Chapter 14

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(A.N. Hey guys! So, this chapter, sadly, is mostly a filler that was written poorly cause I was rushing to finish it. Sorry! But worry not, good stuff will happen in the chapters to come. So stay tuned!)

A couple of weeks had passed and it seemed like the messenger arrangement was going to work out.

Joey would bring Katherine a letter and a drawing Jack had done in the morning, while Alice would bring a letter to Jack in the evening when she visited the boys (mostly Davey).

Katherine's first letter to him was a warning. Her father heard about the encounter with Jack while she was with Joey, so he hired the Delancy brothers to be "bodyguards" everywhere she went. Joe even paid them extra to attend her birthday party as lookouts/muscle if the need arose.

Katherine ended the letter there, wishing she didn't have to write those words, wishing she could just have Jack right beside her.

She hated being followed around by those idiotic apes 24/7. It was suffocating! Not being able to be alone for five minute to think in peace without their constant jabbering was unbearable.

When she'd arrive home, it wouldn't be much better. Her father demanded that at least one of the house staff must have her in sight at all times. She was going crazy!

Cecilia and Alice were her support, since she couldn't have Jack.

For the last few days, the three of them were putting the finishing touches on Katherine's party, which her mother insisted be a magical masquerade ball.

How else would the daughter of the most powerful man in New York City spend her 17th birthday party?

Well, Katherine had some ideas, but her father wouldn't hear it.

He never did hear her out. That was just part of his "charm".

Katherine left most of the planning to her mother and her best friend, aside from the occasionally opinion about the color of certain things or patterns for tables. She didn't care about her birthday now.

There was this emptiness inside of her, one she knew could only be filled by Jack, the boy who had stolen her heart.

It was now two days till the ball. Cecilia walked into Katherine's room holding a lovely black box with a blue bow.

"What's that?" Katherine ask halfheartedly. "Oh please do cheer up a bit Katherine. I know this is hard. Believe me. But it will get better." Cecilia replied as she placed the box on Katherine's bed next to her daughter, then began rub her shoulders soothingly.

Katherine smiled sadly up at her before opening the box. "Whoa! Mother, is this for-" "The Ball? Yes. I always thought you looked beautiful in the color Rose." Cecilia replied.

Katherine pulled out a gorgeous rose gown. "Well, don't just stand there. Go try it on!" Her mother urged. She quickly changed into it and walked out to show Cecilia.

The minute Katherine emerged wearing the dress, her mother started crying. "You look so grown up. Oh my dear Katherine." She pulled her into a hug, trying her best not to ruin the gown. Katherine too was on the verge of tears.

When Cecilia broke away, she placed a hand on her daughter's chin and tilted her head up and looked into her eyes. "This won't last. That much I can promise." She finally said. Those few words gave Katherine hope. Hope that this hell she was living in would end soon.

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