Shot 3 : The Major Turn Of My Life

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~*~*~* HIS POV ~*~*~*


I never knew how but I got attracted to her right at the first day when I met her, no rather say, bumped into her.

Arey yaar, Introduction toh diya hi nahi! So, hey! I'm Dr. Sanskar Maheshwari! Nephew cum son of Durgaprasad Maheshwari, Dean of Mumbai Medical University! And well, I was famous during the University times for two things - I'm a big prankster and a university topper. I'm known for my quality of 'loving'. Girls used to get crazy on seeing me. No, I'm not a casanova, but well, you know how college girls always react when they see a handsome guy. I enjoyed doing masti in the Campus but obviously at the end of the day I had to go back home to study.

But one thing which changed my perspective to life was her. Swara, yes! She narrated half of her story to you, now my turn. So...

It's Swara who made me realise that a person does have a weakpoint and its not difficult to overcome it if one has will-power. I was impressed by Swara's strength and passion... no matter what happened with her, she never gave up. Frankly speaking, when I had come to know about her dyslexia I was shattered. Yes, I was shattered. When in my life I'd never been vulnerable about something so much, that terrible thought about how Swara managed to redeem herself after her family's demise really shooked me to the core. That's where it all started -- immediately respect was the element to our two week hi-hello friendship. She really went through so much in her life and she never even could share her pain with anybody. But then I had made a promise to disappear all the reasons of her pain. I wanted to do everything for her that she rightfully deserved. I wanted to love her, support her, cherish her, be with her. And when I came to know the biggest truth of her life, I did confront her. I did something which, maybe, I shouldn't have done. But I couldn't control myself. We both had feelings for each other. I had realized it back then.

And after our confrontation, there was nothing holding us back ... There was nothing holding me back!

And I did what I had to. Six months, six long months were spent.

I accept that it was me who trained her to such an extent that after five years she could read and write today, but she always told me that only I was the reason for her cure and for achieving her family's dream and that I'm her angel sent by God. But little did she know that it was only her self determination and self confidence which made her reach her goal. I was nothing... I just got her introduced to the simple level but later it was only and only Swara who worked upon her strength and hardwork, the hardwork which even I never taught her.

Swara said I was the cure to her disability, but I will say that she is the one who taught me how one crosses all paths of life if one has self-determination.

I still remember the day I saw her getting scoldings for bad grades in her assignments from Bade Papa. I couldn't control myself and thus I stopped my Bade Papa...

~*~*~* SHOT 3 ~*~*~*

"Enough Bade Papa !!!"

A voice which stopped everything for a while. Swara who was silently bearing everything till now, also looked up. Durgaprasad was dumbfounded, being aware that his son was the one who just stopped him. The students who were already standing there smiling were no more smiling. Their goofy smiles had also disappeared in one go.

"Now I won't hear a word against Swara Bade Papa, now even if I have to go against my Dean!"

The voice was enough for Swara ti realise who it was... the voice that had been pestering her ever since god-knew-how-long... the same voice that made her feel tingling sensations...

She turned to look behind and saw an enraged Sanskar looking sharply at Durgaprasad who in turn looked at him with an angry expression.

Durgaprasad : Sanskar! What are you doing here? You were supposed to attend your classes! And how dare you inter...

"...And how dare you Bade Papa to talk to your student like that?" said Sanskar giving the same expression to his father figure.

Durgaprasad (shouted) : Sanskar!!!

Sanskar (to the students there) : Hello, it's between me and the dean. I request all the other people to leave right now, otherwise it won't be good for any of you.

Durgaprasad who was till now unaware of the group of students standing there immediately ordered every student to go back to their class otherwise the result would be suspension.

Swara who was not understanding anything and confused, looked down and was about to take a step when...

Sanskar : (sharply) No Swara, you wait!

Swara who was already scared froze at her own place and did not dare to move. Her hands were shaking and feet was trembling. Her world was turning upside down when Sanskar again turned towards Durgaprasad.

