Time lost again

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The morning came and we awoke from a good nights sleep. Todoroki had woke up first and I followed shortly afterward. I helped Todoroki make some breakfast. We ate something he had been learning to cook recently. It's a special kind of eggs served with a special sauce he wanted to keep secret. I decided to fry some bacon and sausage on the side. As well as my famous home made biscuits. We began eating, but Todoroki didn't eat like he usually did. I had forgotten that today he was leaving for two months with his family. I was upset the the love of my life had to leave so soon. We had a few hours however, to do whatever we wanted, so I gave Todoroki this devilish look and he knew what I was thinking... IT WAS MOVIE DAY! Movie day is a thing we get to watch movies for as long as we can without moving, and for me that was a little challenging. After breakfast he grabbed two movies and asked " Which one babe? " I had no idea which was what since he always covered them up. I picked the second one and it turned out to be my favorite movie Moana. I jumped around a bit with glee as he put the movie in. He looked at me and said " Your so adorable Midoriya " I looked at him and blushed hard. " Dangit... I was hoping you didn't see... sorry Todoroki-kun" " It's okay my love I loved it" He sat down and snuggled me and I blushed harder. We watched the move all the way through when Todoroki looked at the time. "Midoriya my love I need to go now..." I looked down sadly but looked up and smiled. " Its okay baby I promise" " Okay love" He walked into the bedroom and changed. "Midoriya love, have you seen my pants?" With me being the little sneaky bastard I am I said " Nope" lying of course. He came back and knew I was lying. So he ran after me. Once he caught me he tickled me until I gave them up. He put them on and headed for the door and said "I love you Midoriya ill return soon" " Okay baby I love you!" He smiled and replied. Then he left the house for the trip. Suddenly it was very lonely in the house. I had no idea what to do, I was very bored. I decided to call Kachaan and see if he wanted to hangout. He answered after like 3 calls. "Hey loser what do you fucking want?" I said "Oh nothing I just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout?" " Hell no" Then I heard Kiri shout from the background "YEAH MAN COME ON DOWN!!" Kachaan responded with "SHUT IT SHITTY HAIR" Then he sighed and said " fine"
I said "Cool, im on my way, see ya" then I hung up. I got dressed and headed toward Kachaan's place. But when I got there things got weird....


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