psycho side (Cinos)

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In case all of you adoring readers were wondering. In the first chapter Sonic described himself as a sweet an innocent boy pretending to be like his big brother but this chapter is about his split personality his psycho side (the one who kills bad people) (I call him Cinos which is Sonic backwards) (he is mostly like happy tree friends: Fliqpy but he has a mind of his own and he can only be activated if Sonic himself gets picked on, teased, laughed at, or beaten which will remind him of his brutal past and his eyes are as red as blood) enjoy:

Cinos's pov

I was still in the mind of my host I get disgusted by the way he looks at that echidna. Why does my mushy love divvy side had to be so soft hearted and sweet I get disgusted by everything. However I do get amuse by all of the blood splatter and the way how shocked those chaotic idiots were. Besides ever since my first appearance of killing my very first bad person I was assigned to my host to my only destiny and that destiny was to kill bad people and make them perish until their very last breath. Hehehehe that is the only thing I know: Kill! Kill! Kill! About 2 months earlier I avenged a friend of mines death. It was a sin to avenge someone but so what that murdering retch deserved it. My eyes are as red as blood and my bitterness as cold as ever. I use the silver blade to kill bad people whenever I slaughter them into oblivion or as these humans say go to hell I would feel amused as the blood splashes all over on me as I laugh in a maniac way over my victim. For almost my hole life I have been called psycho until one day I been given the name Cinos which is Sonic backwards but I like the name and yes I am the split personality of Sensitive Hanajima Satamura. I am the mysterious murderer who made all of those criminals disappear and I am Cinos! Those who are criminals you better watch out for me here and now because I do not play around!

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