Here Comes the Bride

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At the park, everyone was looking forward to the wedding. Sophia was a little nervous, but she was very excited.

Before anyone knew it, the wedding had started.

Best man Eric walked down the aisle with Maid of Honor Jade holding his arm. The Stepmother of the Bride walked down the aisle with the Father of the Groom. The groom walked down the aisle with his mother holding his arm.

Finally, everyone stood up and turned around. They all gasped when they saw the beautiful bride. Hugo just couldn't resist staring at his bride.

When the song Here Come the Bride played, the bride and her father walked down the aisle. Everyone thought Hugo was a lucky man to be getting married to such a beautiful young woman.

Once Sophia and Garrick reached the altar, Garrick and Hugo shook hands, and he gave Hugo Sophia's hand.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to bind Sophia Rosen to Hugo Hollister," Father Bucon smiled. "If anyone here has a reason why these two lovebirds should not be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nobody spoke, so it was time to move on.

Father Bucon turned to Hugo and asked, "Do you, Hugo Hollister, take this young lady to be your lawfully wedding wife?"

"I do," Hugo smiled.

Father Bucon turned to Sophia and asked, "Do you, Sophia Rosen, take this young man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Sophia smiled.

It was time for the bride and groom to give the rings to each other. Eric gave Hugo one ring, and Jade gave Sophia the other ring.

Hugo took Sophia's hand and told her, "With this ring, I thee wed." He slipped the 3-stone amethyst ring on her finger.

Sophia took Hugo's hand and told him, "With this ring, I thee wed." She slipped the gold ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Father Bucon smiled. "You may now kiss the bride."

Sophia and Hugo happily kissed, and everyone clapped. Now Sophia and Hugo were husband and wife.

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