Into the storm

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(A/N) sorry there's a lot of perspective change. 😂 I just thought it would be better that way.

Winger's P.O.V—

I looked out to the sunset desperately wanting her to come back... We just confessed to each other and she left. Well that was going to happen anyway... that's it. It's done and there's nothing I can do.

"The guy that never gave up." I whispered to myself replaying the events that just happened in my head.

"Wait! That's it!!" I shouted getting an idea. I wiped around to the Rescue Riders who were right behind me.

"We can't give up!!" I said.

"But what can we do?" Aggro asked.

"We will follow her!" I said.

"What about her flock?" Summer asked.

"Since when has a bunch of angry killer dragons stoped us?!" I said.

"Uhhhhh..." Burple said and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy.

"This sounds like one of my crazy ideas." Dak said.

"Look," I started and glance down at the ground. "I can't give up... not yet." I say moving my head up having a determination look in my eyes. I put a foot forward. "I won't give up." I finish, looking them in the eye.

"Then we won't give up either!" Leyla says.

"We're with you all the way." Aggro says.

"Yeah...we know how much you love her." Cutter says giving Aggro a glance at the same time. Aggro was looking and listening with winger not realizing Cutter was looking at her.

(A/N) Aggro and Cutter are in the back of the group so only Winger saw.

"Plus we wouldn't be the Rescue Riders if we just let her go back to her mean flock." Burple adds.

"Thank you guys. You have no idea how much this means to me." I say gratefully.

"Alright, lets go!" Dak says and jumps on my back and Leyla jumps on Summer's.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   ~brought to you by Cutters amazing jokes~

3rd person P.O.V-

They have been following her for about an hour. The Rescue Riders were really quiet but it was still surprising that Voilet didn't know that they were there. She seemed to be lost in thought. She looked so... lost and sad. Winger just wanted to go comfort her but they had to keep their cover because if she caught them she'd send them back, not wants get them to get hurt. The Rescue Riders would glance at each other worriedly wondering what they got into. They were also really far from Huttsgalor as well. Of course they traveled around the world rescuing dragons. Though this time they were flying into unknown territory. Winger though was different then them on the trip. He never glanced at the other Rescue Riders, keeping his eyes on Voilet the whole time scared to lose her out of his sight. Dak tried moving around in the saddle to see if Winger would look at him\them but he never would. The Rescue Riders shared another worried glance before looking out to sea looking for her island.

Voilet P.O.V—

I had to leave them... I had to leave him. Winger. It was like my heart got ripped out of chest and left to die on a lonely rock.

(A/N) guess what that reference is from!!

My wings where aching from flying so long but I know my island is still far away. I thought I heard a flap of... wings? I decide to pretend I don't hear so I could figure out what I should do. I think fast and snap my head around to see if there was anyone there but I saw no one, only clouds. I sigh, 'must be paranoid.' I think. I suddenly see a storm in the distance. 'Yes!' I fly a little faster and into the storm.

Winger P.O.V-

She's flying straight into a storm! Is she crazy!! Should we follow her? What am I thinking of course we are following her!

"What do we do?" Dak asked.

"We go after her." I say.

"I guess but we have to be careful." Leyla said.

"Who do you think your talking to." Dak says with a smug smile.

"My crazy brother." Leyla said with in kidding tone and a playful eyes roll.

"She's not wrong." I say playfully, looking up at Dak with a smirk.

"Hey!" Dak says dramatically.

"Guys... we should go before we lose her." Summer says to the other Rescue Riders.

"Oh right!" I said. We all took off into the storm.

(A/N) ok so there talking loudly because Voilet is already in the storm and the storm is loud! Because the lighting and thunder is loud and it's raining hard too. Ok vote and comment! Byeeeeee!!!

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