Sanskar : It would be much better Bade Papa that if you don't forget that before a student of this university she's a girl! And one shouldn't be so hard on a girl. No one has the right to judge a girl's abilities, ye hi aap ne hume sikhaya tha na?

Durgaprasad : The son whom I have taught moral ethics and have grown him up into an adult is today teaching me to behave? (angrily) Sanskar, don't force me to take an action against you.

Sanskar : And you know what, I'm not even scared. (smiled) You're my dad and much more than my own dad. Whatever you'll do, I'll never feel bad. Papa hai aap mere. But I won't be able to tolerate if you say anything to Swara.

Saying this, Sanskar brought himself on Swara's level to enclose her hand in his, astonishing her to a great extent. A sudden current passed in Swara as she felt his touch for the first time. A foreign feeling tugged in her heart feeling the touch of his palm against hers. She looked at Sanskar in a shocked look and he made them exchange assuring looks with each other while Durgaprasad looked on shocked and in rage.

DP : What on earth are you talking Sanskar? This student has failed in all the subjects!

Sanskar : But what if she redeems herself next time?

His voice rang in both Swara and Durgaprasad's ears. Durgaprasad was taken aback. According to Swara's misfortune, this was next to impossible.

Swara (murmured to him) : Sanskar... please... don't...

Sanskar (looked at Swara) : No Swara! (looked at Durgaprasad) Show him what you are. Show our... (in a taunting way) ... dismotivating Dean what you can really achieve! What you really deserve.

Durgaprasad (shouted) : Sanskar!!!

He raised his hand on Sanskar and was about to slap it across his face, but on a quick reflex Sanskar held his hand tightly.

Swara literally gasped looking at Sanskar, who was looking at Durgaprasad sharply. Her breath got hitched inside her.

Why was he doing this for her? Why?

Durgaprasad was taken aback to see his son stopping his hand while Sanskar looked on at him.

Sanskar : Please Bade Papa, one chance. (intensely) I believe in her. Swara will do it! And I feel ashamed to stop your hand. I am sorry for this. But raising your hand to slap me means raising your hand to slap Swara's dreams! What she really wants... Please...

But before Sanskar could further insist Durgaprasad jerked his hand and walked away from there. Sanskar took a deep breath. This was the first time he went against him but he knew what his topmost priority was at this time.

He knew he would convince his Bade Papa cum Dean only if Swara topped the University.

He was determined, he would go to any extent to bring happiness in Swara's life and he would do anything for it.

Sanskar (avoiding eye contact with Swara) : Ah... You go and attend your lectures now, we'll talk later.

Swara nodded her head and Sanskar left from there to his class. She was already in a dilemma after the scene she witnessed today. After her family, no one ever fought or took a stand for her. But in spite of this, she also witnessed a new shade of Sanskar today. His side, which she never knew.


When she had always seen his prankster nature everytime in these two weeks! Tears made their way to her eyes out of various emotions in her heart....

She was deeply moved from inside.

What was there in her heart?

Why Sanskar affected her so much?

Was it possible that.. she.. was... NO! It couldn't be!

But amidst all this, she remembered one more important thing! Today in the morning, in the library, she had behaved rudely with Sanskar by
rejecting his proposal indirectly of taking her to university becoming her ride tomorrow.

"I need to say sorry to him for my past behavior! Also, I need to thank him for supporting me!"


Sanskar was about to go to the Cafeteria with Laksh when suddenly Swara approached him. She tapped his shoulder, and he turned around to see her. 

Sanskar : Swara? What happened?

Swara : Ugh.. woh.. Sanskar we need to talk.

She looked at Laksh in a pleading expression. Laksh understood what he meant and looked at Sanskar. Sanskar nodded his head in an assurance. Laksh smiled at both of them and he went from there.

Oh yes, he had to talk to her too!

Sanskar : Haan Swara.

Swara (anxiously) : Woh... sorry for two things! Sorry, because I behaved rudely with you today morning in the library. And sorry because you had to fight with your father today because of me!! And... and... Erm.. haan! Thank you for one thing! Thank you, because you saved me from Kavita, Sahil, and the Dean today. I can't apologise you or thank you enough! I was feeling nervous to talk to you but I couldn't help...

