Part 4😡😡

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Holla guys🙋,Hi fi

I am back again

Sorry for the delay..
I am glad that you are enjoying my story.So here is the update.Dont forgot to vote and comment.

Avni went to washroom. Mean while neil got a call.He attend it.

On call

Neil:hello jude

Jude:sir,commisioner is helping ashish mehta..

Neil:any progress.

Jude:no sir

Then neil heard  doorbell.

Neil:ok keep an eye on his house and update their current move time to time.

Jude:ofcourse sir..

They hang up the call and neil went to hall.His servant open the door.commisioner was standing infront of him

Neil smirk

Neil:so how are you commisioner..

Commisioner also smirk and say

Cm:i am good sir..

They both laughed evily

Neil sat on the couch and indicate commisioner to sit.He sat down.

Neil:any progress in your searching for home minister daughter..

Com:sir how can it be possible..She is here only, right then how?

Neil smirk

Neil:is out homeminister ok?he asked dramatically.

Com:he was still unaware of his daughter's present situation. he is trying his best.but he will never move from his place when he come to know that his daughter is in lion's cage

Neil noded..

Com:ok sir. I am leaving.

Neil noded.

Then he went to avni..There he met with an adorable scene..Avni was in the balcony wearing the cute skirt and top..The skirt was knee length. Her soft hairs were simply flying with the flow of air...And coz of that they become messy. Some of her hair strands fall to her face.. She is standing in her toe and leaning to the balcony's railings.she spread her right palm to the air means she is trying to catch a butterfly..Bit she failed again and again.She had her angellic smiled fixed on her lips.... And this is enough to make anyone fall for her..

His chain of thoughts were broke due to her gigglings..He silently went to her..avni who was busy in catching the butterfly was unaware of his presence...Suddenly she felt she was flying in air.She looked back and saw neil was lifting her by holding her waist with his both hands.She smiled at him and touch the butterfly sofly it flew away. She giggles. Neil smiled and make her sit on the railings.He smiled at her and she also look at his eyes...

Neil:ohh my doll was trying to catch that butteefly.

Avni:neil it was so beautifull,na..

Neil:yup exactly like you..

Avni:but i dont have wings..And i cant fly..*pouting*

Neil:oopss you are right dont worry i will make you fly all over the world like a cute butterfly.



Avni:neil i want to speak to my dad and mom..They didnt call me till now..*pouting*

Neil in mind:uff what will i say to her..i know she is innocent but she is brave too... How much i will hide this from her?

Avni :neilllll...

Neil:haa bacha...What happened?

Avni:tell me...

Neil:there are some network problem.So they are not calling you..

Avni was convinced by his answer..

Jude called neil. Neil attend the call.

Jude:sir homeminister came to know that she is in this city but cant locate her location.

Neil get angry and runs his finger through his hairs...He made avni stand and indicate her to go.. She move from there.

Neil:how he came to know this..*cold tone*

Jude:sir dont know*scared*

Neil: dumboss.....Dont you have any idea..How irresponsible idiots you are...Try to know and inform me...

He shouted and threw the phone on bed....Nupu,zaan,dd,abhi came there and ask them the reason...He said them everything.they all get angry.

Zaan:neil we have to do something.

Neil looked.

Neil:i have an idea..We have to hide avni for few more days coz that stupid also want to land here....ashish mehta's best friend...All the documents are in his hands and that pendrive,it is very important.....he is playing with my patience.Be ready ashish mehta to see the great mafia king neil khanna..*evil smirk*

This all was heard by someone..That persons eyes welled up and kept sobbing continously.Neil and friends heard the sobs and turned back. They all shock to see the person especially neil....only thing escaped from his mouth was


Yes avni heard everything who was coming to see him for asking the permission to go to college.When she was about to step in the room,she heard neil shouting,  she get scared and stuck in the place.She heard the word "mafia king".which shock her to the core...

She lost her balance and was about to fall neil ran to her and hold her...she jerked his hands.

