"So... What do we do now?"-Cutter

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3rd persons P.O.V-

The unknown Swiftwing swiftly flew over to them. Landing in front of them growling. Winger jumped in front of Dak growling at the new Swiftwing.

Suddenly the other Swiftwing stopped growling. Her eyes were wide as well. "A-Are you..." She said looking at Winger.

Winger stopped growling and said, "Are you ok?" He asked tilting his head.

"Yes I'm fine... and rude." She quickly bowed. "I'm very sorry, I didn't realize it was you I hope you can forgive me." She finished.

Winger chuckled and said, "Of course. We didn't mean to startle you."

She smiled gratefully but then it was one of confusion. "What are you doing way out here? Are you here to defeat Royal?"

"Who's Royal?" Dak asked.

"Wait you can you understand me?" The mysterious green dragon asked Dak.

"It's a long story but my and my sister got rescued by an mother dragon and raised us besides her own son," Dak gestured to Winger. "Winger. We learned how to speak dragon." Dak said.

"Nice." She said.

"So... who's Royal?" Winger asked.

"Oh right, he's the leader of this flock.... Well not the true leader but he was mates with the leader of the flock. Everyone hates him but we have to listen to him. We all hoped Voilet- his daughter would become the leader but she disappeared when Royal announced her and Shadow to be mates..." She trailed off.

"Don't worry, we will free this flock but we're not sure what to do next..." Dak says.

"You guys can stay in my cave until you have a plan. Also my name's Emerald." She said kindly.

"You can call me Winger and this is Dak." Winger said with a smile.

"Ok, we should move quickly. The other dragons might not be as friendly as I am, not because they don't want to be saved there just scared Royal might hurt them." She said. Dak and Winger nodded in understanding. All the dragons that were patrolling flew towards the top of Star mountain.

"Why are they all stopping?" Dak asked.

"There reporting back to Royal." Emerald said.

The two dragons and one human flew back to the cave that Emerald was in before. Winger and Dak were worried about the other Rescue Riders since they haven't seen them but if they saw them it meant the scouts would have saw them too so in a way it was good. They would just have to hope for the best.

"Do you live alone?" Winger asked once they had landed.

"Not exactly..." After she said that four baby dragons came bustling out of the back of the cave.

"You brought guests!" One of the males squeaked out. They were in front of Winger and Dak.

"Ones a human!" One said before Emerald could say anything. The others started saying a couple other things that were random, like "look at his ears!" "Why is his paws shaped like that?" And many other things. What Dak and Winger noticed that there was two boys and two girls.

"Ok now kids, this is Winger and Dak. Treat them kindly. And don't bug them." Emerald said with a sigh then turned towards Dak and Winger. "Thats Moon, Talon, Vine and Aira." She finished.

Aira was a light blue, Moon was a dark blue, Talon was a forest green and Vine was a light green. They all had White underbellies. Aira had emerald eyes. Moon had dark purple eyes. Vine had ocean eyes. Talon looked identical to his mother, With emerald eyes and dark forest green coloring and a white underbelly.

"Winger is the Alpa dragon." Emerald said to her kids.

"REALLY!!!" All of them shouted at the same time.
(Expect Aria, she didn't say anything)

"Yup." Winger responded with a smile towards the little ones.

"I thought you said that the legendary Alpa used his head to fight and protect himself or herself?" Moon said said kindly.

"His heads not that big he won't be able to hit anyone with it." Talon said with a raised eyebrow. When he said 'that big' he emphasized it by stretching out the word and rolling his eyes as well. As soon as Talon said that Aria nudged her older brother Talon and glared at him, trying to tell him to be quiet. Winger glanced up trying to look at his head self-consciously.

Emerald chuckled and said. "I said he used his mind to control other dragons."

"Ohhhhh, that makes a lot more sense." Vine said looking towards his mother.

"And they should have an additional power... if I remember correctly." Emerald said looking at Winger.

Winger chuckled and responded, "Yeah something like that." He said with a smirk, remembering his lighting power.

Changing the subject Dak said, "We still have to find the others though." He reminded Winger.

"You got more dragons or humans on the island?" Emerald asked.

"Yeah, I hope they didn't get caught..." Dak responded.

"I'm sure there ok." Emerald said and reassured them with a smile. They smiled back gratefully.

"Wait!" Dak said eyes wide looking at something/someone on the ground.

"What?" Winger questioned looking where Dak was looking, Suddenly he gasped, "The other Rescue Riders!"

The other Rescue Riders were on the ground looking around cautiously for the patrolling dragons that were still reporting to Royal.

Dak turned towards to Emerald. "Can we bring them here? They might get caught if they stay out in the open like that." Dak asked.

"Of course." Emerald responded.

"Thank you." Winger said to Emerald.

"More visitors!" They kids shirked with excitement.

Emerald chuckled and turned towards her kids. "I think you four have had enough excitement for one day, go get cleaned up for bed." She purred softly to her kids. They all made noises of disappointment as their mother ushered them to the back of the cave. In the back you couldn't see what was back there because of the darkness but there must have been a section in the wall of the cave like a room since they dispersed. Dak and Winger dove straight down and landed in front of the Rescue Riders. Dak jumped off Winger and as soon as that happened he got a bone-crushing hug from his sister.

"We were so worried about you guys." Leyla said.

"Us too." Dak says as they parted.

"Is everyone ok?" Winger asked. Everyone quickly nodded.

"Ok this is really nice but we should get out from the open." Aggro said.

"I second that." Summer added.

"Follow us." Winger said. Dak jumped back on Winger's back and Leyla climbed on Summer's saddle.

(A/N) ok you can't make say 'Dak climbed/went on Winger's back' it's just impossible because Dak SO enthusiastic and is a daredevil. Its ADORABLE! Ok I'm gonna stop fan girling. Lol 😂. Anyway.... continue!

After they all landed in Emerald's cave, Emerald came out of the shadows to greet them. All the Rescue Riders eyes widened when they saw, sense they weren't expecting anyone to be their.

"Um Dak? Winger?" Layla asked confused. They were the only ones that looked calm and there the ones that took them to this cave. The Rescue Riders assumed that the cave would be empty.

"Guys this is Emerald, Emerald this is Layla, Burple, Cutter, Summer and Aggro." Dak said as he pointed to each of them.

"Nice to meet you." Layla said with a smile.

"You too. Winger and Dak told me what's going on. You guys can stay here as long as you want." Emerald said with an kind smile.

"Thank you." Summer said.

"No problem." She responded.

"So... What do we do now?" Cutter asked, everyone turned towards Cutter. They all gave each other worried glances because if they were all honest they had no idea what to do from here.

(A/N) ok that's the chapter! How do you like it? I thought it was pretty good. Voilet hasn't been in the chapters in a while. Well don't worry because she will come in soon!

Also I just realized I have a lot of OC's in the book. Voilet, Sunset, Sky, Branch, Royal. Then there's Emerald and her kids Moon, Talon, Vine and Aria. Jeez I hope you guys aren't getting confused because normally when I read a book with a lot of OC's I get confused. Anyway... Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeeee!

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