18. Propose

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After Breakfast behir sit together in living room to watch movie.

Mahir : so which movie would u like to watch madam ?

Bela : i dont know . ur house u decide.

Mahir : no thats not fair we both will decide it mutually as we both r going to watch it. So tell me what kind of movies u like ?
Action , Thriller, comedian, romantic or horror...

Bela (interrupts) : no no no please no horror movies otherwise i would not be able to sleep.

Mahir : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bela : 😒😒😒😔😔😔 u r laughing at me .

Mahir : sorry .

Bela : u tell me , what kind of movies u like ??

Mahir : normally i love to see horror and romantic movies but as u dont like it lets watch a romantic movie 😁😁.

Bela (shyly)  : okay 😶😶😶

They choose a movie randomly n starts watching it sitting on the couch.
Both r  sitting at a decent distance.

After some time, a kissing scene is shown and bela feels awkward watching it so closes her eyes while mahir looks at her and smiles .

Bela opens her eyes after a while only to close it again instantly as that kissing scene had lead to intimate scene.

Mahir sees all this but doesnot says anything and keeps staring at her lovingly .

Mahir ( in mind ) : i can't tolerate this distance between us anymore. U r in front of my eyes still i can't hug u, can't kiss you, can't.......☹☹☹☹

I dont know if u think me as ur friend only or u still have some feelings for me in ur heart.
You dont let me look at ur eyes and read ur eyes .
Is it to hide ur feelings ??
Whatever it is but i have decided now that today i will propose u n tell u my feelings.

Just being your friend i would not be able to know all things which r in ur heart . But i need to know everything i need to know why u hate me why u hate ur mahir 😟😟.

After the movie mahir wants to watch more movies but bela asks mahir to rest for a while.

Mahir : i dont need to rest . i am not sick anymore.

Bela : u dont want to rest right okay then we r not going to club tonight instead u will be going to bed early .

Mahir ( after thinking for a while) : okay i am going to take some rest but u too stay here and  rest with me.

Bela:  😱😱😱

Mahir :  I.. I mean u can take some  rest here in another room because u also need to rest as u r always doing something all the time and not letting me do anything.  So please take some rest.

Bela agrees and both go their respective room.

Mahir calls the club's manager and ask him to do some preparations. ( preparations for u know 😉😉 )

Mahir (thinking) : 😊😊wow i am going to propose her again .  Hopefully this time  she doesn't take it as joke and laugh at me for it as she did in past when i proposed her for the first time .


Behir used to study in same class and  same university.

Behir became good and close friends or should i say best friends (like pealie n bela r now ).
Both had feelings for eachother but scared to confess.

They also gave sweet nickname to eachother which is mahi and sona.

One day Mahir heard  some boys talking .

Boy 1 : r u sure u want to do this ? What if she rejects u ??

Boy 2 : no chance dude . Me n bela are very good friends and we have very good bonding. She surely has some feeling for me.  She will happily accept my proposal for sure.

( misunderstanding u knw 😐😐)

Boy 1 : okay then best of luck bro .

Mahir feels insecure hearing them . He knows that bela is not so friendly with anyone else except with him only . He knows that that boy has misunderstanding about bela's feeling but is still scared thinking she might accept that boy's proposal.

So he decides to propose her now itself as he can't take risk of losing her.

He goes running towards library as he knows bela is there but she was not there.
He searches her everywhere.  After sometimes he ask others about her and come to know that she is in a store room searching something for upcoming project. He goes to that room thanking them .

In the store room :

Mahir enters the room and sees her struggling to get something which is kept on the top of the shelf. She is not able to reach it due to her height so mahir goes to help her .

Sensing someone's presence in the room suddenly bela gets scared n turns towards him with a jerk due to which they stumble and fall on the floor. A very big curtain which was kept on the shelf also falls on them due to the movement and covers them fully.
They share a romantic eyelock under the curtain.
Position : mahir on the floor and bela on his top.

While our lovebirds r still busy staring at eachother, a staff comes to the store room and sees no one is there.  So he locks the door from outside thinking some one forgot to lock it after using it .

Lovebirds comes out of their eyelock .  Bela wanted to stand up but is not able to do that as mahir hands r holding her tightly on her waist.

Bela : mahi leave me i need to stand .

Mahir : i need to to tell u something sona.

Bela : mahi u can tell me that after standing too right.

Mahir ( finally realising their position ) : oh i m so sorry

Both stands up .

Bela : now tell me what u wanted to .

Mahir ( closing his eyes in fear of her reaction😆) : sona i love u

He opens his eyes after a while n sees Bela looking at him with a serious expression.

Mahir : sona please say some thing please.

Bela starts laughing at once and mahir looks at her confusingly.

Mahir : why r u laughing at this.

Bela : what else should i do  mahi. I know that u r pranking on me as a revenge for the prank i did on u right.

Mahir holds her arms and pulls her close to him.

Mahir ( in a serious tone ) : sona do u really think i will do such a prank on u and that too as a revenge of ur stupid prank. Look at my eyes sona cant u see the love for u ?
(Keeping her hand on his heart )
Cant u feel my feelings for you ?
Ur pure heart ur innocence ur kind nature made me slowly fall for u .
I love u sona i really love u .

He says the last line cupping her face with both hands.

Bela has now tears on eyes seeing which mahir worries.

Mahir : sona sona please dont cry . I m sorry if i hurt u. Its okay if u dont love me, i dont expect or compel u to to love me back. But i cant see u like in tears Please .

Bela ( hugging him and sobbing ): i love u too. I love u too mahi . And dont worry its tears of happiness

Promo :  read down for it 👇👇👇

Hope u all r liking the story. I changed this part lil bit as some readers were asking for the flashback of their "FIRST KISS" Which i had written on part 8 as a dream sequence of bela . But now i decided to write the flashback again with proposal scene too .
Resulting this part and next part to be longer .

So now u all know what is coming on next parts right?? 😉😉😉

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