Swara was blabbering continuously but hardly a single word travelled in Sanskar's ears as he was completely lost in her innocence. No one could resist her inner charm, her beautiful voice, her beautiful black eyes.

How could the world be so mean with her?

And her talks reflected her purity, sweet nature and her innocence. Truly, God must have never been so mean with anyone else but her.

Soon, he was tugged a bit after Swara slapped his shoulder bringing him to senses.

Swara : Sanskar! You're listening na? I... I said sorry, and...

Sanskar : Haan, Haan! And thank you! I heard it Swara. I was listening. By the way...

Swara (smiled) : Thank god, so I'll leave now.

Swara was about to leave when...

"Where are you going?"

Sanskar shooted making Swara shocked.

Swara (confused) : Umm, to attend my lectures.

Swara was leaving when Sanskar's voice shooked her again. He gripped her wrist shocking her.

Sanskar (serious) : Are you sure that you had only that much to tell me Swara?

Swara (avoiding eye contact) : Sanskar, of course, I had only that much..

"Do you really think I should not know anything about you?"

Swara's eyes got teary eyed. She was somewhere realising that Sanskar was forcing her to blurt out her pain but she knew, she couldn't! She couldn't go closer to the Dean's son!

Swara : No Sanskar, its.. its nothing. I can handle it myself.

Sanskar (more seriously) : Sure you can handle it yourself?

No words could come from Swara's mouth. She looked at Sanskar but next moment what happened shocked her to the core! She found herself pinned to the wall and encased by Sanskar's strong arms on either of her sides of the wall.

This was the first time she saw Sanskar behaving so possessive about her! An eyelock took place between them...

All unsaid words were identified by looking at each others' eyes...

There was a growing passion of intensity between them.

But what's the worst Sanskar felt was that Swara was hiding from him, her biggest problem of her life which created obstacles in her dreams...

Sanskar : (sharply) We are friends Swara, right?

Swara (avoiding eye contact) : When.. When did we become friends?

Sanskar : And we are indeed much more than friends. Am I right?

Swara looked at Sanskar shocked. She never thought Sanskar to act so vulnerable with her.

She never thought that for him, she was his friend.. No, maybe much more than that..

Swara : I.. I don't know.

Sanskar (a little obsessively) Look at me Swara!!!! Don't avoid eye contact with me... Just tell me straight, do you feel for me?

Swara was hell shocked!!! Feelings, some word's meaning she didn't actually know!!!! But she had started knowing it's meaning since the day she first met him. Yes, she did have feelings for him, some really unsaid feelings which she would rather keep to herself for everyone's good. She looked at Sanskar who was expecting for an answer from her.

Oh god, what would she have to speak now? But the intensity in Sanskar's eyes was expressing the same which she was having in her heart for him. On the other hand, this time it was Sanskar who was trying to read her eyes...

Sanskar (intensely) : So should I take your silence as a 'yes'?

"Yes I feel for you Sanskar!!!!!!" - Swara replied her heart out to him but then her tears bursted out from her eyes. Sanskar was surprised, he felt like to kiss her right at that moment!!! He ultimately did started kissing her lips. Swara was shocked but she started reciprocating, adoring the feeling of being loved by someone. After a soft and light moment, they broke the kiss...

Swara : (smiled) Yes Sanskar, I have feelings for you! But.. (teary eyed) It.. would be better if we would stay away from each other!

Sanskar got shocked. Just now he made her trust him, and still she's resistant on his question.

Sanskar (shocked) : Why Swara? Why? Just give me a valid reason!

Swara : Because Sanskar I'm not worthy of an intelligent brain like you... I have a severe weakness in me, and even if I'll try to fight with it, I'll never be able to overcome it.

Swara controlling and consoling herself tried to leave from there but soon Sanskar got hold of her wrist and she stopped dead on her place.

Sanskar : And what if I know your weakness? What if I solve the biggest problem you're facing in your life?

