Neil knows Neela

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In the police station

Avni: leave me I am not what are you thinking Mr. Once I get out of it I will complain to Acp and then commissioner .( in a rude way)

Neil : ohh , so you think the Acp will release you but he will not and you know why as he is the only who has arrested you .

Avni : so you are Acp , oh please stop cracking jokes

Neil : I haven't yet crack any joke yet ( putting his hand frustadely on  the table)

Avni : so you think that you hadn't crack an joke . The first joke was you idiot arrested me without any proof in this cell and the second joke that you are an Acp  you are .....
(Interrupted )
Neil : one minute , would you just said me idiot right now . ( in a loud voice ) DD take the Fir register and write a gangster girl said the Acp idiot.

DD : sir evryone will laugh  seeing this Fir report .

Neil : I don't care D...
Shweta ( Neil's mom) : I do care

Neil: mom..

Shweta : Dakhal dayal you will not write any report in this , Tillu I do care your wedding is coming near and you are filing a useless report , also the person is already in the jail.

In neela ji house

Neela : what are you saying it means that my daughter is in jail . I am going to release her from the cell . I have all the proof about her as she hasn't done anything .

In the jail

Avni : where is mom she hasn't come yet

Neela : where is the commissioner I want to see him right now .
Note : Neela has helped the police so much that she can also rule as a commissioner as registered by goverment

DD : ma,am what happened why are you looking so angry .

Neil : DD who is shouting in the station .

Note : Neil know Neela very well as his mother ( shweta ) and Neela are good friends.

Neil : Aunty you what happened anything wrong.

Neela : Neil Anya verma is my daughter somebody has arrested her by saying she is Anya shrivastav and has mudered his husband .( angry)

Neil : Aunty I am so sorry , I didn't knew that she is your daughter but we can't help you as you have to ask to the commissioner .

Neela : oh god , now where is the commissioner ( frustadely goes to see the commissioner )

In commissioners cabin

Knock knock

Commissioner : please come in

Neela: sir I request , please release my daughter as she hasn't done anything  she is innocent .

Commissioner : yes of course Neil told me that she is your daughter just now in the phone .

(Night scene )

Avni get released from the cell but she was very angry about what happened  with her today .

Precap : Avni and niel met on Neil's wedding .

Sorry for any grammatical errors .
I hope you like the episode .

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