Fool's Dream

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Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment! Song and singer for this chapter are as follows:-

Song Name: Decode
Singer Name: Paramore
Cover By: First To Eleven

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.24

Evelyn's POV:

It's been one week since my overnight stay at the Theodores. And he's literally put his sister upfront to ask me what I'd like as a present just one hint. But I'm being stubborn as well.

"Seeing you're smiling means you're still giving my bro a hard time aren't you, Rain?" Chris asks as we walk to the chemistry lab.

The best thing that might've happened is that my partner is him so it's easier to talk to, I nod, "Yup! It's funny seeing him frustrated..." I giggle.

"Even though he's my brother but I'll admit that he's always so composed that it's actually fun seeing him a bit out of character." Chris chuckles.

This is the only class I have with all the boys and interesting thing is that they're paired in such a way that either they're sitting in front, beside or back of our table. We're concentrating on the lesson or trying to if they don't make jokes over each and every sentence the teacher says. I try my best to concentrate but it proves to be impossible.

At the end of class, we leave first since we all finished way earlier than the others. Reaching the lockers to put away my books and changing for the next period, I hear Mark talking on the phone. Whatever it is it seems serious.

He turns around and looks shocked to see me, he cuts the call, "Is everything alright, Mark? Where's Ly?"

"E-Evie... I want you to be calm before you hear anything..." Mark starts and it wipes the smile on my face and I know my looks are deathly calm, "Just continue."

"Earlier today, we received a text from one of our guards that something has happened. They were a bit late... And due to their carelessness, Aunt Saira was shot... Ly's already there..." My eyes widen and I grab his collar in utter anger, "All of this happened and you didn't bother telling me?!"

"Evie... I'm sorry..." I cut him off, "Your sorry is a bit too late! Which hospital is my Mom in?"

"Theodores owned hospital..."

I let his collar go, roughly, and run to my car, but before I can open my front door, Chris shuts it, "Rain, I'm driving. You're not in your senses. I'm not risking it."

I just nod and get in the passenger seat. Reaching the hospital in 15 minutes. I literally run to where Ly is... I know I bumped into people but I'm only 16... Ly is sitting in the waiting chair outside the operating theatre. Her eyes are bloodshot. Looking up she spots me and hugs me. I don't even know which emotion to display first...

"L-Lyra... Mommy?" I barely squeak out.

She just hugs tightly, "Don't worry, Evie... Everything will be okay."

I nod, and I sit beside her. Moments later Chris and Mark also arrive. I notice other people starting to come as well but I don't pay attention because at the same moment the doctor comes out, "Who is the family of Mrs. Colton?"

I stand up immediately, "Me... My name is Evelyn Colton. I'm her daughter."

He looks at me with sympathy, "Miss. Colton, we have some good news and some bad. The good news is that we were able to successfully remove the bullet... But the bad news is that Mrs. Colton has fallen into coma due to the heavy blow to the head. We'll have her shifted to the room in a little while."

My entire world crashes at the moment he says those words. The moment he leaves my legs give up on me and I end up sitting on the floor. People are shouting around me but I just tune their voices out. Why now? Why me? Why when I was finally learning the meaning of smiling?

Both my best friends hug me but I literally don't feel a thing, "Evelyn... Drink some water, please..." Chris says handing me a glass of water as they settle me on the chair.

Mark helps me drink it but I only think of the doctor's words as he said... It can take at least 2 or 3 months for her to come out of shock... If she doesn't come out then the chances are very slim.

What my mind spins upon is about Ron... How am I going to explain this to him? He's only a child... He shouldn't have to go through so many things and all at once...

"Evelyn dear... Please talk to us... I know you're not okay... Say something, please." Amalie says hugging me.

"Ron... Cameron... Where is he? Does he know?" I manage to ask.

Amalie pulls back a little so she can face me, "Yes, dear... He's with Austin, Archer, and Charlotte... They're on their way here."

My eyes widen, "NO! Don't let him come here! I don't want him to be worried. He shouldn't have to bear the burden. I'll go... I can't have him see Mommy like this."

I get up and start to walk but halt in my steps seeing Ron is already here, his eyes and tear-stained face, "I-It's okay Lee. You don't have to carry the burden on your shoulders all the time. I'm a big guy now... You can depend on me and tell me."

I walk up to him, sitting on my knees I pull his little body to me and constantly say sorry since it's my fault for thinking that I could let my loved ones live happily. It was a fool's dream. An illusion that I created myself. He wraps his little arms around my neck and I feel my neck wet meaning he's silently crying.

I just hug his little body and let him cry. Later, that evening I make him leave with Charlotte, Amalie, and Austin. I force Archer to leave as well but the stubborn guy doesn't leave and stays back with me. Checking Mom's condition I place a small kiss on her forehead and then take a seat on the couch. I bring my knees up to my chest and place my head on my knees. I silently scream at myself for everything... I should've been more careful. I should've known. The moment I saw the face of Adam nothing would remain the same. I was a total fool.

"Eve? Eve?" I raise my head to see Archer.

"Hey, you've not eaten anything... Our family's restaurant was nearby so I got you something to eat." I look at him blankly, he pulls the chair and sits in front of me placing the bags on a table which was near us.

He sighs, and takes my hands in his, he gently massages the backside of my hands with his thumbs, "Eve, You've been completely quiet... I know what happened has taken a great toll on you. But shutting everyone out, won't help you. We're really worried about you. Even now, Lyra, Mark, Bella, Chris, Hazel, Noah, Liam, the twins, Matt and Christy are soo worried about you. The only reason they even agreed to leave was so that I could stay behind... Please tell me what you're truly feeling. You have the right to feel all emotions. You're a human being and more than that you're only 16."

I don't know what overtakes me but I start crying... His words are my undoing, immediately, he stands up from the chair, sitting on the couch with me in his arms. He engulfs me in a hug that doesn't need any words. They say actions speak louder than words and it proves to be right.

Eventually, my breakdown stops, leaving me hiccupping. He places the glass of water near my lips for me to drink which I gratefully accept. Putting the empty glass away he wipes my tears, and his own stormy eyes look absolutely sad, "Don't worry, Eve. You're no longer alone. You have us all beside you. We won't leave you whether you like it or not. And don't lose hope so soon. Aunt Saira is a strong woman. Her strength shows in you and Cameron. If you two breakdown just how on Earth will she recover?"

"I-I know... It's just that I finally was starting to realize that I have the right to act my age... But the moment I truly started to smile it was once again r-robbed from me, Archer. Ron... He doesn't deserve this... He's only a kid. Yet he has to face so much..."

His arms around me tighten, and he gently puts a chaste kiss on my forehead, and even this situation I can't help but blush, "Eve, remember this. You were all alone when you were struggling with keeping a roof above your heads. You were alone when raising Cameron... But now you're not. You have Lyra and Mark to be pillars for you when you're down. My family and the ones I care about are beside you, ready to stand by you whenever however you want them to... And you have me..."

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