Final fight

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Winger's P.O.V-

I told the Rescue Riders that we need to look for Voilet and they agreed.

"I think she would be at her fathers cave. I think her father would want her and Shadow to become mates as soon as possible. He would probably gather everyone under his cave. Her and Shadow would become mates at midnight in Royal's cave above everyone else." Emerald spoke up.

"How do you know the time?" Layla asked.

"That's tradition. Royal doesn't follow any of the old traditions but he follows this one." Emerald said.

"Why?" Dak asked.

"I'm not sure..."Emerald said.

"Well its almost midnight so" Layla didn't get to finish her sentence because their was a loud roar.

"Come." Royal's big commanding roar came from somewhere.

"I have to go." Emerald said. She quickly started telling her children to follow her.

"Where are you going?" Cutter asked.

"I have to go under his cave thing. Every one should be going to. If I don't go it'll look suspicious." Emerald said.

"Ok while everyone's their we will have our chance." I said. I already know my plan.

"Our chance to do what?" Dak asked.

"My chance to fight him..." I say and glance away. I really don't want to fight but there's no other way.

"Fight him, why can't you just control him?" Cutter asked.

"I...I don't want people to fear me but... I want them to respect me. If I control him then I'm just taking the easy way out. I shouldn't have to control them. They should show me respect but I need to earn to first." I say.

"Are you sure about this?" Dak asked me with a worried look in his eyes. If I looked at all of them they all had worried looks on.

"Yes if I take down their Alpha then they will listen to me." I say trying to convince them. They all glance away.

"Guys... I really need you on my side for this." I said a pleading look in my eyes.

"Were always on your side wing." Dak says with a smile. Everyone else's faces seemed to have brightened up a bit more.

I turned towards Emerald. "Ok guys go. We will sneak above his cave."

Emerald flew off with her kids following, flapping their tiny wings bumping into each other.

"Ok let's go..." I said. Dak jumped on my back and Layla climbed up into Summer's saddle. I wasn't wearing a saddle right now but from experience Dak could still ride me.

We were above the cave, it was kinda of an awkward position because we were standing on the side of the mountain and it was hard to keep your grip. I had told Dak to jump on Burple's back because what ever was going to go down I definitely didn't want Dak to get in the way of it all. All the dragons were cluster at the bottom of the mountain. There was like this little balcony thing that was on Royal's cave.

Royal was just out of the cave in the middle. Shadow was right beside him as well as Violet on his other side. There was guards but they weren't facing us, they were facing the dragons on the ground looking for a someone doing something wrong. I look for Emerald and her kids on the crowd. I finally find them, Aria is on her mother head and she's looking straight at me. I see her mouth something to me. It was... 'when the time is right' I smile gratefully at her.

"Aren't you going to stop this?" Burple asked me.

"When the time is right." I whisper quietly but just loud enough for them to hear.

"Now Shadow and Voilet will do the mating dance." I hear Royal say. I growl under my breath. Voilet and Shadow take a couple steps forward and face each other. Voilet was just glaring at Shadow and Shadow seemed to have a blank expression.

"Before they do that though. Is their any reason why these two should not be mates?" Royal said.

I can just feel my heart breaking but then I see something. Voilet eyes widened when Royal said 'Is their any reason why these two should not be mates' she glanced down sadly then looked towards... the way home. To Huttsgalor, to the roost. To us...t-to me. Was she thinking about me? At all? Or has she accepted it? I take a deep breath and get ready to jump down on the platform but I see Royal walk over to Voilet and whisper something. The dragons down below wouldn't be able to hear it but me and the Rescue Riders were just close enough.

"I didn't think you would actually could back. Have you accepted it?" Royal whispered to Voilet with venom laced in his voice.

"No, I would have never stopped fighting you. Ever." Voilet said with the same amount of venom in her voice as her fathers voice.

"Jeez what did they say to you to get you to give up? Why are you going through with this?" Royal said with a smirk. He's just messing with her now.

"I'm doing this to protect someone love." She growled. I felt a small smile form on my face but Royals reaction was the opposite of mine.

"Well, you better forget him." He growled with a scowl on his face.

"Never." She growled back.

There was a pause and he chuckled. Almost like an evil chuckle. "You really think this guy is different then any guy in your life. Then me, Shadow. You think he's different then everyone in your life. Plus if he's so special then where is he?" He said. Voilet's face looked like a brick just slapped her right across the face. Losing her glare her eyes drifted down to the ground sadly.

"He abandoned you. Just like everyone else." He finished. I had just about enough of this! I jumped onto the platform.

"Actually this guy is different. He is pretty special because he's right here!" I said. Everyone's head snapped towards me.

I saw her smile and run over to me. "Winger, y-your here!" She said.

"You didn't really think that I'd stay put, did you?" I ask. Her smile just got wider and look into each other's eyes, lost in our own little world. I feel my heart light up.

I was about to say something but Royal speaks up. "Get away from my daughter, stranger."

