Goodbyes can be hard.

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An edit of Voilet! The color of Voilet is a bit different then the original photo of her but the lighting was really different then the other picture so it was hard. I made her sad because this chapter is kinda sad.... Anyway hope you enjoy.

They all land in Huttsgalor, the sun was coming up over Huttsgalor making a beautiful sunrise. You could see the dragons stirring on the rooftops. And the doors slowly opening to houses with villagers starting to get to work.

Winger sighed as he saw two dragons fighting, of course they were just play fighting but with their size and the villagers walking around the villagers might get smooshed.

"Hey! Your breaking things!" Winger said running over to the other dragons. They immediately stopped what they were doing and looked towards Winger who was now sitting down calmly in front of them.

"Oh sorry Alpa, we didn't realize." One says.

Winger sighs and says, "It's fine just remember that there are people that are smaller then you." While he says pointing his tail towards the humans that were still walking around- already used to the dragons running around.

"Right. Hey, graywing- look it's the Alpa's mate!" He said nugging his friend with one wing and pointing to Voilet with the other wing.

"Wait..what?" Winger said raising one of his eyebrows. His eyes were widened and his face was full of confusion.

"Yup the dragons been talking and that's what they say." The same dragon says.

Before Winger could say something about the matter someone else said, "Nice job, you did good. She's pretty." And with that the other dragons started walking away.

"I-she..we don't- can'" Winger said at a loss for words but it did matter since the other dragons had already left.

He walked backed to the Rescue Riders including Voilet. They looked like they were all waiting for him to come back.

"I'm just glad they didn't hear that." Winger muttered under his breath, when he was right in front of them.

"Actually I did hear it." Voilet said. Wingers eyes widened at that.

"Uhhh..." Winger said but Voilet interrupted him.

"It's fine it doesn't matter." She said.

"It... doesn't?" Winger said almost a... worried look in his eyes.

"No it's not like I'm staying anyway."Voilet said glancing away.

"Oh right..." Winger said mood now darkened. They all started walking towards the cliff of Huttsgalor with a beautiful sunset in view. She turned to the Rescue Riders (excluding Winger since he was more on the side) who were behind her.

"It was nice meeting you guys even if it was only for a short time." Voilet said with a kind smile.

"You to and if you ever need anything you can count on the Rescue Riders... Are you sure there's nothing we can do?" Dak asked.

Voilet sighed and glanced away sadly. "No you guys done so much already. Thank you." She finished. The Rescue Riders did a small nod.

Voilet turned to Winger with a sad smile.

Voilet's P.O.V—

Why is my mouth so dry? What should I say? He saved my life, without him I'd probably be dead. How can I say goodbye to him? Instead I just turned around and put my wings up ready to fly off.

"Nothing? Not even a word?" I hear Winger say. I put my wings down and turned back to him.

"I'm... I-I'm just not good at goodbyes..." I said quietly.

He scoffed and glared away. "It didn't seam so hard to say goodbye to them." He wasn't mad to say but really hurt. Why though... I'm not that important...

"It's not like that..." I say hoping he'd understand. He just gave me a really look. It wasn't like most looks because his face held so much emotion.

'Just say what your thinking.' I repeated that in my head.

"How can I say goodbye to the guy that saved my life. The only guy that made me feel alive, truly...," it took me a second to figure out the words. " Even if it was only for a little bit of time. The Alpa that saved me even if he could have just ignored me and walked away. The guy that did everything he could to help me, including almost getting himself killed in the process. The guy that never gave up." My voice cracked a little as I said this sentence. "The guys that I fell for the second I saw him." My eyes were watery too. His face was full of shock and... amazement. Then I saw a small smile on his face as he took a small step towards me.

"Well I guess we have that in common. I fell for you the second I saw you too." He said quietly. His head was down a bit and he looked really cute when his eyes went up looking straight at mine. I shut my eyes tight. Stop, you can't keep falling for him you have to go back to star island.

"Goodbye Winger." I whispered. I forced my body to move and fly off into the sunset.

(A/N) 'star island' that's the name of the island that star flock live at. I know it's kind of lame but I couldn't think of anything else so yeah. The reason the island I called star island is because they have really high cliffs and there's hardly ever clouds there so that's... that. Their Swiftwings to so they fly fast and high. They say that if you sit on the tallest mountain you can touch the stars. The mountain is called 'star mountain.' I know... I need to stop naming things with star.
This is completely made up by me so don't take this literal. Well... idk maybe there is stuff with these names. Idk. Anyway I'm done so continue with the story.

Ok so was going to rewrite that some of that chapter and in wingers point of view (Mostly The Goodbye). But I'm to lazy to so sorry if you wanted that. Anyway vote and comment. Byeeeeeee.

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