chapter 8

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Finally at afternoon ..

After taking rest .. Neil heard few sound .. His mom was calling him .. He rubbed his eyes got freshed and went down .. When he descended down the sight in front of him brought a small smile on his face ..

Avni was greeting Bebe and his mom by bending down and his mom and bebe were showering their all love on her .... Well she impressed his mother and bebe so quick so impressive he thought .. Yet again she never leaves any chance to mesmerize him .. With her simplicity she was just looking pretty ....

But everybody's so well moment was broken by not so pleasant voice ..

Juhi ...

Juhi barged inside calling his name ..

Juhi : Neilu .. Neilu Darling ..

And poor was like somebody please hide me .. But before that she literally ran towards him clinging him .. And except Avni all was like 😒😒

Shweta : baccha Ali , riya Avni come sit here .. Neil come and join your friends .. And also prakash ji please calls pest controls men see chuha oh sorry chuhi came in our house ..

Juhi was looking at shweta while Neil , bebe and Aliya were suppressing their laughs .. Juhi saw Neil was also laughing .. She fumed seeing all this but then shurruged and dragged Neil down ..

All were sited ..

Shweta : so Avni beta what's are you doings ..

Avni : Aunty I am studying business management ..

Shweta : very nice beta ..

All were having some random talks asking Avni about her ... All were just ignoring Juhi as always .. While she was busy clinging to Neil .. But Neil was also least interested .. He was kneely listening to Avnis talks .. How she is laughing and her cute antics .. How her mother and bebe are pampering her and how she is respecting her .. The first quality according to Neil his dream girl must have .. He thought while he looked at juhi he thought she never tried to mingle with her mother and bebe ever ..

He took a glass of refreshment which bheema didi brought for them ..

Shweta : so Avni beta tells me are you committed or stills singles .. How is my tillu do like him..

Hearing this very question Neil was shocked and Avni chocked her drink .. She was coughing badly .. Neil immediately left Juhis hand and rush towards her ..

Neil : Avni .. Avni are you okay .. Shhh calm down ..

He was gently stroking her back .. Soothing her ..

Bebe : oye Madam Madonna what was that .. ( whispers )

Shweta : what ... What was that bebe .. I don't know ..

Actually she was busy  adoring Avneil ..

Bebe : Why did you ask that question .. Does anybody ask such question and that too this straight ..

Shweta : offo bebe .. You are not seeings that what's I am seeings ..

Bebe : And what are you seeing can you do that kasht to tell me ..

Shweta : my future Bahu .. See bebe Avni is perfect girl for being my bahu .. And see how cute they are looking together .. I just hope that this Mini vacation bring Neil and Avni closer ..

Bebe : well first time you are talking something sensible .. Actually they looking cute with each other .. Hope your this words comes true and Avni becames our bahu ..

Shweta : haina bebe ..

Bebe nodded while Shweta took a pic of Avneil .. While Riya was the one who listened everything ..

Riya ( in mind ) : Aunty isn't wrong they looks cute and my Avu is only perfect for My bestie .. Don't worry Aunty I will make your this dream true .. I will make this fake girlfriend boyfriend a real couple .. *sly smile*

Shweta : Avni beta are you okay .. Come all lunch is ready

Shweta though didn't wanted to break the cute eye lock of Avneil but she has to broke as it was lunch time ..

Avni : umm Aunty I will also help you .. Please ..

Shweta : okay come ..

After few mims Avni and shweta came back with lunch and all took their seats .. Juhi was about to sit beside Neil but shweta stopped her ..

Shweta : juhi beta come here sit with me also you always talks with Neil na .. Give us fee mims of yours too ..

Juhi looked at shweta as if she saw some ghost but then only for Neil she sit beside shweta while shweta was giving a victory smirk as now Avni can sit beside Neil .. Avni came back with the last casarol and saw seat beside Neil is empty .. She was actually hesitated to sit first but Riya called her so she sat between Riya and Neil .. She gave neil a smile while Neil to smiled back .. All had their lunch and was waiting for sweet ..

Neil took a bowl of kheer ..

Neil : yummm this kheer is just awesome .. Who made this I just want to kiss her hand .. Mom you made it ...

Shweta nodded ..

Neil : bebe you .. I knew it you are the best cook of this world . 

Bebe : thanks tillu but I don't made it ..

Neil : then . 

Shweta stood up and then went to Avneil side she took Avnis hand and kept in Neils

Shweta : now kiss her hands she is the one to make such awesome kheer ..

Avni widen her eyes in shock ..

Neil : ( in mind ) she is looking cute ..

She looked down while he was looking at her intensely ..

And the slowly kissed her hand which send shiver down her spine when his cold lips touch her hand ..

While chuhi was burning with jealousy .. But she fake smile

After lunch ..

All settled down at sofa ..

Juhi : Neilu let's go somewhere na ..

Neil : umm sorry juhi actually I am going out for a business work .. Dad want me to go for a side visit .. He lied ..

Juhi hung face while Aliya smirked looking at him and shweta was dancing inside ..

Juhi : neilu should I also come ..

Riya : nooo .. I mean juhi what you will do you will get bored with us we are going for business purpose so ..

Juhi fumed and left from their .. While after few mins Avneil And Aliya to left for their journey ..

Shweta : oh gods ji today Avni and Neil are going as a friend but please when they are back make them each others soulemates .. They are but they had not realized yet so please god do your magic ..

Precap : Avneil at Avnis house at Udaipur ..

Holla guys .. Here is my next update sorry to not give you last night as I was bit lazy to give any ..

Do share your views and do comment ..

And also please do check my new story MENDING EACH OTHERS BROKEN HEARTS few chapters are up .. Do share your reviews ..


Vidhi ..

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