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You and Hani head over to the bar and take a look around. Hani really wasn't joking when she said it was going to be flooded with idols. Monsta X, NCT, Block B, Mamamoo, Blackpink... they were all here and more. No sign yet of who you really came for though.

"When do you think Exo are going to arrive?" you ask Hani, still looking around.

You don't hear any response so you look at her to find her with a finger outstretched, gaping at something behind you. Her mouth repeatedly opening and closing in shock.

Please don't let it be him, please for the love of Beliebers no...

Tensing up, you turn around but you're both relieved and pleasantly surprised to find Park Jimin standing behind you. In your opinion the most handsome in BTS. Followed closely by Namjoon.

It's those eye smiles... gets you every single time.

"Hi there, I'm Jimin," he introduces, smiling coyly.


Uwu overload.

You mirror his smile. "I know who you are," you tell him. "I'm Linney, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," he says before glancing around. "Are you here with anyone, Linney? Like... a boyfriend for example?"

"No boyfriend. Just her," you say, indicating behind you. "This is my best friend Hani."

"Hey Hani," he says looking around you briefly before returning his gaze to yours.

She doesn't say anything and just stares in shock so you wave it away. "Um she seems to be a little starstruck," you giggle awkwardly. "Sorry about that."

He chuckles. "No worries. I'm used to it."

You glance back at Hani who looks like a dying fish gasping for air out of water. "Oh man, you're used to that?" you laugh. "I feel for you. You poor unfortunate soul."

Jimin joins in with your laughter. "What can I say. Perks of the job. Comes with the fame."

"Yeah that, and I guess it helps that you're insanely talented and good looking too right," you manage between giggles.

"Um yeah I guess," Jimin agrees, looking bashful but pleased by your comment. "Are you a fan of our group?"

"Nope," your answer honestly taking him aback. "But that doesn't mean I'm not your fan," you add with a wink.

Jimin slowly broke out into a cheeky grin. "Yeah? How so?"

"You're one of the best dancers I've ever seen," you say easily. "I know most say Jhope is better but I disagree. Jhope may be charismatic, sharp and concise but you are smooth, elegant and ethereal. You move with such a natural and unrivalled grace. Like a beautiful swan gliding across an ice pond during a breathtaking sunset. It's impossible to watch you and not feel your heart and soul move along with you."

Jimin's grin abruptly tumbles from his face. His lips parting slightly as he blinks at you with astonishment.

Maybe that was a bit much for him, you think.

"Uhh I wasn't trying to make you feel uncomfortable-" you start to say but like coming out of a daydream, he starts, and quickly waves his hands around.

"No no no you didn't!" he says quickly, cheeks colouring adorably. "I- I just... what you said was so... wow I dunno..." He rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head as if in disbelief. "You took me by surprise that's all. No one's ever said anything that sweet to me before," he adds before shyly meeting your gaze. "Thanks... thank you."

"Just being honest you don't have to thank me," you smile then laugh at his expression. "You act like no one's ever complimented you before."

"People compliment me all the time," His eyes take on an expressive tilt as he studies you. "Just not like that."

"Weeeeell my Omma says I have the mouth of a gangster but I'm also a literacy major so every now and then I'm known to sprout sonnets," you joke, quickly adding, "Not that I didn't mean what I said though. I'm sure you've worked your ass off to get to where you are and it shows. You seem like a nice guy too so you deserve to know just how good you are."

Jimin lets out a little laugh before he's ducking a smile to the floor and moving to the bar to hover beside you. "Please, let me buy you a drink..." he bites his lip as he looks at you, eyes soft.

You shake your head. "No thanks, I'm trying to avoid troub... erm getting drunk."

"Please. Even if it's not alcohol it's on me," he insists waving someone over.

"You really don't have to," you say but he's already giving instructions to the bar man.

"Everything these two lovely ladies want tonight," He tilts his head at you and Hani. "Make sure it goes on my tab."

You grab his bicep and shake your head again. "No seriously, that's far too generous."

Your refusal seems to finally snap Hani out of her reverie. "What!? No don't listen to this insane person!" she exclaims suddenly then leans across the bar so she can beam at him. "Thank you your royal cuteness, we'll use it well."

"Go for it," he says chuckling at her, before he surprises you by gently clasping the hand you placed on his arm and raising it to his mouth. "How about you and I go somewhere a little quieter to talk hmm?" he asks, tracing his lips over your knuckles. "I would really like to get to know you better."

"Um..." He seems so nice that you're seriously considering it, but then you glance over at Hani. "Sorry, I can't just ditch her."

Hani who is already elbows up on the bar and sipping at the straws of three different cocktails, splutters then turns to you in disgust.

"Yah, what am I twelve years old and in need of a babysitter? I order you to go with him. Go! Go! Go!" she orders, pushing you away.

"But..." you begin to say.

"Go damn you!" she barks.

Startled, you see Jimin smiling down at you eagerly and feel him start to tug you away when suddenly your hand is hijacked... by a stormy looking Jungkook.

Perfect. Just perfect.

Standing between you and a now very confused looking Jimin, he glowers at you. "You're late," he grouses giving your fingers a squeeze. "I was waiting forever. What took you so long?"

You glance down where you're joined and roll your eyes then look up faking a smile. "Well I was making myself pretty and presentable for you of course. What else?"

His furious expression fades a little. "Oh... really?" he asks hopefully.

"Not at all. Dumbass," you answer and he immediately huffs.

Pissed, but unable to take it out on you he turns to Jimin. "Back off Hyung. This one's mine." To emphasise his meaning he holds up your linked hands.

"Yours!?" you splutter but both boys ignore you.

