Failed To Understand

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I will try to update back-to-back but I am giving no promises. I only promise the things I honestly do. So yeah, but I will try to make up for the days you all had to miss on the chapters! In the meanwhile, if you haven't already than go check-out my other/first book, A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER and follow the journey of Amalie in her quest to find answers of her past and falling in love with Austin. Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment!

Song Name: Girls Like You
Singer Name: Maroon 5
Cover By: Kurt Hugo Schneider, (KHS) Sam Tsui, & DSharp

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Archer's POV:

Reaching her house I park right outside. Reaching the door I ring the bell and wait, "Yes...?" It's Eve's mother Saira.

"Archer... What are you doing here?" She asks surprised.

"Don't worry Auntie I invited him. He was really worried about Evie. Come in. Evie's in her room. You're on time she just freshened up. You know bedroom, right?" Mark talks to me in a civil manner.

I nod, and forward. Climbing the stairs I head to her room but am stopped by Cameron, "You know her condition don't you?"

I nod, "At least the gist of it."

"Than why bother pursue her? I know you like my sissy and she likes you as well. But the fear of not making it drowns any hope of ever telling you how she really felt that day. She has many scars on her... Ones only I ever got witness a few times. Why bother after a girl who's nothing in comparison to the girls you'd prefer." I am totally stunned to see Cameron say such things when he's only 7.

"Because even after this much time I can't let her go. And even if she doesn't like me, I will try my best no matter the case. I was a coward then. And failed to understand her reasons. But this time I'm no coward. And I'll prove it. And by the none can compare when it comes to her regardless of her scars which in fact make her more beautiful than she is." I smile at the end.

He nods, "Sissy will do her best to push you away let's see if you can fight back. Good luck." With that he leaves.

I sigh, knowing it won't be easy to get her to follow her heart but I won't give up, not again. With that commitment in mind I knock on her door, "Mark, you do know you don't have to knock?"

Sighing, I open the door and see Eve on sitting on her bed Indian style and reading a book. She looks up and all color leaves her face. I close the door behind me and taking a chair I sit on her side. Actually in front of her.

"How are you feeling, Eve? I couldn't sleep a wink last night not knowing how you were." I truthfully state.

At least 100 emotions pass her eyes but the prominent one is sadness, "I-I'm better... Sorry to scare you."

Taking a risk I get up from my place and sit on her bed and putting out my hand I slowly raise to her cheek and the most amazing thing is that she doesn't reject me. It gives me a bit of hope even if it's only 0.1%. I'll take it. Placing my palm on her cheek I feel her cold skin against my warm one. She leans into my touch be it conscious or unconscious. I smile at her reaction.

"Eve?" I ask gently.


"How are you really feeling? Please don't hide your emotions from me." I gently say but anyone could tell I'm on the verge of begging.

She opens her eyes and removes her cheek from my palm, "I-I don't know anymore, Archer. I'm really lost... It's like I've got everything I wanted but I've lost as well."

Her eyes glisten with tears and moving forward sitting on top of the bed completely I move closer to her engulf her into a hug. Pulling her completely into my arms. She hugs me back and cries in my arms, "I'm tired of being strong, Archer... I'm scared... Scared of everything... And everyone... I don't know anything anymore..."

I listen to her and my hold on her tightens. Softly caressing her hair I kiss her head, "Eve? Will you look at me for a moment?"

She nods and loosening her hold she looks up at me, and she looks absolutely innocent the same face I fell in love with almost 2 years ago.

"You're the bravest girl I ever got to know and proud to know. It's perfectly fine to feel scared but it's not fine to hide it. I won't allow you to hide your emotions anymore at least from me." I say and kiss her cheek.

Instantly I'm rewarded with her beautiful blush making me chuckle at her innocence, she's too innocent which is why I wish her to be mine and hopefully she will be mine...

"W-What did you do that for?" She asks hesitantly.

I chuckle, "To tell you that I love you not just like. I know you'll reject it. But I don't care, not anymore. I will fight for the right to be with you, this time however long it takes... But before that I have to give you something that's long overdue."

I take out the bracelet I bought for her on her birthday but due to cowardice lost the chance to give it to her. I put it on her wrist and kiss the inside of her wrist. Looking at her I see her blush so deep that it takes everything in me not to kiss her then and there.

"Archer... You know my condition, so why?" She asks turning her head from me.

"Because I can't live without you. I thought that it was all in my head but yesterday when I saw you and the hurt in your eyes I realized I can't live without having you. Your smiles and just your happiness matters to me just as much as Charlotte's." I reply.

"I-I don't know..." She says still not facing me.

I turn her face towards me, gently, "Eve, go on a date with me. Please? If it's not worth it then I won't press my feelings on you, again. But I will still remain your friend. I won't ever let you go, again."

Her eyes are an open book and I know she's shocked to hear my words and I also know she's contemplating. This is the only way that I can at least have a chance to prove myself.

She nods, "But, I don't want anything fancy, and also I have a limited amount of activities I can do... So I doubt it can be anything interesting. But if you still want to go ahead."

I chuckle because I saw this coming, and nod, "Sure thing, Eve. But I promise you won't regret it. Now tell me have you had breakfast?"

She blows out air but shakes her head, I sigh, seeing this coming, "Alright, I'll have someone bring breakfast. I was wondering if you want to go on a stroll with me. It's sunny outside and I think you'll like the fresh air."

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