Sense Of Security

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Here is another chapter of your favorite book! Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment! Do either of them and I promise to update more often hehe.


inger Name: William Arthur
Cover By: KHS, Madilyn Bailey, & Joshua D. Evans

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.31

Evelyn's POV:

Today I'm kind of irritated since Uncle on purposely is holding a meeting with the Theodores' and Smiths'. If looks could kill the elder son of Mr. Smith would be buried 100 feet below the Earth. Today only Archer and Mr. Theodore are in the meeting and the same from the Smiths'.

To make matters worse, Uncle Bernard on purposely made the elder son sit beside me whereas Archer is seated on my opposite. And it doesn't help that Smiths' stood by Dream Palace even in the time of the collapse. Harold the son of Mr. Smith already has a girlfriend but he's teaming with Uncle because he wants them to have a taste of their own medicine and another thing that Uncle doesn't want me near them again. He's afraid that they'll hurt me again. I don't blame him but as far this plan goes why do I have a very bad feeling that they're trying to make Archer snap just to see his control and feelings for me?

I wanna leave the room but unfortunately, I can't... Why does Uncle Bernard loves to test people? I can only hope that nothing goes wrong.

"So Evie, as I was asking the fashion week in Milan the next week you're heading there with Lyra, right? Why don't you accompany me as my date for the event?" Harold asks.

I hear a snap and looking forward I see the pen Archer was holding snapped in two, "Wow, Mr. Theodore, I knew you guys have strength but this may not be the most appropriate place for demonstrating your strength." Harold says adding oil to the lit flame.

"Harold... I" Uncle takes over, "I think it's a fantastic idea, and Harold since you're from Milan why don't you show my niece around your hometown?"

My eyes snap to Uncle and his eyes hold humor as well as mischievousness, "Wonderful idea, Bernard! My wife has been missing Evelyn's company. She's a darling for us. It would be an honor for us to show her around, dear you've not made any reservations have you?"

"Actually Grey, I was hoping that maybe my daughter and niece can stay at yours," Uncle says.

"Actually..." This time Archer slams the conference table, "Sorry to interrupt, but Eve is already attending the event with me. She agreed to it. Besides, Lyra won't be accompanying her as she will be going the same day to France with Mark. So maybe some other time." Yikes! That was unexpected.

Uncle doesn't look happy, "Who are you to make decisions for my niece, last time I recall you left her when she needed you the most."

Archer looks Uncle square in the eyes, this time not backing out, "I regret not being there but there won't be a second time. I don't care how long I have to wait for that chance. And besides, she already accepted being my partner for the event. As long as Milan counts I've been there countless times and we Theodores have a summer house there so we'll stay there."

If anything uncle looks even angrier than before but this time Mr. Theodore takes over, "You don't need to worry Bernard, we're all going as a family, so you don't need to worry about Evelyn being alone. And you can trust us."

"I did once, what happened then?" Uncle grits out.

"Now, now, Bernard, let the past be the past. Besides, if anything happens our doors will always be open for Evelyn dear. Also Archer you don't need to get anxious or jealous, my son already has a girlfriend and she'll kill him if he even thinks about another woman." Mr. Smith clarifies whilst silently chuckling.

This doesn't ease the tension I feel radiating off of him and for some reason, I have this feeling uncle did this on purpose. I sigh and just wish the meeting would end sooner.


Having back to back exams and handling business is no easy feat. To make things even more complicated the idiots had to leave the country in the middle of my exams. Unfortunately, we three have different courses, which results in different exam timings. And to top things off since I took off prior before I couldn't do it again and they had already taken exams ahead of time.

There were just some minor problems but nothing something I couldn't handle. And as expected problems have started to arise between us and the Thompsons. I haven't yet told anyone but Archer somehow knows. Which is also a reason for him being easily angered these days. He wanted me to rely on him but as always I didn't and well let's just assume that he wasn't happy. Neither was Chris for that matter.

I was so tired the moment my back hit the seat of the private jet I passed out. I had felt something or someone move but I was so deep in sleep I didn't feel much about it.

I never knew my bed had men's scent on it. I cuddled more into it. I felt as though its hold on me tightened. Wait a second... Since when could a bed even hold a person? Let alone tighten it hold...

Opening my eyes I come face to face with a sleeping Archer. If I was shocked before it's nothing compared to now. Looking around as much as I can I know for sure we've arrived at their summer house.

I realize just now that I'm literally lying on Archer's chest. And a settled very snuggled on him. Not that I think he minded. Because the moment I try to wiggle free his hold tightens even more.

Poking his chest I try to wake him but the guy sleeps like a log! In seconds, I squeal in surprise as he turns over and has me trapped under him. Thankfully, he's supporting his weight on his elbows because the guy is heavy no joke there.

Seeing him smirk I narrow my eyes at him meaning he was awake all this time, "Morning, pretty girl. Slept well?"

I nod, "Yeah, since when were you awake?"

He chuckles, "I've been awake for at least 20 minutes ago but seeing your cute sleeping face I didn't want to get out of bed."

"So did you have to pull me on your chest?" I ask.

He nods, "Yup, I like having you in my arms, and before you ask I couldn't take you to your room because you clung to me like a koala to a tree. Not that I minded." With that he kisses my forehead a habit I've noticed nowadays, he does often.

I never cling to anyone... Ever. So it really surprised that I relaxed to the point that I even let someone carry me and I slept on the person without being scared or being alert.

I felt Archer sit up and since I'm still on his chest I sit up with him and end up on his lap, caressing my hair, "Pretty girl, what are you thinking?"

Looking up my eyes get lost in his stormy grey ones, they sparkle with emotions I didn't know one could feel just by looking into another's eyes, "It just feels so different and new the fact I let someone close to me without reacting... Not only that I slept comfortably... Usually, I never can no matter what I try... It feels different and a good different with you, Archer."

A soft smile takes over his features, "I'm glad that I give you a sense of security, Eve. I would never do anything to hurt you, not again. And I will prove it, pretty girl. And I hope that deem worthy of your love."

I giggle at his words and kissing his cheek I jump out of the bed and his lap, since his hold loosened due to my sudden affection, "Hey! That's unfair!" I can't believe that I see a pouting Archer.

I can't but laugh at his actions. Shaking my head I head over to my suitcase and take out the clothes. Since the event isn't till 8 in the evening I have time to explore.

Taking a quick shower, I change into my clothes.

Since we're not leaving I leave my sweater on the bed and taking phone head outside only to come face to face Amalie, "Evelyn dear... I was about to check up on you. Breakfast is ready."

I nod, "Thank you. Where's Archer? I don't see him."

She sighs, "Probably, in a fight with Charlotte to get her to drink her milk. I swear she hates milk with a passion like no other."

"Hmm... Maybe I can change that. Where are the father-daughter duo?"

Amalie's eyes widen a bit but retain her composure, "Follow me, dear."

Remembering the recipe Daddy used to make specially for me. Going downstairs I see exactly what Amalie said making me giggle. I forgot that everyone is also downstairs. Everyone's eyes are on me and for some reason, it makes me conscious of my actions but then again since when did I start caring.

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