Swara turned around to look at Sanskar in a shock... Through her eyes she asked him for an answer... His words still rang in her ears a multiple times... She couldn't believe her ears!

Sanskar removed something from his pocket. Then he forwarded it to her. And within a moment Swara realised what it was.

Ohhh God!!!!!!

Her biggest wish to read and write which she had written on the paper, she could also see that it was deciphered by Sanskar. Swara, with trembling hand, raised it to hold the paper. She then looked carefully at her own piece of paper.

Sanskar : Now, do you still think I'll leave you alone like that? (noticing Swara confused) By the way, you had dropped it from your book by mistake near the library. That's how I came to know it.

Swara was astonished to an extent that she could do nothing but yet again control her tears. She closed her eyes when Sanskar was looking at her expecting her to give him an answer. She moved away from there for a while and started pacing up and down very slowly, in a deep confusion. One question that cropped in her mind...

"Was he the angel sent by God?"

"Could she trust him enough to tell him everything about her life?"

No, she already trusted him, but sometimes it was more important for her that he understood her. He identified her. Which he already did!

Coming to a series of positive conclusions... She took a deep breath wiping a tear in her eye, stopping at her own place, in such a way that her back faced Sanskar. She nervously started playing with her fingers, somehow unable to stand on her feet while blurting out the painful truth of her life. Sanskar thought not to pressurise her into telling the whole truth, as her comfort was most important to him than her truth.

Swara (closed her eyes sighing) : Sanskar, I hail from a very middle class family, I might not have a rich background as you have but even then, somehow it was always my childhood dream to become a doctor or an engineer. But fate had decided something else for me... By the age of 4 my Dida realised I had been suffering from dyslexia and it's my disability. No one can help curing it. Even then my Dida helped me to atleast pass my school exams. Without her, I could have never done this alone. My Maa never used to be at home. She was always forced to be out in office, and as you know a wife's priority after her husband passes away at a younger age... (somehow tries to console herself) I'm a girl without fate. I have gone through very difficult times, and claiming that since my childhood I suffered from Dyslexia made my life very miserable. I couldn't read and write. My Maa passed away right when I was in 3rd standard. It was only my Dida who understood about my troubleshooting in studies well. She was the only one who loved me the most after my mother's demise... But even then somehow my Dida managed to educate me till my 12th std but after that she started suffering from diabetes and even she left me... all alone... (crying) But today... Today I'm just nothing. Nothing without my family's support!

She couldn't control herself and bursted out in tears. But before she could break down Sanskar who was already shocked ran to her and held her arms.

Sanskar : Don't worry Swara, I can understand what you've been through. Now that because I know everything Swara, now, I promise I'll be there with you when you need anyone.

Swara still couldn't believe her ears. She didn't knew herself but she was super surprised.

She looked at Sanskar with widened eyes while he delicately cupped her cheeks...

Swara : But.. But Sanskar..

Sanskar : I don't know the meaning of but or if. I am promising you Swara with my heart and soul. (determined) I promise Swara, I will fulfill all your dreams. I will teach you to read and write! And I also promise that... (wiped a tear from her eye) I'll never let these tears come out of your beautiful eyes! Do you get me?

Swara was hell shocked. She felt like to pinch herself.

No one in this world had given her so much importance.

She felt like she got a support system.

She felt like she was in the ninth cloud. All she could do was circulated her petite arms tightly around Sanskar's waist bursting out crying... She hugged him tightly. Very tightly. Very affectionately. Very emotionally. She herself couldn't help it but she wanted to stay nearest to him!

Sanskar hugged her back holding her very close to him. He hugged her and engulfed her tightly in his embrace as if he hugged his life, his soul and would protect her from every disaster and havoc in her life. Tears flowed from his eyes as he closed his eyes tightly yet an assuring smile did not leave his face.

It was time for a major change in their lives...

Sanskar : (smiling) Just like this Swara, I promise to be your support pillar when you struggle! (huskily) I give you every promise which will bring a smile on your face... A light in your life!

Swara couldn't help stopping her tears and her emotions...

First time ever in her life someone gave her this much assurance!! This much guidance...

