Like Father, Like Son

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I'm absolutely so sorry for the delay in the chapters... But a lots been going on in my life... I know I'm only 19 so how could I have so many happenings?! But here I am! Damn I should consider writing a story about my life! LOL😂😂. But enough with my rant. Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment!

Song Name: I Don't Care
Singer Name: Ed Sheeran & Justin Beiber
Cover By: KHS & Cimorelli

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.33

Archer's POV:

Kissing Eve is like no other experience for me. The innocence not only reflects from her actions but everything about her. It fills me with immense satisfaction that I'm her first kiss.

But more than that she's taking the risk to give us a chance. We had to come to Mom's boutique, which is in all major cities around the globe, due to the fact the brand which was supposed to send their latest design for some reason not only backed out but also didn't bother to apologize to Eve. I have a feeling it was done on purpose to embarrass Eve in this event. After all, she's one of the main attendances.

So right now me, my daughter and Mom are here whilst it's the 5th dress Mom has made her change because on all of them at least one of us had objected.

The next dress Eve steps out I'm completely blown away she looks absolutely stunning. Now I really don't want her to go to this event. The pale yellow off-shoulder dress is fitted at the waist and from there it's flowing. It wasn't the dress Mom sent her with but either way she looks beautiful in this one way more than the previous.

"What do you think?" She asks while giving the dress a little twirl.

The soft smile on her face means that she wants us to choose it even though she's asking for our opinion, I smile and nod while Mom and Charlotte or as she says Lotte go to her hugging her, "Evelyn dear this dress is absolutely gorgeous! You look stunning in it. Far more than the one I had suggested."

"Evie, you look like Belle! From beauty and the beast!" Charlotte giggles.

Eve matches her giggles with her own, "Thank you, Lotte. Actually, when I saw this dress I couldn't help but try it. It reminds me a lot of the story Daddy used to read to me, Beauty and The Beast. He often joked with me that I'm Belle just with blonde hair."

I walk up to them and place a peck on her lips unable to help myself and Mom gasps beside us whilst Eve's cheeks paint in the color pink making me smile, "He wasn't wrong in his perspective. But you're only my Belle, Pretty Girl."

I smile but the possessiveness in my voice is obvious, suddenly we both break out of the trance when I hear Charlotte's happy squealing, "Granny, granny, granny! Did you see that?! Daddy kissed Evie! Does this mean that you two are together?"

I laugh and pick my daughter into my arms, and nod, "We are, sweetheart. I see someone is very happy."

She nods excitedly, "I am, Daddy! Evie is everything and more I can ask for! She's the best! In the whole wide world!"

That earns her kiss on the cheek by Eve whilst she giggles, "Thank you, Lotte. It means a lot coming from you, sweetie pie."

"This has been the greatest news I've heard in some time, I'm happy for both of you, dearies," Mom says sniffling beside us.

Eve smiles softly, and hugs her, "Thank you, Amalie. But I may haven't admitted to having feelings for Archer if he didn't literally steal my first kiss."

Both the woman giggled, "Like father, like son! Would you believe that his father was the same and didn't give me time to even react."

I just shake my head at the two most important women in my life but the smile doesn't leave me either.

Adjusting my coat and grabbing my phone I left on charging in Bella's room I head back to my room which I'm sharing or at least intent to with Eve. My own Mom and sister kicked me out saying they wanted to Eve's hair and makeup.

Knocking on the door I hear Eve say 'come in' so stepping inside my voice gets caught in my throat meaning I'm tongue-tied seeing Eve. She's looking absolutely breathtaking. The dress didn't heighten her beauty, no I think it happened the other way round. Her hair is pulled into a sort of bun but with many strands escaping it making it look both elegant as well as beautiful. Her as a whole just looks beautiful.

"Archer? Are you alright?" She asks sweetly.

"You look breathtaking, Pretty Girl." I smile and step into the room.

Immediately I'm rewarded with her blush making me smile even more. I walk towards her and press my lips on her kissing her softly just expressing my feelings. She responds instantly, I pull back first because if I don't I would most probably tangle my hand in her hair and ultimately ruin my sister's work. I put my forehead to hers she looks up and her blue-green eyes sparkle with so much emotion it takes in me not to claim her lips again.

"I'm seriously starting to detest this party we need to attend," I grumble.

She giggles and puts her hands on my chest and I spot the bracelet I gifted her on her left wrist making me smile internally, "Sorry, Archer. But we can't back out now. Besides, it's held by one of the most powerful oil-tycoon owners. Besides aren't you guys supposed to be investing in a project in a few weeks?"

I sigh, knowing she's correct, putting my palm on her cheek I stroke it gently, "How can one girl be this beautiful? Your smile lights up everything and most of all me. I was really dead without you, Pretty Girl. Don't ever dare try to leave again."

Her smile dims a little and I know what's on her mind, "Don't worry, the operation will be a success. Dad talked to Bernard and he's told him that he has the best team of doctors in Australia doing the surgery. You've been through so much. This will be the last pain you'll need to endure. But this time, Pretty Girl you won't alone. You'll have all of us with you and most of all me. I love you."

The words leave my mouth so smooth, I should be shocked but no I'm not. If anything I'm surprised I held back till now, Eve looks stunned she started to speak but I cut her off, "Pretty Girl, don't. For once, let things go as they want. Don't push me away because this time I won't be pushed back or away. I was a fool even the first time. I love you and will prove it to you in ways you don't know. So this time let me be with you no matter what. If you're afraid about the danger you come with then don't bother. I still won't back out. Our name carries far more danger. And forevermore it will."

I peck her lips and go to the side table lower drawer picking out the jewelry box I had bought immediately after seeing the dress and her reason for choosing it. Turning to her I catch her curious glance but seeing the box in my hand she opens her mouth most probably to say no. Like I will have any of it.

"Don't bother arguing, Eve. We both know I'm far more stubborn than you. I bought this for you. So please, okay?"

She sighs but smiles nodding. I take out the necklace first and put it on her and then the matching earrings. She looks stunning with or without the jewelry but me being possessive want only the best for my girl.

But in all honesty, I don't like the shoes since I like our height difference but more than that I know that by the end of the party her feet will ache since she doesn't prefer heels.

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