Chapter 27

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(A.N. Hello my wonderful readers! I know its been over two weeks since my last update, but I FREAKING HATE WRITERS BLOCK! Blame that for y'all not getting a new chapter for a long time. My sister just gave me an AMAZING way do end the story so y'all please stick around for it! Alright, here y'all go!)

"C'mon fellas! It ain't much further!" Race yelled from his position in the front of the large group of Newsies right next to Katherine, Davey, Joey, and Crutchie.

As they neared their destination, a few of the boys starred getting nervous, Crutchie being one of them. Katherine noticed and moved towards him.

"Crutchie? Are you okay?" She asked kindly. He didn't respond at first, but after about a minute he spoke up.

"I-I'se just thinkin' 'bout when I was at the Refuge." He croaked. He's shoulders were shaking and he was trying not to cry at the memories.

Katherine put an arm around him. "Crutchie, it's okay. No one walks away from something like that unscathed. I've interviewed veterans from the Civil War and many of them say it takes a little patience and time to heal. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine, Jack is going to be fine." She reassured him.

He turned to and gave her a small smile. "Thanks Kath. I feel betta." He said.

The group had finally reached the Refuge. Just standing there looking at it put Katherine's stomach in knots. She'd never been there, but it looked even more eerie than she anticipated.

"Okay, you all know what to do. Crutchie, you and Race lead half of the boys to the back of it and make sure no one tries to escape. The rest of you, follow me." Davey instructed.

He led the way to the front entrance. They stopped at the door. When Joey put his ear on the wood, he heard lots of footsteps inside. Definitely more than two sets. He whispered his findings to his comrades and they decided to continue with the plan.

"Alright. On three.

Joey yanked the door open and about 10 Newsies rushed inside, only to be greeted by about six thugs. Albert and Specs lunged at one with a chain, Mush and Finch took care of one with a large knife, while the rest of the Newsies attacked the others.

Amidst the chaos, Crutchie, Katherine, Alice, Davey and Joey were able to evade getting caught up in a fight.

The gang hurried upstairs and began their search. Opening door after rotting door. No sign of Jack. That is, until Katherine opened one door.

The room looked like all of the others. Katherine was about to move on when something familiar caught her eye. She gasped and ran to retrieve Jack's Newsie cap. She picked it up and held it tightly.

"Katherine? Kath-Oh there you are! Crutchie says he thinks he knows where Jack is." Davey announced as he entered the room. Katherine smiled and immediately followed him.

She was so close.

So close to getting him back.

No one was going to stop her this time.

(What happened next takes place at the same time as the scene above)


Ice cold water came pouring down upon Jack. He jumped awake, started by the sudden icy liquid.

"Well, looky who finally woke up eh Morris." Oscar declared, holding an empty, metal bucket.

Jack shivered, from both the cold water and the even colder room. His torn clothes didn't help retain his fading heat.

His back was against a cold, stone wall. He tried to maneuver he aching body into a more comfortable position, but he couldn't move.

He looked and saw his wrists were held together by a familiar pair of shackles. Then he glanced around the room.

Fear filled his body once he recognized where he was. The last place on earth he or anyone who's ever been in the Refuge would ever want to see again.

The Cell.

No one knew how it got its name. It might have been due to the fact that it was in the Cellar below the Refuge, or because it became a worse punishment than just being inside this prison.

Whatever the reason, the name always made any convict, former or current, tremble in terror.

Memories of being chained and beaten senselessly for hours, sometimes days even, came flooding into Jack's mind.

The vivid images of boys no older than Les being dragged down into this hole and never returning were now all he could see. His head dropped and he closed his eyes, trying to force the visions away.

"Good thing too, I thought he'd never wake up." Morris sneered, stepping over to his brother and Jack.

"Not that I would be complainin' if ya didn't." Morris continued, an evil smirk playing across his lips.

"Wh-Why are yous doin' th-this?" Jack managed to whimper out.

Everything hurt. Every move he made would send pain shooting throughout his whole body. Even breathing hurt, since he now undoubtedly had a crack rib.

Oscar and Morris glaced at each other for a second before returning their gazes to their prisoner.

"Because you were with little Miss Pulitzer. And her father gave us a lot of money to make sure that never happened again." Oscar explained.

He set down the bucket and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his pair of brass knuckles and slipped them onto his fingers.

Jack did his best not to flinch or look scared, but it was hard when every bone and muscle in your body is hurting. Before he could try to protect himself, Oscar landed a punch against his left side.

Jack let out an agonizing cry. Morris caught Oscar's arm before another blow could be dealt.

"Hold it little brother, Mr. Pulitzer said not to kill him, no matter how much we want to." He looked at their prisoner. Jack just glared back.

Suddenly, shouts and cried followed by loud thuds were heard coming from the floor above.

Oscar walkd away and disappeared briefly before returning wearing a worried expression.

"Morris, it's them Newsies. They're fightin' all of our reinforcements. And they're winnin'!" He said.

Morris grumbled something, but Jack was too happy to care. Then Morris faced him.

"Well then, I hope one of them comes down here so you can watch while he hurt them." Morris threatened. Jack's joy faded into fear.

"No. No! Don't yous dare dare touch any o' them!" He barked. He pulled against his restraints, trying to get free.

The brothers just laughed in his face. They abruptly stopped when the Cell door opened. Oscar looked back at Jack before harshly whispering a warning.

"If you so much as whisper a word, it'll be bad news for you and your friend." Jack didn't flinch and remained silent.

Footsteps were heard quickly descending down the stairs.

"Jack? Are you down here?" Someone called out, but it wasn't a Newsie. Jack's heart sank when he realized who it was.


She finally came into view. Tears began free falling down her face. She ran over to him and carefully hugged him.

"Oh Jack!" She cried. "I'm so happy I found you!" She pulled away when she heard him wince at her touch. Her hand flew up and covered her mouth to stop a scream building up in her throat when she saw his injuries.

"Jack..." She whimpered. He kept glancing from her to the something behind her.

She followed his gaze and gasped as Oscar and Morris stalked out of their hiding place towards her.

Just as they reached out to grab her, a *THUNK* sound came from behind the Delancys. The brother collapsed on the floor, down and out cold.

Jack and Katherine looked up to see Crutchie and Davey standing over them, wielding old planks of wood. Alice and Joey rushed over and helped Jack out of his shackles.

"Oh my- Jack, what did they do to you?!" Joey demanded.

"I-I'll be okay." He mumbled.

"Let's get you out of here." Davey said.

"Wait. There's somethin' I gotta do first." Jack protested.

He wearily reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a golden locket necklace. He placed it into Katherine's hands.

She looked at it closer. Engraved on the locket were the words 'My Ace'. She was crying even more now.

"Jack, this is beautiful!"

"I was gonna give it to you at Jacobi's, but we got a little held up." He chuckled then groaned at his hurting side. Katherine let out a laugh.

"Thank you Jack. Now let's get you out of this hell hole."

With a group effort, they aided Jack and started out of there.

(YES FINALLY IM DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER! Woo! That was hard. But I did it! I hope y'all are satisfied with it. I am. I've been trying to work out when Jack was going to give her the locket, and this just hit me. Okay, I'm tried now. Please vote and comment y'alls thoughts about this chapter. Laters y'all!)

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