Love Will Conquer

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Chapter No. 45

Evelyn's POV:

(3 years later)

"Mommy, my baby brother is absolutely cute! I'm gonna spoil him rotten." Lotte squeals but silently as to not wake her baby brother who's finally decided to grace us with his presence.

Holding my son in my arms is worth all the pain I bore. My condition worsened because apparently, I had some effects of PTSD due to which it was a bit difficult for me to get pregnant. I became a bit upset when I got to know that. But Archer didn't care for it at all. For him, my health came first.

So imagine my shock when I found out I got pregnant. It was a normal day at work, meaning as always my husband wanted to have lunch with his wife and daughter and we decided to have it at his office, since right after we both had meetings. I was just serving lunch when suddenly I got dizzy and fainted. My overprotective husband rushed me to our family hospital. Where he literally called the entire family and imagine my surprise when I came around everyone was gathered around me and both my mothers' told me that I am expecting! That was one of the few moments that I cried. Archer came forward and hugged me to him.

If I thought he was overprotective his overprotectiveness at that point knew no boundaries. He made sure that I called him every hour or so. If for some reason I couldn't he would immediately call Mom and ask her if I was doing okay.

Those months were interesting as well as a bit irritating for me as he was on to my every move and even increased security. I knew he was just protecting us but sometimes it felt too much. So I often got into fights with him. Finally, when I was unable to get through him I talked to Dad and made him see reason and the fact that I was starting to feel suffocated. He then talked to Archer and even though he was stubborn he relented by allowing me to have a little freedom but only if he was with me.

Looking at my son, even though he's so small right now but I have a very strong feeling he'll have his father's stubborn personality. I kiss his forehead and he lets out a little yawn. That I coo at.

"My son is stealing my time with my wife. She's so focused on our son that I think she's completely forgotten about her poor husband." My husband literally pouts and I giggle that he's actually jealous of his son.

"Do you want to hold him?" I look at him.

He looks at me and our son with so much love that it almost brings tears to my eyes. Our family is now complete. We have our daughter who's both mine and his life, Charlotte and now our son has graced us. There's nothing I want any more than to capture this moment forever in our lives.

"Mommy, I've got it! I have found the perfect name for my baby brother." Lotte squeals.

Archer gently takes our son into his arms and the look he has in his eyes gives me the confirmation that this little guy is gonna be spoiled rotten.

"He looks completely like you, Pretty girl."

I giggle at that one and shake my head, "Archer, our son looks like you."

"Mommy! Daddy! I've thought of a name for the baby!" Lotte squeals.

We both laugh at her voice, I pull her closer to me and she climbs into bed with me, Archer is gonna say something but one glare from me has him shut up.

"So what name has our Lotte come up for her baby brother?" I ask.

"Actually it was a name me and Cam both came up together. It's Zachary." Charlotte looks at me then her Daddy for approval.

Names had been suggested by our families but I like the name Zachary most. I look at Archer and he nods at me. I smile and look at our daughter who's recently turned 7, "Baby, I love the name. From this forward, our newest addition to the family's name is Zachary Leon Theodore."

I kiss Charlotte's forehead and she giggles in turn. At that moment, we hear a knock, and looking towards the door I see both my mothers and family pile in.

"Evie, how are you feeling?" Mommy asks.

I smile, even though I feel a bit weak but right now I'm the happiest I've been in years, "I feel tired but otherwise feel great. Also, we've decided on the name of our son."

Everyone looks at us in anticipation, "It's Zachary Leon Theodore." Archer answers for us.

"I knew it! Sissy chose the name I and Charlie came up!" Ron fist pumps in the air.

We laugh at his antics, everyone bet that their name would be chosen but in the end, we chose none of their suggestions but chose a name completely different than everyone's expectation.

It felt good and the feeling was like no other. I never knew that instead of hatred and wittiness, all I needed was love and it conquered all of my demons, unbeknownst to me. I was brought out of my thoughts when Zachary started to cry and Dad handed me, my sweet little bundle of joy. As soon as he came into my arms he settled and let out a cute little yawn that made me coo at his cuteness. He was definitely going to be like his father and grandfather, with looks that could make anyone fall to their knees.

Slowly, everyone left and it was me, Archer, and our son now in his father's arms. His expression while holding onto our son was so sweet that if possible it made me fall in love more with the man that I proudly call my husband.

"Our family is now complete, we have our sweet princess and now our prince decided to make his appearance. What do you say, Archer?"

Archer smiled in my direction, "I am still outnumbered by the number of beautiful women we have to protect so I think we might need another prince to protect our beautiful princess."

I blushed at his comment but continued already knowing the answer to my question, "What if we have a princess instead of a prince next time?"

"Then, I would say, I couldn't be more blessed than I would be then and now. But no way in hell am I going to let my angels date. No way is that going to happen." He became stern, immediately.

I almost laugh at the fact that he is thinking of the future way more than I do but I wouldn't change anything about it, even if later in the future Charlotte may blame me. But his overprotectiveness is the reason I finally collapsed and gave in to the love that I relentlessly tried to hide and it's clear, Archer was right.

He looks at me so tenderly and asks me, "What's going on in your mind, my beautiful wife?"

I giggle at his choice of words, after we got married, there isn't a single chance he lets go to call me his wife, which of course, I adore as well, "Nothing, I was just thinking about something, you once said." He looks at me expectantly to clear.

I smile and ask him to come near and carefully he settles on the bed, handing me little Zachary, who lets out a little yawn, which makes both of us coo at him, "Archer, you were right, your words: Love Will Conquer was..." I shake my head, "Is correct. Your love for me won over everything."

He kisses my forehead, shaking his head, "That is not true, Wife, my love only conquered because you also believed in it otherwise it could've lost as well. So thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself worthy of your love."

My eyes fill with tears and he smiles and gently removes the tears, "I am hoping that those are happy tears because you know very well that I can't bear your tears."

I start laughing again, this guy is incredible. He hugs me lightly not wanting to disturb our baby. When he tries to take him away Zachary immediately starts crying and I take him back immediately making his Dad pout, "I can't believe my son already has favorites."

This marks the end of the journey of Archer & Evelyn. They had their own ups & down and life wasn't easy for them. But they finally found their back to each other.

I admit that it took much longer than what was promised. But I promise to make up for it. The next journey we are about to discuss or going to board is LOVE WILL FIND IT'S WAY BACK.

Get on board and learn and enjoy the journey of Christian Theodore & Alice Edwards. How will their lost love find its way back, only time and of course reading the book will tell!

See you in the 3rd book of the LOVE series!

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