This much LOVE...

She was speechless and words were hardly able to come out from her mouth...


Four months passed by like this. But still she couldn't forget what happened with her four months ago. Sanskar's love confession, their first kiss, and the most drastic turn in her life. The foundation of a guide who would make everything wrong in her life correct.

Swara's POV

In these 4 months, Sanskar would visit me everyday in the university, also in my home, even if much convinced by his Bade Papa not to go but he didn't listen. One thing I couldn't believe was, Sanskar devoted his entire 4 months 24 hours of his life for me! Only for me. He gave me 4 months to just learn alphabets ABCD... He didn't care if his time was going to waste because every second he always used to remind me that he loves me and couldn't see me in pain. I, even today, couldn't find any words to say Thank You to him for what he did. 'Thank You' is a very very small word, what Sanskar did for me was crore times more worth than this Thank you. But I don't know why but whenever I see him, words refuse to come out of my mouth... I get speechless on seeing him, because everytime he comes infront of me I always remember that this person is fixing everything in my life and I lack words to say to him. He is helping me fight with my weakness. When I see him just one word pops in my mind, 'MY GUIDE, MY ZINDAGI'. Sanskar would always notice my silence and he was always there for me when I needed support, when I would ever breakdown only he was there patting my back consoling me with great care.

Today, after 4 months I know a proper ABCD, all because of his love and care towards me. He didn't teach me with the skills of a guide, but with 'love' and 'care'. He would patiently wait while I learnt pronouncing and writing an alphabet or a number. He never whinned or complained even if I felt awkward to keep him waiting. If I sometimes ever failed to learn an alphabet or a number, he would lovingly get me used to it. He would start using romantic words... (laughed) You know he's very naughty. But I guess learning became easier for me because of that. (sticked out her tongue). He always assured me that there was always good within me... And I should be confident.

Today I'm much lively than before only because of him.

Another day, when he came... OMG! I was superb excited because after long 4 months of fixing alphabets and numbers into my mind I was going to learn framing words and mathematics calculation! This was the 2nd stage of my learning... I was going to get used to new things and so had to clear my mind a bit...


Swara was preparing to open her books when the ring of the bell rang. She looked at it and understood that it was Sanskar. She ran to open the door and saw a smiling Sanskar. And as usual she couldn't find any words to say...

Swara : Thank..

"Nooo Nooo Nooo!!!! Please stop there right now. I'm not mentally prepared to hear a 2251st thank you
God itne thankyous toh life mein kabhi nahi mile mujhe." - said a hell irritated Sanskar who was closing both his ears with his books.

All Swara could do was laugh her heart out...

Swara (giggling) : Sanskar! Such a dramaqueen you are! (stopped laughing and smiled) Now, come.

Sanskar who was already seeming lost in her giggles was again shooked when Swara snapped her fingers infront of him. Sanskar nodded in a No and entered inside.

Sanskar : You know right what are we going to do today?

Swara (smiled) : Yes.

Sanskar : Umm, by the way Swara...(smiled) Those sweet Nightingale giggles only suit you!!

Swara (surprised) : What? (chuckled) Sanskar, this is the third time you are telling me this.

Sanskar : Yes but, as these days are passing I'm coming to know a new layer of you... Your every laugh seems new to me...

Swara : Are you really talking to me?

Sanskar (pout) : Yes. But why?

Swara : Because before no one gave me such compliments.

Sanskar (went closer to Swara) : Because no one knows how beautiful and intelligent you are...

They have grown very closer to each other in these months. All Swara could do was chuckle and offer Sanskar to sit. Within a few minutes Sanskar began teaching her to speak and pronounce a word... Swara looked on carefully in the book as if trying to understand each and every instruction of Sanskar. In these long hours he was teaching her the words, and when he would give a hard word or a whole sentence to Swara to learn, he would look at her lovingly, seeing her learning and her intelligence... He would everytime get lost gazing at her when Swara didn't pay attention to anything and was trying to learn the word or the sentence by speaking it aloud...