Avni:stay away from me.Dont dare to come near me...

Everyone become shocked.

Neil:doll plzz try...

Avni interrupted neil..

Avni:dont call me by that name mr.Mafia

Neil's heart pained badly hearing mr.Mafia from his doll's mouth.

Zaan:avni plz understand. It is not like that.

Avni was crying badly

Nupu:plz avni

Avni:i dont want to hear anyone.I want to leave..I want to meet my dad*angrily yet crying*

Neil got angry this time he hold her  shoulder's tightly,then he made her stand witha jolt

Neil :shut up.Dont dare to shutt any word..He is not your dad he is a monster..A damn monster..and you are not leaving here... Understand.

Avni became a scared kitten and she cried badly.Neil became sad but he want to hide it..

Neil:did you get me....*shouted*

Avni noded and sobs.

Abi:neil calm down plz

Neil:no abi..This is too much..come with me*to avni*

He hold her wrist tightly and pull her out of the room...He then take her to another room while she was struggling to get off from his grip.But she failed...He take her to her another room  and make her sit on the bed..

Neil:dont act smart and never try to escape from here.Then the consequences will be very hard for you..*he warned her*

She looked at him with red eyes due to continuos cry and ofcourse anger too...
He locked the door from outside and fall on his kness. He leaned to the door and cried badly..He let the tears flow which he was holding while paining his  doll.His frnds became sad coz they never saw him like this..He compose himself and rushes to his room..

Zaan:neil loves her immensely

Abi:and it is shown in his eyes

Dd:we will give avni to him at any cost..

Nupu:she will love him...I  am sure...

They all sighn and went

In avni's room she was crying badly..She was sitting on the floor leaning towards the wall holding her kneess with her hand...

Avni:why neil why you lied to me? If i know your identity before then i would not love you.Yes i loved you immensely from past 1 yr..


She closed her eyes and remembered the day when she meet him

Avni's pov

It was a hectic day for avni.. Her parents never let her to stress but she love to heal poor peoples pain.So she love to engage in it.When she was about to get into the car,she saw a boy of 7 or 8 yr,playing with a ball.His mom was busy with talking to someother lady.She admires him smilingly.suddently that ball fall to road and the boy run to take the ball.Meanwhile a truck was coming towards him.She become shocked and take a sudden step towards the road but her eyes stucked something.A handsome man of 20 's run to the boy and hold him then he rolled him towards the opposite direction.truck went.The man hold the boy and hand over him to his mother.He scold the lady and went away. All the people durrounded there get shocked but she felt something new in her heart...She smiles and her whole week was filled with a new strange feeling.She tried to saw him but she dont know who is he.. Where is he...

Another day she again met him but he didnt saw her...

But her heart says her to meet him... But why???? Atlast she found the feeling..She is in love with him.... With that unknown person...She dont know his name,his whereabouts but she was sure that she will meet him...

Pov ends.

She cried badly thinking about the day..

Avni:when i came here i saw i saw his face first....I became shocked plus happy too...But i thought why am i here.Then he lied me that he was my dad's frnd son...I tried very much to hide my feeling from him coz what if he doesnt love me,he doesnt have any feelings for me.So i thought to go with the flow of life...Now...Now..I realize that you are a lier...Cheater....Kindless mafia who kill people without any reason,who like human blood smell,who like to make a man's life a hell.....I hate you....I hate you...

Avni cried holding her heart tightly.

Otherside neil called his goons and ordered them something.

Neil said to his frnds something

Neil:let's move

Frnds together:where???

How was the chappy?😁

Did you enjoyed it?😎

Did you enjoyed our avniel's secret love?😉

Is avni hating neil?😖

Did neil will able to pacify her?😓

Where is avniel and his frnds going?🤔🤔

Ready to collect chappals and tomatoes🍅🍅..Plzz try to throw apples too.🍎🍎.😆😅😅

Stay tuned😗😗

Much love

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