❤️Nakuru and Sensitive💙

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Sonics pov

I was only a year old when it happened I thought my life was going to be the same but then something unusual happened to me a 2 year old echidna bystander was walking by I thought he was going to ignore me but he stood up for me no one but my brother and parents on sunlight Island stood up for me because everyone on sunlight Island was too scared to get anywhere near the hatreds but this guy he didn't ignore me not even once he literally stood up for me. At first I hid my face and hugged my knees because I was so frightened but then he said calmly as he put a hand on my left shoulder, hey it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you. Those words made me slowly lift my head as I shook in fear still and cried in tears. There was no doubt in my mind he was like a year older than I am. He saw the cut on my leg as he pulled out a cloth I didn't know what he was doing but I was still shaking. He said as he wrapped it around my leg, look even if you are a fast healer it's still going to get infected. I never knew it in my heart as he said, listen don't listen to what those people say to you. You are not a monster you probably did that because you were scared. I nodded slowly because half of it is true I not just did that for the good people sake but I was really scared. I stood up slowly as he helped me and as I felt tears streaming down my face again he hugged me. My amulet started to glow it didn't blink once and that's when I felt for the very first time that I met someone who is actually a good person. A day later our aunt dropped us off at a daycare center (the one who owned that daycare center was the family nanny) but unfortunately she never came back and we remained in mobius ever since. 3 days later we were kinda taken in by a friend of ours Blaze and her mom (we were like the siblings that Blaze never had) I mean really the echidna's caretaker knew who we were but wanted to know our names one by one we told them our names and they agreed to keep them a secret but I only told mine to the caretaker and Blazes mom as we walked I stopped and heard their conversation I heard that the 2 year old echidna was named Knuckles but his old name was Nakuru but to me it was his real name so I might be comfortable around him. About 4 weeks later my brother and sister were out doing something I don't know what exactly they don't tell me anything. I was left alone on the porch at after day until one day when I was playing with my bunny B. as usual Nakuru walked towards me and said as he stopped about 3 feet from the porch, I really can't stand you playing all by yourself it's like seeing you sad all over again. I said, well I don't have any complains about that Nakuru I as patient. He looked at me and said, please don't call me tha..huh how did you know my old name? I answered as I stood and tapped my fingers on each other, I'm terribly sorry I kinda overheard your name when you were talking to your caretaker I thought it was a good name even though it was your old one but to me I think it's your real one besides my isn't as good as your name but I promise not to tell anyone. Knuckles was a shamed that he lashed out at him but he took it as a compliment and said as he thought for a moment, hey I doubt your name is not a good one. Then he asked calmly, can't you tell me your name I promise to keep it a secret. I said, you promise to keep it a secret? Nakuru nodded and said, I promise. I took a deep breath gathered enough courage and whispered my name for only him to hear, my name is....Sensitive Hanajima Satamura! I waited for him to laugh at me but when I opened one eye I saw Nakuru just staring at me and said as he walked a couple of steps towards me, really? I nodded and blushed. Nakuru said, that's a really pretty name. I blushed as I said, you really think so? Nakuru said, a course. There's no doubt that he wanted to play with me he must've been so alone. He held out his hand and said softly as he smiled, come on Sensitive let's go play. I smiled at him as faith would have it I took his hand and we went to play. Over the years we were starting to get close I kinda spend so much time with him that I forgot to hang out with the family well what's left of it. It's like I found the one who will be with me to become an immortal guardian and as we promise to keep one secret after another my friendship with Nakuru turned into romance it's like I feel a certain light in my heart that was glowing outta control.

Knuckles pov

I always been looking forward to my sweet Sensitive he was my serenity, my heart, my beautiful moonbeam, and my blue flower. I told him everything about the master emerald and he kept them a secret and I kept his mothers amulets power a secret as well and we didn't tell a living soul and one secret after another makes us drew closer and closer together as the years passed and as he turned 8 and I turned 9 our friendship turned into romance. Before it did I felt certain that Sensitive is the one I want to spent my eternal life with. I felt like this ever since we have been together. I will love Sensitive for who he really is despite his dark side and the mistakes he makes. But I never knew that he and Sonic were one in the same I'm sure he wanted to tell me but I think he was scared because what I might think. But I still love for who he really is despite both him being Sonic and having a dark side. I thought in anger as I held Sensitive in my arms, boy-reaper who ever you are I will get you for what you did.

❤️❤️❤️Nakuru + Sensitive💙💙💙
🌹❤️🌹 Together-Forever 🦋💙🦋

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