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Ok I have decided that Dash and Summer won't end up together (I'm sorry) because I already have a love interest for her AND Burple! I know exactly who their going to be with! It won't be in this book but it will be in the next book. They will not be new charters. You've seen them before in this book. And let's say I think there personality's will be good together.. maybe. At least that's what I think. I don't think you've actually seen much of their personality. Though.. I'M not gonna tell you who they are! Just because I'm evil!! So you can just think about this.... 😏😏😏.

Voilet's P.O.V-

What do I say to him? He just asked me if this is the end. The end of what? The end of me staying here? No.. that's not it. It's almost like I had no idea what he's saying but at the same time I know exactly what he means. I lose all my anger for him. Even if he was being rude about acting like he was the boss of me.. maybe he had a good reason? I said the first that came to my mind,

"I.. I don't know.." I whispered quietly gazing into his gorgeous sun colored eyes. We stay me there for what felt like an eternity but in reality it was probably only a minute. Then I hear him talk.

"I-I'm So So sorry I shouldn't have bossed you around, that was rude of me and I was just worrying, I know you can take care of yourself I.. I just I'm really really sorry. I know you hate me now and.." Winger said and continued rambling in about how sorry he was.

He always gets like this when he's around me, well sometimes. He gets nervous sometimes and start rambling on about things that don't really matter. Though I don't understand why he only gets like this around me. He's so calm and collected around everyone else. He gets things done easily and knows the other dragons talents. He doesn't boss other dragons around, he asks and is always so kind about it. That's why I was so confused as of why he was yelling at me and bossing me around.

I playfully roll my eyes not that he really saw me do that. He was looking away avoiding any eye connect. I walk over to him let a burst of confidence over come me. I give him a small lick on the cheek. Since he's just a little bit taller and muscular then me I have to tilt my head slightly upwards. As soon as I licked his cheek he immediately stopped talking. I chuckled lightly and sat down in front of him.

"You know sometimes you really need to stop talking." I said quietly. At first he just stared at me for a second. For a second I thought I over stepped my boundaries but then I saw his mussels relax and he went into a sitting position as well. He had a smile on his face and his sun colored eyes staring into my violet/Magneta ones. There was aways something about him that I could never describe.

"I'm sorry too.. I shouldn't have lashed out on you." I said quietly. My head dropped down a little down when I talked and when I looked back up at him my eyes were looking upwards at him.We smiled at each other happily.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

Cutter's P.O.V-

I know I said that I didn't mind staring at Aggro from a distance but now... it really seemed like she likes Dash. It makes me so angry. I know what this feeling is.. I'm jealous. He flirts with her all the time and shows off to her. Like I used to.. well I didn't flirt with her that much because I was scared she was going to reject me but I did show off to her, I just wanted her to see that I'm cool but when I try I fail at it and shes just isn't impressed. She seems so interested in what he's doing all the time and she'll just giggle when he flirts with her. GIGGLE! Aggro doesn't giggle! She snorts! Ugggh. He's so annoying, He isn't good enough for Aggro.. I mean it's not like I'm good enough for her she too perfect but still.

It's been a few days since Winger and Voilet's fight. And yes we all were watching, it seemed very interesting. I know Winger likes her and I think she likes him. I mean it's pretty obvious that Winger likes her he will ramble on about random things that don't really matter and suddenly becomes very clumsy (because he's not looking where he's going to busy staring at her). Though I shouldn't Jude. But seriously he needs to tell her how he feel before it's to late like it is for me. I waited to long and now Aggro likes someone else.

I've really been trying to ignore the jealous clawing at my heart but it's getting worse, every time their together I just want to throw Dash across the room. Or I want kick and scream out crying by how much my heart hurts.

It's morning and I was walking over to the fire pit with the other Rescue Riders (Voilet included). Well Aggro and Dash weren't with us. They probably already up, together no less. My theory proved correct as we walk up to the fire and see it's already lit with Dash and Aggro by it talking and laughing. Why did she look so happy? I glare at them annoyed.

We actually figured out how to get Dash back to his flock. We borrowed Chief Duggard's map and he we were able to find out where he got lost at. Since his flock migrates a lot he knows that path that he should take so in a couple days we have to take him to a certain place and then his flock should pass right by us and he can join back up with them. I'm really glad he's leaving, the only thing is that I'm scared Aggro will go with him. What if this is actually her old flock and she wants to join back up with them. I want so badly to ask her and tell her that she can't go but if I do it will be obvious that I want her to stay and that I'm jealous. If she knows.. what if she rejects me or like hates me! The only thing I can really do is just try and avoid her that way I don't say something stupid. Maybe if I just stop talking to her I'll be better off, I mean it's not like she'll care she'll be to busy with her mate. When I think about it the more it makes sense. I guess I'll just stop talking to her..

"Oh hey guys." Aggro said with a smile towards us, the smile that I love. But right now I had to hate it.

"Hey you two, Aggro your up early your normally one of the last ones out of the cave." Layla responded kindly.

"We decided to get up early." Aggro said.

"Yeah the morning breeze is nice." Dash added.

Seriously Aggro? You wake up early now? You never do that! She doesn't have to change herself for a guy. I like her as she is... AND what morning breeze?! Uggghhh this is to painful to watch. I walk away deciding to get the fish for breakfast, normally I would let someone else get it but I didn't want to stay around Dash any longer then I had to.

"Cutter, were are you going?" Aggro asks me. I was about to reply but I felt that tugging at my heart and I just kept walking. I felt so angry, plus it's not like anything I say will matter. She's to caught up in her lovely price charming.

I walk up to the barrels in the back of the Roost, they had lots of fresh fish in it. I drag a couple back for Aggro- I MEANT EVERYONE!!!

Once I get back I put the fish near the fire but not to close. Then I hear her talk and my heart instantly speeds up.

"Oh you were getting the fish, that's very unusual." Aggro said I think she was trying to tease me to lighten the mood. She had a smirk on her face and her eyes were on me waiting for a response but she didn't get one.

"What's wrong?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow. Knowing I have to ignore her I grab a fish and sit down near the fire.

"Are you ignoring me?" I could a hear a little anger in her voice but there was something else there that I couldn't quite identify.

"Fine, whatever!" I heard her snap at me. I guess she's get angry at me for ignoring her but that's for the best maybe if she hates me and I act like I hate her then maybe my feelings for her will go away. Though a strong pull at mind told me I didn't want these feelings to go away but I ignored it. Once I was sure she wasn't looking at me I glanced at her with a sad look. She was back to talking with Dash as if nothing happened and honestly she looked happy why should I mess with that mood, just got to stick this though. I knew anything I said wouldn't have mattered anyway...

I glare away again looking as if I'm fuming about something. Or someone.

3rd persons P.O.V-

While Cutter was glaring away, Aggro glanced at him sadly, Trying to figure out what she could have done to make him so angry? She felt as if she was spiraling. Why is the boy she's in love with hate her?


Ok so this is the end of this chapter, I was going to make it longer but I thought this would be a good spot to leave off at. Also did you guys see the thing I did with the description for the story and then this chapter, like the words at the end of this chapter are the same? No? Ok, never mind..

Vote and Comment!!! Byeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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