Chapter 20

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(A.N. Happy Easter everyone!!! I hope you had a great day!!! Here's the next chapter, as promised. It's shorter than usual, sorry! Without further a due, Chapter 20!)

Jack found his footing and stood upright before the Delancys, not bothering to dust himself off as he took a step forward.

Davey protectively took Alice aside and positioned himself in front of her in case something happened. Race was right next to Jack and Romeo.

"No one, an' I mean no one touches my Ace like that." Jack said in a low but threatening voice.

Race and Romeo stuck out their chests to appear robust. "Yeah!" Romeo yelled.

"Oh, it looks like the lousy little shrimp thinks he's tough enough to fight." Morris mocked, ignoring Jack's threatening remark. He took hold of Romeo's shirt and shoved him roughly to the ground in Davey and Alice's direction.

That's when Jack started throwing punches.

He nailed Morris on the jaw and kneed him in the stomach, making him stumble backwards.

Oscar lunged at Jack, light glinting off his brass knuckles. Race tackled him, elbowing his side and sending a hard punch to his face which undoubtedly broke his nose.

While they were engaged in a fight, Morris some what regained his balance and charged at Jack. He sent a fist toward Jack's throat but he easily dodged it and retaliated by kicking behind Morris' knee then pushing him downward, making him fall flat on his face.

Shouts were heard and started getting closer. Jack turned his head and smiled upon seeing some of the other newsies running to aid their friends.

Morris took this to his advantage.

He grabbed Jack's leg and yanked it out from underneath him. Jack collapsed onto the hard ground, hitting his head on a nearby stone. He cried out in pain.

He tried to focus his eyes on the enemy ahead but his vision had started getting blurry and dark. He looked up and saw Morris standing over him, ready to finish it. His sight was getting more and more unfocused.


A loud noise erupted throughout the yard. Jack stared at the scene he'd just blurrily witnessed.

Crutchie had managed to somehow sneak up on Morris and hit him with his crutch, hard. The blow knocked him out cold. Albert and Jojo helped Race deal with Oscar, who was now unconscious as well. "How's dat for tough Morris!" Crutchie hollered, happy at his success.

Davey, Alice, and the rest of the gang rushed to Jack's side. "Jack! Jack are you alright?!" Davey asked, kneeling next to his best friend.

"Yeah. Yeah I's fine Dave." He replied groggily. He sat up, much to the chagrin of his peers and his head. He waved off their pleas to take it easy, only thinking about Katherine.

"Jack, if you don't slow down and let me take a look at you, you won't make it to Katherine." Alice said, firmly placing a hand on his chest to halt his movements.

She was training to be a nurse, though she wanted to be a doctor.

Davey and the others stood before him, preventing him from taking another step. Jack growled but complied.

The sooner he got the okay, the sooner he could have Katherine back in his arms.

(Okay, so I just wanted to thank you all for reading my story. It's gotten more than 500 views and almost 100 votes!!!! 😆😆😆😆 I CANNOT EVEN FATHOM THIS THANK Y'ALL!!!!)

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