Chapter 12

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After the long lunch, Katherine asked if they could visit her friend Alice. Joey said he'd love to meet her best friend. She never got to cancel their plans, so Alice should be getting to Katherine's house right about now.

The two quickly made their way to the mansion and walked through the door. Just as she had suspected, Alice was sitting on a couch in their den, having tea with Katherine's mother. The second they entered, Alice got up and practically tackled her best friend.

Then she caught sight of Joey. "Umm, Kat, who's this?" She inquired in confusion and slight worry.

Katherine let out a huff of air. "It's a long story." Alice led them back to the den and Joey relaid what had happened to Alice and Katherine's mother.

Once finished, Cecilia stood and kissed Joey on the forehead. "Bless you Joey! You might be the key to fix this!"

The former Newsie blushed. He was about to reply when there was a knock at the door.

Katherine stood up and strolled over to the door and turned its handle. What she didn't expect was to see Davey standing there, panting.

"Davey?! What are you doing here?" She questioned him. When he began to breathe normally, he answered. "I came to get you. You really need to come see Jack. He's not doing all that great. He needs you now more than ever."

Katherine's heart sank. This was exactly what she didn't want to hear.

"Kat? Who's at the door?" A voice pipped up from behind the reporter. She moved out of the way to reveal Alice standing there.

Davey and Alice's gazes were locked on each other. He examined her, from her nearly platinum blonde hair, to her sapphire blue eyes that were enhanced by her pearl white dress, to her lovely smile, and every other detail. She did the same for his. Though the exchange lasted a few seconds, it felt like hours to the two.

Katherine observed them and could almost smell their new budding romance. She wished she didn't have to, but she cleared her throat and her friends snapped back to reality.

"Davey, this is my best friend Alice." She started the introductions. Then turning to the blonde she continued. "Alice, this is Davey, he was one of the newsies I help in the strike." Davey took off his cap and gave a low bow. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance miss." Alice blushed and curtsied. "The pleasure's all mine."

Again, Katherine had to interrupt the two. She invited the Newsie inside and closed the door behind him. "Davey, I'm sure Jack has told you about how my father has made it his mission to keep us apart. I can't see him. I'm too scared of what those Delancy brothers will do to him." Katherine's voice started to crack. Tears filled her eyes. This was worse than torture. She couldn't live like this.

Alice moved and enveloped her best friend in a loving hug. Davey looked at his feet, unsure of what to do. Then an idea struck Alice. "I've got it!"

Katherine and Davey stared at her, anxiously waiting for her to relay her plan. "What if Joey and I were messengers between you and Jack. That way, you don't have to stop all communications. Your father would never even know!"

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