Little Brother vs. Captors/ Big Brother vs. Captors

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Sonics pov

It took me a month or two but I managed to find where my brother was held. And now I am ready to confront the ones who got him I am never going to forgive them for what they did. As I walked in I never expected them to expect me and never expected it to be this hard I fought very hard not just for myself but for my big brother as well. One of the goons they call the toughest hedgehog around Aaron. I wasn't going to let him stand in my way. Aaron said with that sick twisted grin on his face, well well well we meet again baby brother of Manic the hedgehog. I shouted in a cold tone as I growled, I DON'T HAVE ANY PATIENCE WITH YOU AARON NOW WHERE'S MY BIG BROTHER?! Aaron walked around me and said as he laughed in a crazed tone, my my looks like someone is getting cranky haven't had your nap yet Sonic? Hmm! Well maybe I should put you in a permanent nap! I was getting very mad than he started to charge at me as I charged at him. We fought as I was mostly beaten but I didn't give up that easily. Despite me having scars, bruises, a black eye, two gunshots on two different places, black and blue halfway all over, whipped marks on my back, one gash, and multiple stab wounds; I didn't want to give up on my brother and I won't leave without him either. As I was going to finish Aaron (who had only the same amount of scars as I do) off I was defeated Aaron stabbed me in the heart with the broken glass shard and collapsed on the cold floor as I blacked out. I came to a bit but everything was dark and I blacked out again for a minute or 2.

Manics pov

I was in the worst shape of them all I was whipped, bruised, and one swollen eye. I was breathing heavily, my arms were tied behind my back but my feet weren't. Aaron and his partner were looking at me with those sick and twisted grins of theirs. Aaron turned to me and said, your finished Manic the hedgehog! Then his partner said, yeah we're going to finish you both I'm sure you and a certain someone are finished.....OW! Aaron hit his partner and said, YOU IDIOT DON'T SAY BOTH OR ANY OF THAT NOW THANKS TO YOU HE KNOWS!!! I was shocked to hear that someone was involved! They told me no one was involved. I felt anxious and said as I got scared, Dude I thought you said you didn't get anyone involved! Aaron took advantage of that and grinned as he said, yeah but we didn't say we wouldn't get anyone that's precious to you involved! Aaron said as a light came on, For I have killed someone that's really precious to you and that good for nothing twin doesn't know when to quit! My eyes widened in horror I couldn't believe my eyes the one involved was my brother. I screamed as I cut myself free and ran towards his side, LITTLE BRO!!! He opened his eyes slowly and whispered weakly, I kneeled down by his side and picked him up! He was hurt, beaten, and wounded. I screamed as tears went down my face, LITTLE BRO PLEASE!!! PLEASE HANG IN THERE! My brother whispered weakly again and I thought it was his last,'' Then Sonic died in my arms I cried as I held him tight. One of my captors goons was about to kill me but something with in me can't allow it I was very angered by what they did. I slit his throat as he was about to stab me as I turned to Aaron and his partner I was still holding my dead brother. My eyes were red as blood and my teeth became sharp. Since the first time I saw my little brother I cared about him deeply very deeply. I let out a beastly cry and shouted at all the goons in the room in a dark tone, YOU KILLED MY BABY BROTHER! AAAAHHHHH! I was furious and it was time for vengeance. But little did I know that I brought Sonic back to life. I was so busy slaughtering the goons I was unaware that I somehow brought my brother back! All but Aaron and his partner was slaughtered they escaped before I can finish them. As soon as I slaughtered the last one I breath heavily and whispered to my little brother as I petted his head, it' That's all I said as I passed out.

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