"Yah maknae," Jimin says lowly, his confused look melting into one of deep displeasure. "I'm going to give you one chance to explain what the hell you're doing right now before I hand you your ass for interrupting."

Jungkook looks a bit taken aback. As if Jimin's reaction to the situation wasn't quite the norm before his expression goes stormy again.

"You know the rules!" Jungkook snaps. "We're not allowed to poach in each others territory!"

You squint at them both suspiciously.

What on earth are they talking about. Territory? What territory?

"You're the one who's cockblocking me right now!" Jimin snaps back, then darts an apologetic look your way for his choice of words as you raise your eyebrows.

"How fortunate for the safety of your cock," Jungkook snarls. "Because she's already spoken for."

Your mouth pops open. "Excweese me!? No I'm not!"

Shooting you a silencing look he narrows his eyes at Jimin. "Yield, Hyung. If you know what's good for you then remember what I'm saying. She is off limits."

Off limits? Who does he think he is!?

You vigorously shake your hand out of his but he catches it again, gripping even tighter so you can't pull away.

Utterly pissed, you shoot your eye lasers at him hoping his head will implode. "Yah!" you bark at him, getting his attention. "I and only I get to decide whether or not I am off limits or not and I say I'm not so you better back the truck all the way up, and get that through your head before I bust you in your other eye!"

Jimin's brows furrow. "Wait Linney's... your library girl?"

"Correct," Jungkook grinds. "She's my library girl."

You peer at Jimin curiously. "Wait a minute... what do you mean by that? You know me?"

Before Jimin can answer Jungkook cuts him off. "He doesn't. In fact he was just leaving," he snaps, eyeing him threateningly.

You slap his back with your free hand in frustration. "If anyone should leave it should be you! You interrupted our conversation not the other way around."

Jungkook shoots you a glare. "Our? What our? If it weren't for me you wouldn't even be here," he grates in a low voice.

You glare back. "So it was you who sent me the passes. Tssh well I didn't ask you to do that so if you think i'm going to fall all over you with gratitude then you can forget it... now unhand me you thick thighed looney toon!" Trying to pry your hand away, you pause when the club music suddenly stops and the MC for the night comes out onto the stage nearby.

It's Heechul from Super Junior.

"Alright idols and idol guests!" he announces. "As usual we're gonna start this party off with a bang. As is tradition, each of the groups in attendance will perform one of their songs during the night! First group up are... B...T...S! Come on up fellas. Make some noise everyone!"

Everyone hoots and applauds. People begin to flood toward the stage.

Before you can react, Jungkook shoots you a determined look and totes you along behind him. Leaving a severely put out Jimin with no choice but to follow.

You protest and drag your feet when you see he's tugging you towards the stage but it's hopeless, you might as well have been trying to fight a polar bear he's that strong.

"Yah pineapple head, I've got to go back for my friend!" you yell over the cheering and applauding but he ignores you.

Jimin joins the other members who are filing up the steps but Jungkook leads you past them and through the crowd to place you right in front of centre stage.

You look at him questioningly but all he does is give you a 'Stay put' look before nimbly hoisting himself up to join the others.

Does he think i'm going to stay here just because he wants me to?

Scoffing at his nerve, you turn to go check on Hani but stop when you find her beside you. "Hani-ah when did you get here?" you ask in surprise.

She waves dismissively, her eyes fixated on the stage. "Puh-lease wifey I was here before you were." She grabs your arm. "Now ssssh it's starting!" she tells you jumping excitedly.

The club lights turn off so you look to the stage and see a spotlight shining down on BTS. From here you could see all seven of them doing their starting poses up close.

There was no doubt... you and Hani definitely had the best viewing spots in the house. Dead bang in the centre, right up front.

The music comes on and the boys start to move so despite yourself, you give in and turn back to watch.

It's the first chance you've ever had to watch a live Kpop performance so even though you may not be a fan, there's no harm in watching right?............................. WRONG 0_0

It starts off normal enough, Jungkook 'sort of' rapping blah blah blah, the cutie Namjoon raps then the main cutie Jimin sings, the chorus comes on but when it ends, your body goes into feminine shock when you see Jungkook swagger over to stand right in front of you and start taking his shirt off.

Well that's putting it mildly. More accurately...

He is seductively peeling it off like he's magic Mike on crack. While the rest of them are in formation and doing the same in the background, all you see is Jungkook doing body rolls while pulling his shirt apart and down. His gaze locked on your face and his tongue swiping across his lips as he bares his glorious upper body to the humid club air.


Ariana Grande you got it wrong. God is not a woman! I repeat God. Is. Not. A. Woman!

Your mouth pops open in amazement. Sure you'd seen it all before on TV but it was a different thing entirely to see the muscles, sweat and thrusting on show right in front of you.

Every single one of them have great bodies but now you can't help but gawk wantonly at the one right before your eyes, tamping down the urge to close the arms length between you and trace a finger over the defined contour of his abs.

They're so shiny and chiseled you start wondering if they're real.

You start wondering exactly how hard they are.

You start wondering about things you had no business wondering about... such as, how they would feel under your hands or lips, or snapping against your pubic bone.

Slowly to your horror, it registers that the one mesmerising your warring hormones... is none other than Jeon Jungkook.

You don't even like the guy.

Presumptuous annoying jerk.

And yet you still continue to stare.

Are you nuts!? Snap out of it! you scream inside your head. If anyone is going to cause you a horny induced nosebleed, it shouldn't be this jackass!

Tearing your gaze away, you quickly wade back through the sea of idols and head for the bar.

On second thought, you could use a drink after all...

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