Chapter 22

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(A.N. I. AM. SO. SORRY! I had a bad case of Writer's Block but I'm over it. I hate to say this but I think this story is going to come to a close soon. I have the ending worked out, I just don't know when to add it. And it's a REALLY AWESOME ending. I think I'll do a few more chapters before starting on the end. Okay, enough chatter, y'all have waited a long time for this. So here y'all go!)

"What do ya mean you think that dere's someone with Jack in his penthouse?!" Shouted someone from below.

Jack and Katherine jumped awake, startled by the sudden chorus of voices.

"It's just like I'se said, I'se saw someone up dere leanin' on 'im."

Katherine and Jack exchanged quick glances. Jack raised a finger to his smiling lips, signaling for her to be quiet. She nodded, wearing a grin of her own, as he silently stepped to the edge of the rooftop with her close behind.

They got down on the grating and peaked their heads over the the side.

Race, Romeo, Crutchie, and Mush were standing on the fire escape level just below the roof, the former two were engaged in a conversation.

"How do ya knows dere's someone with 'im? Did ya see who?" Crutchie asked.

"I'se came out 'ere to see if he was awake when I saws two people movin' 'round up dere. I'se tellin' yous da truth!" Romeo yelled, but was quickly shushed by the others.

"Well, dere's only one way to settle this, one o' us is gonna have to go up and see who's with 'im." Mush suggested, earning nods of approval from the others.

Jack tapped Katherine and made a motion with his hand, waving for her to move backwards away from the edge. She complied, still smiling.

"Now the question is, who's gonna go up?" Race added. The other three looked away, not willing to volunteer.

"Oh c'mon! One o' us has to go up dere and find out who it is."

"If you want to know who's up 'ere, all yous gotta do is ask." Jack shouted to his brothers below.

Race, Mush, and Romeo jumped a good few inches off the ground and nearly fell off the fire escape before snapping their heads upward. Crutchie just looked up and smiled.

After getting over the sudden heart attack, Race spoke up. "Hey Jackie. Wes was just talkin' 'bout yous." He said calmly.

Jack chuckled. "Yeah, I'se heard. And so did she." The guys exchanged confused glaces.

Katherine walked to the railing. "Hi boys. Miss me?" She smiled.

"Kath!" Crutchie called to her, grinning. The others did the same. Katherine and Jack climbed down and they all made their way to the living room.

There were Newsies still sprawled everywhere, fast asleep.

"Rise an' shine boys!" Jack yelled.

They all jumped awake from the scare. Albert fell of the couch from jumping so high. Finch rolled off the table, on which he was sleeping, and landed flat on the floor with a *THUD*. And Buttons leaped up and made a fighting stance, ready to soak someone.

Laughter erupted through the room. Race, Romeo, Mush, Crutchie, Jack and Katherine were clutching their stomachs from laughing so much.

"Ha ha very funny." Finch said, not even remotely amused.

A knock on the door interrupted the interaction. Race opened the door. "Hey Joey." He greeted.

Joey slid passed him inside. "Hey guys. Katherine, your father is trying to find you. He has people looking for you everywhere, particularly Oscar and Morris. They were tryin' to follow me, but I ditched 'em."

All eyes went to Katherine. "Let them search. No matter what he does to me, I won't go back."

Joey gave her a grim expression. "Your father said that if anyone, especially the Delancys, were to find you with Jack, they were to beat him to a pulp."

Katherine gasped one of her hands flew to cover her mouth while the other held her stomach. She turned to Jack.

"I-I don't know w-what to do." She said, her voice cracking.

"I-If I stay here, you get hurt. If I leave, I get hurt. And one of the worst things is, he doesn't even know how much pain he's putting me though." She cried.

Jack walked closer to her and rubbed her shoulders, trying to comfort her.

"He doesn't care that my heart breaks every second that I'm not allowed to be with you. Jack, this is an impossible choice. What do I do?!" Katherine couldn't hold her tears back any longer.

She buried her face into the crook of his neck and sobbed. Jack just held her there, trying to calm her down.

The other Newsies left the couple alone, knowing they needed some time. They started getting ready for a full day of selling papes.

Jack was able to relax Katherine enough to where she stopped crying. He looked at Joey, then he started talking to Katherine.

"Hows 'bout we go walk in Central Park? Just you an' me? I doubt they'd look for yous dere." He smirked. She smiled too.

"As long as you stay right by my side."

"For sure?"

"For sure."

He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her lightly. Then he grasped her hand and they ran out the door.

(Whoo! That took longer than I wanted to write. I hope it was to y'alls liking! Please vote and comment your thoughts. I'll try to update soon! Till then, Panda out!)

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