Chapter Nine

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Nobody's Pov:
After a few months or so, everything went smoothly. Well,more or less. Lani had told Mizuki and Kurama all about her past. She even told them about her never having a family at all when she was a little yokai. That is,until she met Tomoe and Akura Ou and the elderly lady who cared for her after she ran away from home. Ever since that night,all three boys;Kurama, Tomoe and Mizuki have been very protective of Lani. It always made Nanami laugh and Lani groan or blush in embrasament when either one of the three boys fought with one another as they all came up with who's way of taking care of Lani was better. And of course,each thought their own way was the best way there was.

Lani and Nanami sat at a their desks in the classroom as Kurama and Tomoe were fighting over who was a better older brother."You have no idea how to take care of her!! She needs someone who knows how to care for someone and how to protect them from harm!!" Tomoe shouted at the Tengu. "Oh,you mean like how you protected her from harm by doing the harm part yourself??!! You obviously have no patience and probably yell or lash out on her whenever she does something you don't like!! Don't think I don't know about how you got mad at her just because she helped me and Ami become a couple!!!"Kurama shouted at the already ticked off fox. The two continued to fight so the young land god and the wolf yokai sighed."I swear,these two never stop"Lani said."And you thought Tomoe and Mizuki fighting or Mizuki and Mamoru fighting was bad enough"Nanami added. Lani rubbed her head."I cannot believe men some times,so far all they ever do is fight and be competitive against one another" she said. Nanami nodded in agreement as she looked back at the two yokais."So,how are things between you and Tomoe going?"Lani smirked. Nanami blushed a dark red before looking away."N-Nothing's changed"she mumbled.

"Nothing's changed?' This morning,I saw you two making goo-goo eyes at one another"she said and giggled softly."Lani! It's not funny!"Nanami shouted. Lani giggled more at her."I'm sorry but I can't help it. Your love is growing stronger and stronger each passing day you spent time together"she said. Nanami smiled softly and sighed happily. "I really want to be with Tomoe,Lani. I love him with all my heart.....but I can't help but feeling like there's no point in trying"she said. Lani frowned softly and shook her finger at her."Now,do not think like that. Love will find a way. It always does. But Tome being Tome,he's pretty stupid and dense at times"Lani said and Nanami giggled."OW!!! DID YOU JUST SLAP ME?!!!" "WELL I WOULDN'T HAVE IF YOU HADN'T PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE!!!!"

The two boys started to agrue and bicker again and started to hit one another."Oh dear God,we should stop them"Lani said and Nanami nodded. Both girls stood up and walked towards the two bickering yokais."STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!"they shouted and the boys stopped fighting instantly."Honestly,can't you two go one day without being at each other throats?! This is getting stupid and childish even!!"Lani scolded as Nanami nodded."Now both of you apologize to each other right now!!"Nanami shouted. Tomoe and Kurama blinked before nodding and shook each other's hand while muttering "sorry" to one another. The girls looked at one another and smiled proudly.

At lunchtime,the girls got together with Kei and Ami and the four started to chat."You know,we should go somewhere together and have some fun! We haven't done that in a long time!" Ami said. Nanami smiled at her."You're right,it's been at least 9 months or more since we went out and did something together" she agreed. They all thought as Kei was on her phone again, texting someone."I know! Let's go to arcade this Saturday! I promised Lani I'd take her there one day!"Nanami said. Ami smiled and clapped her hands as Lani smiled."Sounds great. How 'bout it,Kei?"Ami asked. Kei looked at her."Sorry,but I've got a date a Saturday"she said. "Another one? Sorry for asking but,have you ever found a guy that actually interests you,Kei?" Lani asked. Kei shrugged and sighed."It's been pretty much the same thing for me. At first,I think they're interesting but then later I find out they're not all they're cracked up to be"she said.

Lani frowned."That horrible"she said. Kei shrugged."Yeah,I guess it is"she said. Lani looked at her friend sadly."Maybe I can help you find the right guy"she said. "Thanks,you're sweet and all but don't worry about it. It's not a really big deal"Kei said before she went back to texting. Lani was about to say something when suddenly an arm was wrapped around her shoulder. "Lani,tell this fox that I'm a better older brother than he is. You know it's true right?"Kurama said as Tomoe growled at him. "As if!! You've only met her for a few months and already you decided to become her older brother!! I am a far much better older sibling than you could ever be!!"Tomoe shouted."Yeah right, fox! All you ever do is get on her nerves and yell at her! Can't you for once cut her some slack?!"the Tengu shouted back."I am hard on her because she needs to learn responsibility and she needs to know what's right and what's wrong!! Like Nanami!!" "The hell?! Lani and Nanami don't need you to tell them what's right and what's wrong!! And they are responsible!! You're such a kill joy,you know that!!" The started to agrue again as the girls sighed.

~After School~
Tomoe and Kurama had basically spent nearly the whole day agruing. But finally,it was time to go home."You better not start agruing with Mizuki when we get home,dear brother"Lani said. Tomoe looked at her."That useless snake is not but trouble and is always lazying about instead of actually doing something"he said. Lani looked at him."Mizuki is not useless. He's just like that because he hasn't done any familiar work ever since his lady and mistress died years ago. He probably just forgot"she defended."Mikage left me at the shrine alone for 20 years and I have not forgotten how to do familiar work. He has no excuse"Tomoe as sternly.

Lani huffed."You're always so rude with Mizuki. I understand that he can be lazy at times but he's also very supportive and tries the best he can"she said. Tomoe rolled his eyes before looking at her."May I ask why you defend him?"he asked."Uh, guys? How about you two just stop right now before you end up in another agrument l---" "This does not consider you,Nanami. Stay out of it"Tomoe said."See? You're being rude again,Tome" Lani said."You have not answered my question" "I don't want to answer your question". With that,Lani walked ahead while Nanami and Tomoe stayed walking behind her. Tomoe sighed before he heard Nanami sugh heavily."What is the matter?"he asked."I honestly don't like it when you guys agrue. Even if it's over something small and may not seem like a big of a deal to you it does to Lani and me. Every time you two start to bicker over something,your agrument grows stronger and you start yelling at last time"she sadly said. Tomoe stopped in his tracks as he looked at the young highschool girl."I guess I'm just scared that you two will have such a huge agrument.....that it will tear you part like it did in the past...."she said. Tomoe stayed silent as he continued to stare at her. Nanami looked at him and smiled softly.

"Ever since Lani came back into your life,I've seen a side of you I haven't seen since we went to the carnival two years ago. I've seen how happy she makes you. Seeing you like that,makes me feel happy"she admitted and smiled more."I wish I could make you smile like that...."she then said. Tomoe's eyes slightly widen when he heard her say this and he stepped closer to her. "Nanami?" "Yes?" "......Do.... do you still......have feelings for me?" the fox yokai asked. Her breath hitched slightly before she nodded softly."Y-Yes,I still do...." she said. Tomoe stared at her."N-Nanami....I--" "But don't worry! I know how you already feel about that and all,so don't worry about it. I'll do my best to try and get over you's kinda hard considering I love you so much. But I won't force you upon it"she said,sending him a small yet sad smile before she walked off to catch up with Lani.

Tomoe stood there stunned. The fact that Nanami still loved him but she was trying her best to move on from him.......bothered him. Yet he did not understand why. He disliked that idea of a yokai and human being together so much that the mere thought of it made him scowl. Not only that,he had told Nanami countless times that all female humans, including her were of little interest to him. But yet now, being with Nanami for some time now.......made him think otherwise. It found it strange. He couldn't possibly have feelings for his lady and mistress...........

Could he?

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