sister who is also a tree named Cherry.

My dad is married to a fucking tree.

I stared at my fries. "Birch aren't you hungry?" My dad asked. My sister, Willow, looked at me with a knowing look.

"Tomorrow is the first day of school, Dad." Willow stated. "He's probably worried Duke will beat him up like every year." I cringed as she mentioned Heath Duke.

"Didn't we see him a few moments ago?" Frank's dad, Connor, asked. "He gave Crispin some money."

"Yeah." I told him, and looked at my twin sister. "He doesn't beat me up."

"Suuure." Willow trailed off. "I saw how you look at him though. You either like him or planning his death."


"Trust me it's probably death." Jared told my sister.

"Right you are Jared boy." I told him.

"Yeah don't call me that." Jared glared.

I looked over to my uncle Jeremy. "Hey where's Bob and Erica?" I asked about my cousins Bob Marley Heere-Mell and Erica Queen Heere-Mell.

"They're at the bowling alley with William." Jeremy stated. He cringed when he mentioned William, Erica's boyfriend. William is a weird guy. Our parents used to 'joke' about how he was some type of super computer that used to be in Jeremy's head, and came to life. Eric's parents also don't know about their relationship.

I call bullshit on that story. It's not possible. I mean really? A supercomputer that talks to you through your brain to make you cooler? Bullshit.

"What about Micha?" Willow asks about our other uncle.

"At work." Jeremy replied.

Frank walked over to us. "Hey just got done with my shift."

"Awesome let's go." I get out of my chair, and grab my fries.

"Birch where you going? Will you be back before nine? Don't do drugs okay!" Even said worriedly. I don't like calling him my dad that much. I mean he isn't my real dad so what's the point of all of it?

"Sure Even." I brush him of as I walk out of the Wendy's.

"I-it's dad..." I heard Even mumble before the door closed.

"So Birch w-where are we going?" Frank asked me. I noticed his cute blushing face. He looks so innocent.

"So your pops is letting me borrow his truck." I ate a fry as we walked over to Connor's old pickup. I hopped in the driver's seat as Frank got into the passenger seat. "We are ending this summer with a blast."

"Oh shit what you planning?" Frank chuckled.

"You have three quesses." It was my turn to chuckle. "I've been planning this all summer."

"Um camping?" Frank questioned, and I shook my head. "The old tree house?" Same result. "Ugh we're not going to get drunk again are we?"

"Wait again?" I asked him confused.

"Oh wait nevermind. What are we doing?" Frank asked me.

"We are going to doing a list of things to make this summer better before school tomorrow." I told him.

"Boring!" Frank whines and I smirk.

"You say that now, but just wait." I tell him. "We're going to crash a wedding."

A/n: Sorry it was so short! The next chapter will be longer!

Also there will be a lot of point of views in this. Not just Franks and Birch's, but also Crispin's and Heath's.

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