Much Rather That She Smiles

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So the song and singer for this chapter are as follows:-

Song Name: Anyone
Singer Name: Demi Lovato
Cover by: Halocene

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.11

Archer's POV:

Saira gasps at the info she received, Mom did as well while I looked them wide eyes, "Of course, the idiot didn't tell you. Dad was worried about something like this so he sent me and Mark here earlier than we agreed on... I know Aunt it's too much for you... But please don't mention it to Evie... She'll take unnecessary stress. She needs rest so I and Mark will take over for the time being letting her bear the least stress."

"We know Evie very well. She'll only not worry if we're here working with her. We didn't want her to take the Theodore contract but since Mr. and Mrs. Theodore were so sincere we couldn't say no... But most of the meetings will be with either of us." Mark says in his business tone.

"Come on, Mark, let's get settled in before Evie returns... Oh and Aunt Saira we're using your kitchen!" Lyra says and they both go to the rooms on the floor which I suppose are guest rooms.

We were about to leave when Evelyn returns, her eyes are red meaning she had cried, Mom really wanted to hug her but resists, "I'm sorry for being so rude... I just couldn't fathom with the notion that you all know Daddy... I just don't know. But please if possible refrain from asking me about what happened... I just don't want to involve anyone ever again." She smiles, sadly.

Was it wrong that I wanted her to use my shoulder to lean on and cry... I'd much rather see her smiling than this. For some reason, it tore me from the inside.

Mom doesn't hold back and hugs her tightly she returns it with an equal response. Dad pats her head. And she looks at him surprised, "What?" He asks.

She shakes her head, "N-Nothing the way you patted my head was exactly how Daddy used to do it."

Dad nods, Evelyn lets Mom go, "I am sorry... I really am... I hope you all can forgive me."

"You don't need to apologize, Evelyn dear, it's not easy to put your trust in people when you've been so ruthlessly been betrayed," Dad says.

She nods and then goes inside but her brother stays outside still, "I've seen sissy at her weakest. I have a photographic memory. So I remember anything I just saw once. I don't know who killed Dad but I know he was also a friend to them both just like you. So yeah that would've been her reaction... My sissy is the strongest but weakest for us. So please if you really care either stay away or stand with her no matter the case." With that, he goes inside as well.

I couldn't believe a kid just lectured us but it raises questions in my mind, friend? Just like Dad and Ashton were? It's not as simple as it seems.

Evelyn's POV:

Entering my home, I sigh thinking about the stupid scene I created out of my carelessness... Not everyone is like them... I know for sure that's why I trust Mark and Lyra. I really miss those goofballs. I hear noises I follow them only to be shocked!

"Mark... Lyra?" I ask totally spooked.

Both of them were conversing with Mommy when they turned their bodies in my direction smiling, "SURPRISE!" Both say together.

They run up to where I stood in the lounge. They attacked together making me meet the floor. We all laughed at their stupid antics. A moment later Ron stepped inside the lounge and looked at them surprised, and then landed on top of the two. Thank goodness I stepped aside before he landed on them.

Because of their unannounced arrival, for then at least the atmosphere lightened up. It was now after 9 in the night when suddenly Lyra asked me to step outside just us two girls. Because Mom, Ron, and Mark already left for the movies.

The only reason I hate Lyra is that she makes me dress up even when it's just us two... Since my hair is long and hers is short she loves playing with my hair. She left it open with my side bangs at their place and made a headband braid of my hair. I wish I was talented like her. But anyways it looked really nice.

"Now, Evie, I have the perfect outfit planned."

"Oh no, you don't! I'm not changing my clothes, again! I'm going with this outfit whether you like it or not." I huff out.

She pouts, "I know... but the one I chose makes you look more like a girl... You know sweet and innocent..."

"Forget it. If you wanna stroll then you'll have to bear me like this otherwise forget it. Your stroll consists of us walking for at least an hour. I don't mind but if you want me to be preppy for a walk you can forget it." I say in a tone finality.