(A/N) One second readers, let me just go kill Royal for ruining Winger and Voilet's moment! XD. ;)

"I will never be your daughter." Voilet says glaring at him.

"And it's Alpha to you." I growl. His eyes look surprised for a split second but as soon as I see it, it's gone.

"Your The Alpha? This is going to be easy." He says. I growl.

He chuckles darkly and says, "You and your friends fly around Huttsgalor saving people and dragons? The Rescue Riders is it? The kids who cant accept deaths so they do everything in their power to stop it."

"Don't listen to him he's just trying to get in your head." Voilet says. I get a flash back of Voilet taunting me. When she was getting me to release my full power but... she was also getting in my head. I shake my head. Focus winger!

Voilet is amazing and she isn't like her father... but what makes her different? She was using her personality to help me not hurt me. I can't believe I doubted her for a second...

"Though it's not hard to believe that you avoid reality. I mean you lost both your parents so it's easy to play your little games instead of face reality, face the world." Royal growls.

What if he's right? What is the real reason I save people? To hide?

"I don't see a dragon that helps people. I don't see a hero. All I see is a boy that is to scared to face how the world really is." He growl.

He's right... I suddenly hear paws it the platform. I look over to see the Rescue Riders have came down.

"Your wrong!" Layla shouts.

"That's not true!" Burple adds.

"We fight for people that believe." Summer says.

"We fight for people that have hope." Aggro says.

"We fight for people that love." Cutter said.

"We fight for people that know we can change the world." Dak says firmly.

"If we work together." Layla finishes.

"We will never let you win." Burple says.

I glance at Voilet only to see that she's looking at me too. "You aren't alone." She whispers to me.

I smile at her and look down in realization. "I never was." I whisper and look up to look her in the eyes. They sparkle in the night sky.

All the dragons that were watching fly into the the sky behind us. Saying things like:

"We aren't going to let you control us anymore!"

"If they can stand up to you so can I!"

"We won't let you win!"

I smile gratefully.

I look back to Voilet. "I love you." I whisper quietly.

"I love you too." She whispers back. We put our heads against each other and let out a small sigh and purr. Our muzzles touching gently.

(A/N) ok this is how their head is positioned but their heads are actually touching. And of course their Violet and Winger, their
Swiftwings so it looks a bit different. Their also not flying.

Ok so then I tried to draw it....

It's really bad.... so bad. It kinda looks like their kissing... but their not supposed to be, their supposed it have their heads together and their muzzles just touching. *sighs* sorry you had to see this picture, I'm a terrible artist. *facepalms*

If you guys try to draw it you should send me it! I can post it on here and I'll give you credit too. That way I'll have something better for other people to see then this picture....

This was made by Dorothyden It's a lot more accurate picture then mine. Thank you!

anyway continue with the story!


We break apart and look at Royal. He's in a defensive position and growling.

He looked up at us, "You will never win. I'll be back and you won't be fighting anymore." Royal said and flew off.

"Should we go after him?" Burple asked.

3rd person P.O.V-

The Rescue Riders (and Voilet) walked over to the edge of the platform where Royal flew off. They saw the sun just peaking over the horizon.

"Should we go after him?" Burple asked.

"No. Let him come, we'll be ready." Winger said.

"Wait... where's Shadow?" Voilet asks.

"He must have slipped out in all the drama." Leyla says after they looked around.

All there eyes drifted back to the sunrise. This was a new day, a new chapter in each of their lives. Each of them grew up a little form this experience. Mostly Winger, especially when this happened.

Winger turn towards Voilet, feeling his eyes on her she turned towards him. "Voilet, I- er. Um— it's- well- I- it- me- sorta." Winger said a stuttering mess.

Voilet just has a amused smile on her face. Then she did a playful eye roll and interrupted him. "Don't you ever shut up?" She said in more of a whisper voice.

She quickly walked right beside him facing the other way then him. She rubbed up against him with a purr. Leaving Winger in a flustered state. Once he realized what was happening he leaned against her with a purr. They keep walking and both looked back at each other. They both put their wings up and went in a circle. The Swiftwing mating dance.

(Basically refer to Toothless and the light fury doing the mating dance. Well when Toothless actually did it right. XD)

There was cheers from the rest of the dragons.

"Awww! You guys are so cute together!" Summer said once they stopped.

"Group hug!" Layla yelled and dragged everyone into a group hug. Once they broke apart they all turned towards the other dragons. The Rescue Riders were in a line facing the big group of dragons.

Winger was in the middle with Voilet on his right then Burple and then Summer. On his left was Dak then Layla then Aggro then Cutter.

They all bowed down. Winger spread out his wings and let out a huge roar that said, "To Huttsgalor!" There was cheers of approval from the crowd. They flew off into the sunrise. If this experience had taught them anything it was that they never give up and to always remember what their truly fighting for. Nows it over and they are going home.


Ok that's it! That the end of this ending but as you should already know is that is have two endings! If you didn't then there you go! The next ending will start in the next chapter after the chapter 'Fighting'. Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeee!

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