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Chapter Twenty-Five: Sehun

Today was Saturday. No school.  Walked downstairs and saw no one they must be sleeping still. I got some milk and cereal cause the only one that can sorta cook is Suho. I sat down and ate then i heard a door open and close. I looked over at who it was and it was D.O.? I think thats his name he had kais over sized shirt on. "Oh. Morning." He said tring to walk down the stairs. "Need help?" I asked "Ah no im good thanks." He said I nodded. "Want anything to eat?" He asked "No im good."  Said pointing at my cereal. "Ok i'm kungsoo." He said as he took out cooking supplies. "Sehun." I said and he started to cook. Whatever it was it smelled good. I heard more door open and close. I saw all the nice people and all my other friends. Apparently im the only one left to open up. Well it wont be that easy. All i did with kyungsoo was proper introduction thats all.

Chapter Twenty-Six: Chen

I never went into Sehuns' I was too scared. I hid in a closet until everyone was asleep in the rooms and then i crept down and slept on the couch. In the morning i woke up early and went to the bathroom. When i came down everyone was downstairs already. I looked over to suho who smiled at me. I went over to him. "I never entered the room." I said and he looked shocked "where did you sleep then?" He asked "Couch." I said and he nodded. I walked over to D.O who was cooking "What you cooking?" I asked "Kimchi want some?" He asked "Please." I said and hugged his arm. I saw jongin coming and I immideatly let go of kyungsoo and left the kitchen.  We all went to the park. Yes including sehun. I walked away from the group amd went to this cherry blossom tree and sat down underneath it. I closed my eyes trying to find some peace. When i heard some footsteps coming to me or maybe somewhere else. I opened one eye and saw no one. Hm i swear i heard someone. "Peaceful huh?" Someone asked i jumped in shock and turned to see sehun "Uh yeah peaceful." I said he closed his eyes trying to find peace as well. He looked so hot like that. I shook my head and looked away.

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