"Fine... You and Mark are impossible!" She raises her arms in surrender.

I giggle at her actions. Putting on my converse and grabbing a small bag with me to put my iPhone and wallet, I put it sash style. Closing the door behind me I walk first with Lyra following me.

"So... A lot's been happening since you returned... Hasn't it?" Lyra asks in a round-about way.

I nod but know what she wants to know, "Lyra, I know that Uncle is worried about my health. But rest assured, I'm okay."

She scoffs, "Oh yeah, that's why you had a high fever till you collapsed! You could've told me or rather my Dad and the meeting could've been postponed! Evie, I know you're passionate and determined but forcing yourself beyond the limits is equivalent to playing with fire... Don't try to be everything. Let us help..."

I hold her hand in mine, "I know... I've just been so alone Ly, I don't know how to depend on others and let people into my heart without hurting myself..."

"I know that's where I and Mark come in. You will always have us no matter what." She smiles at me.

I can't help but smile back. We walk in silence but it's a comfortable silence. Since we live nearby the commercial area and of course night clubs there's high pitch music literally coming out of them... God! How do people survive in there?

We were talking when we heard noises for some odd reason my feet refused to move from their place, "I-I am sorry... Trisha... But going to a club... Mom will freak out! A-And we're under-aged. We're not supposed to be even here."

"Oh, nonsense! Besides I come here often. Besides don't you wanna experience adulthood??" The other girl says.

"Evie? What's the matter? Leave them be. It's a girl's problem. We don't need to get involved." Ly says.

But for some reason I don't feel good about this, "I don't know Ly... Something's not right. Just to be safe let's take a closer look? Please?"

She sighs but relents to wish. We follow the voices to see a timid girl of almost my height trying her hardest to make her friends stop from entering but instead they're trying to drag her with them, "I don't wanna go! I thought it was a girl's night out! I even lied to Mom! I'm not going in there!"

The boys in the group have malicious intent towards her I can feel it even from standing all the way here, "Don't worry, Ana, a little fun doesn't hurt anyone." A sandy blonde guy says.

"If you wanna remain with us, learn the rules, or beat it." The girl who talked before says.

"I-I..." Her stuttering is cut off by a third girl, "Great! Then let's go!"

Her hand is taken by the blonde hair guy but she pulls back immediately, he looks agitated but still tries again and the same reaction, "Harry... I don't feel comfortable ho-holding hands."

He corners her but her friends don't do anything instead, silently watch the encounter. She looks utterly terrified. I look at Ly and she looks back at me with the same intent.

We walk towards them, Lyra pulls the guy forcefully back and I take hold of the girl's shoulder, "Are you alright?"

She's shaking to the point of  crying but still shakily nods, "What's the big deal, you bitch?" He says to Ly. Oh boy, now he's in for it.

She roughly grabs from his collar, "Look here you bastard I utterly despise shit heads like you. Get lost or don't say I didn't warn ya!" She grits out.

She lets go and he meets the ground, she turns around but his other buddy tries to grab for Ly and I lose it, I let go of the girl's shoulder and roughly grab his wrist in my right hand twisting it, using his weight against him I throw him over my shoulder and he meets the ground with a thud.

The other two boys try to lung for us but we only smirk at one another. It's been some time we got some exercise done. Using my left leg kick the lanky guy in the gut whereas, Ly punches the loser who didn't learn his lesson till now in the face. Hearing a crack noise, for sure I know she just made him more ugly.

In between the mess, the girls escaped. But we still call the police on them. They were half drunk even before going to the club and they're under-aged.

We take the girl to nearby café and make her sit in the corner, Ly leaves to get water. She's calmed down but of course, this was a bit disturbing for her...

"Sorry, I didn't get water. But will coke do?" Ly says handing her a bottle.

She nods and takes the bottle opening the cap she takes a few sips, and then finally stops shivering, "Th-Thank you..."

She looks up at us for the first time and has the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen, we both smile at her, "No probs. But were they your so-called friends?"

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