The Story

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I was a part of a trio of friends. We all grew up together, a tighter group of friends than anyone else. Now we’ve broken apart, for a really stupid reason. 
One of them, Corvidsmoke, walks up to me. She’s pretty. Lithe, with grey belly and chest contrasting her black fur. 
“Hi, Shrewslush! I brought you something!” She drops a frog at my paws, giving a crooked smile as she grabs her own. 
I shift in my spot, “Is, um, Pebbledrizzle joining us?” I already knew the answer, I saw them walk into the medicine den. 
Corvidsmoke’s yellow eyes narrow, “I don’t assume so.” She doesn’t try to hide her disgust at the thought. 
It makes me angry, in a way, how quickly the two turned on each other. I don’t voice that, though, and we sit in silence for a few moments. 
“So, um, have you,” Corvidsmoke looks at the ground as she searches for the right words, “thought about it?” 
“I’m still thinking,” I mumble. 
We fall into silence again, neither looking at the other, until we finish. 
Corvidsmoke stands, “Well, uh, I have to go on a hunting patrol. Bye.”
Even after she left, I still felt awkward. I could talk to Pebbledrizzle. Or, maybe I should just go on my own patrol.
I see Treeweb, our deputy, assigning my old mentor, Darkcloud, and my sister, Mousesqueak, to a border patrol. I quickly make my way over and join. Another warrior named Beefuzz also joins. On our way to the ThunderClan border I stick close to Darkcloud and Mousesqueak. Beefuzz doesn’t seem to mind, since they're walking ahead of us anyway. It’s a silent trip, but in a good way. 
My mind starts to wander to what Pebbledrizzle is doing. Their brother, Pinecricket, is the medicine cat, so I assume they’re venting to him. The sandy hollow that makes the den up is probably getting a lot of sun at this point, so their dark green eyes would shine. They're probably pacing the den as they complain, or helping Pinecricket sort herbs. Tail flicking back and forth in annoyance. 
“Shrewslush?” I almost jumped out of my skin at Darkcloud’s voice. “I was asking if you and Pebbledrizzle had a fight?” 
“Oh, um, no. Not exactly. More-so Corvidsmoke and them.”
“Oh, what happened?” Darkcloud’s blue eyes search my face. He isn’t just my old mentor, but also Corvidsmoke’s dad. 
The situation seemed to grow more and more embarrassing the more time passed. It takes me until Mousesqueak nudges my shoulder with her nose. 
“Well, uh,” my voice lowers. 
“What was that?”
“Both Corvidsmoke and Pebbledrizzle like me,” I grumble. It sounds even worse said aloud. 
Darkcloud’s head tilts to the side as my head tilts down, “Huh?”
“Corvidsmoke tried confessing to me but Pebbledrizzle overheard and also confessed. Now they’re mad at me.”
“And you chose Corvidsmoke? That’s why Pebbledrizzle’s avoiding you?” 
“Um, no, I haven’t chosen anyone.” 
Mousesqueak tilts her head as well, “Why not?” Her voice is louder than she meant it to be and it alerts Beefuzz. Luckily, they don't make a comment. Mousesqeuak lowers her head to show she’s sorry. 
“It’s okay. Anyway, um, I,” Why are words so hard “like both of them, I guess. I can’t choose.” 
“Hey!” Beefuzz shouts, “Sorry about your drama, but we’re here!” We’re startled. Despite the conversation not being over, we set to work.
Corvidsmoke is still out when I get back but Pebbledrizzle stopped moping in the medicine den. Their brother is sitting next to him, glaring at me. I decided not to talk to them. 
My mind is still buzzing with thoughts about the situation, and it’s hard to quiet them to focus on anything else. I could busy myself with another patrol, or maybe talk to Mom and Dad, who are in the elders den. It seems odd to bring up the topic to Darkcloud and Mousesqueak again, after we didn’t talk about it for the rest of the patrol. Getting some advice might ease my worries. 
I make my way into the bramble den. Mom’s there, but Dad isn’t. Mom’s best friend, Asheyfog, sits with her, though. 
“Shrewslush!” I sit beside her and she licks my forehead a couple of times, “it’s been a while since you visited!”
Asheyfog snorts, “She visits everyday.”
“Um, where’s Dad?” I ask. 
Mom shrugs, “He was whining about his aching joints, so we told him to take a walk.”
“Oh. Is it okay if I whine for a bit?”
Mom places her tail on my back, “Of course! What’s bothering you?"
All my nerves well back up, “N-nevermind. It’s really, really stupid.”
“Is it to do with whatever’s going on with Corvidsmoke and Pebbledrizzle?” 
I give a small nod, “They, um. Um.”
“Take your time,” Mom gives me a small smile. 
I take a deep breath, but my voice is still a squeak, “They both confessed to me.”
"Oh?" Mom seems to think for a second, "what was your response?"
"I told them I'd think about who to choose and…I'm still thinking."
"Choose?" Asheyfog lets a bunch of mrows. When she's finally done laughing she asks, "what are they teaching you?" She turned to Mom, "what did you teach her?"
"Did I never bring that up?" Mom shook her head, "shameful."
"What are you talking about?" I nervously ask.
"I've had multiple mates at the same time," Asheyfog's eyes fill with love, "Goldenleaf, Poolfeather, and Firestrike."
My eyes widened, "That's a lot! And sounds like cheating…"
"No!" Asheyfog got defensive, "it's called polyamory! Everyone knew who everyone else was dating, Firestrike and Silverice were together themselves. All consensual and open to each other."
"Oh." I paused for a bit before realizing, "Oh! I don't have to choose!" A hope flared through me, "Thank you! I'll visit Dad later!"
I raced out of the den, quickly gathering Corvidsmoke and Pebbledrizzle. "I made a choice!"
"Well, who is it?" Pebbledrizzle asked, tail lashing.
"Huh?" Corvidsmoke tilted her head, "both?"
"It's called polyamory, you can ask Asheyfog about it. I can date both of you, as long as you consent to and we're open to each other about it!"
They stayed silent for a moment. Then Corvidsmoke's eyes brightened, "Oh! I like that!" She turned to Pebbledrizzle, "This was stupid, I'm sorry. I like being your friend, and I want to continue being your friend."
Pebbledrizzle nodded, "I'm sorry to. Let's try this out, I think it could work."

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