"Being on the run isn't the same thing as being free"-Voilet

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Wingers P.O.V—

Please let this be a dream, I didn't know Voilet was just saying those things to motivate me! I just got so frustrated! Ugh I'm such an idiot... why does my heart feel so heavy. No not heavy like it's broken? I don't know what it is but all I know is it really hurts... I look over to the Rescue Riders who were looking at me with shocked faces. The whole village was quiet...

"Eh get back to work! What ever the dragons said I'm sure the Rescue Riders will fix it... and stop staring at 'em its creepy." I hear Chief Duggar says to the villagers. The villagers start walking around again and they don't stare as much.

"You heard the Chief!" I call out to the other dragons and they immediately get back to work. I sigh looking down.

"I really messed up didn't I?" I ask the Rescue Riders, "especially when she was just trying to get my power out and I totally blew up at her."

"Winger she did it to help you and with this power you obviously have a new temper so we just have to learn to control it ok?" Leyla said.

I nodded my head. "Yeah... why do I feel so bad... I mean yeah I yelled at her but she knew that I could get angry at her for yelling at me so in a way she probably knew this would happen. Why'd she do it then? And why do I feel so bad when she knew this would happen?" I say. I'm just looking out into the forest- the way she went. I desperately just want her to just come out so I can apologize.

"Winger she just did to help even if wasn't the best way.... and I know these feelings you have for her might be different for you but you'll figure it out soon enough." Summer says.

"Summer your not making sense?" I say but it came out as more of a question.

"It will soon." She sing-songed.

"Ok... um lets going look for her..." I say confused.

"Yeah!" Dak says enthusiastically and jumps on my back. This is were my really thankful for Hannahr's saddle that she built us. I chuckle and see Layla jump on Summer's back as well. We take up into the air and start looking.

~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~
3 persons P.O.V—

The Rescue Riders been flying around for awhile now and they were just about to give up but then...

"WAIT I see something!" Cutter says. He dives down into the forest and the rest of the Rescue Riders weren't far behind. They all landed and saw a small clearing (Voilet is there to).


The black circle is where they are. The clearing.

Voilet has her back towards them and she's facing the cliff side. She was looking at the sunset. It seemed she didn't know they were there yet.

"You go talk to her wing, we will wait here." Dak whispers to his best friend\brother.

"Thanks Dak." Winger whispers back. He silently sat next to Voilet but she must have heard him because she looked at him and then back at the setting sun. They sat there in silence for a couple seconds just looking out to sea.

"Look... Voilet I didn't mean to blow up at you, I'm sorry. I understand if you hate me which you probably do and I just wanted to at least try to ask for your forgiveness and I'll spend my whole life trying to." He didn't get to finish his sentence because Voilet gave him a small lick on the snout. He looked over at her and realized they were both looking at each other right now. She had a small smile on her face. Winger had the most surprised face on right now.

"You know sometimes you really need to stop talking." Voilet said in a whisper voice.

"I... yeah." He said now with a small smile on his face.

"I'm not mad at you Winger but you where right..." Voilet says.

"What are you talking about?" Winger asks confused.

"I shouldn't get attached to this place or...it's dragons." She says.

"Why not? A-Are you leaving?" Winger asks wide eyed.

"I- *sigh* being on the run isn't the same thing as being free." Voilet whispers. It was quiet but Winger was just able to hear it.

"Your on the run?" Winger asks her.

"It's complicated the less you know about me the better..." She responses.

"Why? Whatever's going on we can help you. You don't have to be on the run." Winger says pleadingly.

"I wish it was that way but... it can't be like that, I'm sorry Winger." Voilet says to the broken hearted Swiftwing. Suddenly Voilet jumps on top of Winger, a mega blast going right over them. The rest of the Rescue Riders ran out seeing the mega blast.

"Did you see where that can from?" Winger asks as he gets up and helps Voilet up as well.

"No." Everyone responds except Cutter.

"Cutter?" Aggro asks immediately noticing that Cutter didn't respond.

"I think I know where the blast came from." He says with widened eyes. His tone was a bit scared too.

Everyone's eyes looked to were Cutter was looking now and saw...

Ok cliffhanger! So that's... that. So yeah I don't really have anything to say so...
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