Chapter 17

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(A.N. Jackie's back! Ain't ya glad? I for sure am! And I owe Katherine___Plumber for the masquerade ball appearance prompt. Thanks doll! Y'all should really checkout her stories. They're fantastic! Anyways, let's get down to business, to discuss this chapter. This will explain everything and end where the last one left off. To celebrate Jack's return, this chapter is EXTRA EXTRA long! Until then my loves, Dreams come true, yeah they do, in Santa Fe!)

"Okay, so explain to us again what this "plan" is, 'cause I'se lost." Race said, thoroughly confused.

Crutchie chuckled beside him. "Oh come one Race, it ain't dat hard to follow." Romeo playfully punched his friends shoulder. Race didn't look like he was playing though.

After Joey and Jack had discussed the plan in the penthouse, the gathered the other Newsies and Alice to help put it into action.

Jack groaned and Joey started from the beginning...again.

"Katherine's mother has a plan for getting Jack into Katherine's ball. And we need all of your to help. Some of you guys will be disguised as guests. Being a masquerade, no one will know. A few of you will be hiding in the gardens. The rest of you be ready if something happens. Okay so far?" He paused. The boys all nodded in agreement.

"Good. So, the guests will be Alice, Davey, Jack, Romeo, Race, Albert, and myself." Romeo, Albert and Race all jumped up from their seats.

"What exactly would we 'ave ta do to be "guests."" Race inquired, skeptical. Romeo and Albert took a step closer to the former Newsie, arms crossed.

"Well," Joey began. "You'd have to dress up in suits for one-" he was cut off by a loud "WHAT?!" said in sync by the three boys.

Jack rolled his eyes at his brothers. "Fellas! It's just for one night. Give it a rest will ya!" He shouted at them.

They shut their mouths tight. Davey walked over and placed a hand on Jack's shoulder, trying to calm him.

Joey went on telling the boys the rest of the plan. When he was finish he divided the rest of the group of boys for the outside parts. He dismissed them and walked over to the guest group.

Jack was the main focus. Over the two days, Alice gave him dancing lessons and Joey taught him about manners. Nothing extremely fancy, but just the basics.

Davey didn't really need to be tutored, but the troublesome trio, they were the real challenge. Thankfully they didn't have to do much other than keep an eye on Katherine.

Tonight was the ball, and the only nervous one was Jack. He'd practiced the dance steps hundreds of times, he took an actual shower and Joey helped him look like royalty.

The mix-match group made their way to the Pulitzer mansion. Just the sight made most of the newsies gasp.

"Kath lives 'ere?!" Jojo exclaimed. Jack nodded distractedly. His mind was set on one thing and one thing only. Katherine.

Joey called for their gang to follow him. He led them to a rear door. He stepped up to it and knocked four times.

Not a minute later, a middle aged woman with light brown hair and a gold colored gown emerged from the inside.

"Hello everyone. So, I take it that this is the famous Jack Kelly I've been hearing all about for the past few months." She said as she pointed to Jack.

Joey stepped forward. "Yes Mrs. Pulitzer. This is Jack." She smiled and quickly surrounded Jack in a tight hug.

'This is Ace's mother?! I never would have thought that someone who is married to ol' Joe could be so....kind.' Jack thought.

When she released him, her eyes were filling with tears. "Thank you Jack, for being so good and kind and loving to my daughter. Know that you are the best thing to happen to her." She praised.

Jack wasn't wearing his mask yet, so everyone could see how his face became very red. The boys chuckled, not knowing the last time Jack was this red.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ma'am." Jack said. She gave him a nod. "Alright, I have to get you in quickly, so those of you who are coming in, follow me." She motioned for the 7 attendees to walk behind her as they made their way to the Ballroom.

Upon entering, everyone except Alice and Joey gasped in awe. It was huge and expensively decorated. They quickly regained their bearings and split up.

Jack kept his eyes pealed for his girl. He didn't have to wait long. The second Katherine came into view, time slowed to a stop.

Jack's heart skipped a beat...or several. She was so beautiful she stole his breath away. She was just like an Angel. He was mesmerized by her glamour and elegance.

He was snapped out of the trance she put him in by Joey tapping his shoulder. "Time to put the plan into affect." He whispered to Jack.

Everyone was playing their parts. Race was playing his a little too well since he somehow convinced a group of girls that he was a wealthy bachelor with Albert as his wingman, while having Katherine in his sights miraculously.

Romeo had an extra role, he had purposefully tripped Katherine, after her dance with Joey, and flirt with her, giving Jack a smooth excuse to get close to her.

Alice and Davey were there on the sidelines watching in anticipation for Jack to spill the surprise. They will never forget seeing Katherine's face when Jack told her.

Alice squealed and jerked Davey into a tight hug. He wasn't complaining, till he though he broke a rib. They separated. and gazed into each others eyes, their faces mere inches apart. They stood like that for a moment before returning to the scene in front of them. Their best friends were together at last!

(So, for a visual of Jack and Katherine's outfits, I made what I imagine them wearing and I put them as the picture above.)

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