O Dariya.. Mujhe Nahi Jaana Uss Paar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera
O Dariya.. Zara Rokan Do Majhdhaar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera

O Dariya.. Mujhe Nahi Jaana Uss Paar
Aaya Ranjha mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera
O Dariya.. Zara Rokan Do Majhdhaar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera

O Ho…
Tair Ke Aaya Nadiya Ve
Pal-Pal Jaise Sadiya Ve
Ishq Bada Hai Imtehaan Tera

Chhaan Li Teri Galiyan Ve
Dil Mera Na Mileya Ve
Mujhko Bana Le Nigehbaan Tera

O Dariya.. Hai Tujhsa Hi Dildaar
O Ranjha Mera, O Ranjha Mera
O Dariya.. Hai Wohi Mera Ghar-Baar
Jahan Ranjha Mera... Jahan Ranjha Mera...

"Sanskar?" Swara was trying to wave her hand infront of Sanskar's eyes but he was so lost in her that he couldn't see what she was saying. At last Swara could do nothing but hit his shoulder which brought him into senses. "Ugh, Han. Han? - stammered Sanskar.

Swara : I have learnt this paragraph so far... Now, next?

Sanskar (deeply) : Hmm... So next...(registering her words once again and got shocked) Wait wait.. What.. what did you say?!!

Swara : I said that I could learn a para...

...Before she could say anything further Sanskar immediately hugged her very very tightly, overwhelmed to see that he could do something to bring light in Swara's life... Swara was confused but then realising everything she hugged him back smiling.

Haath Na Chhoote Ranjha ve
Saath Na Toote Ranjha Ve
Mainu Toh Bas Deedaar Tera

Lakh Kaha Na Maana Ve
Dil Kaisa Deewana Ve
Kabse Kare Hai Intezaar Tera

O Dariya.. Zara Tham Toh Ja Ek Baar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera
O Dariya.. Mera Peer Mera Haqdaar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera

O Dariya… Mujhe Nahi Jaana Uss Paar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera
O Dariya… Zara Rokne Do Majhdhaar
Aaya Ranjha Mera, Aaya Ranjha Mera

O Ho…

Sanskar (smiled to himself) : I... believe in you Swara!!


Two months more passed by...

By this point of time, Sanskar gathered strength and courage for Swara and he finally made her capable of reading and writing. Swara was on cloud ninth but since she have learnt so many things now, she couldn't stop studying... Sanskar would often tell her not to stress so much but Swara wouldn't listen at all. Sometimes she would study the whole day now, practising by herself... Learning by herself... She had developed a good interest in studies, the studies, the words, the letters which used to be a fear, today have become her interest.

As usual after Sanskar taught her, Swara accompanied Sanskar till the gate of her hostel.

Swara : Sanskar...

Sanskar : Hmm?

Swara : (innocently) Are you sure that I'll be able to give the 2nd Semester exam? Because if.. if there's something left in my practice I think that..

Sanskar calmed her down and held her arms.

Sanskar : (smiled) I know you will do this Swara. Because the Swara I have finally discovered in these 6 months has the potential to even reach at the top! Swara, I know how important it is for you. We have nearly passed a year in this University and I'm very sure that because of your good result everyone in the university will start following you. They will start adoring you! And trust me saying me Thank you will be nothing because It is only and only your self determination and self confidence that today you are able to read and write! (Swara smiled)

Swara (held his hands smiling) : Only because of you Sanskar! It's only because of you, and you! (emotionally) I still don't know how to thank you... Even if there have been 6 months, you are teaching me everything I want to!! You taught me reading and writing Sanskar! You taught me the biggest thing in my life!

Sanskar : No Swara! (smiled) Trust me, I did nothing other than making you learn words and numbers. But it was your hardwork which I'm sure will bring you to success.

Swara smiled as both of them hugged each other before Sanskar left for his home.


"WHAT???!!!" shouted Laksh in a surprise as Sanskar was looking at him nervously expecting for an answer...

Sanskar : Ssh! Lucky. I don't want Bade Papa or Maa to hear it now.

Laksh (happily) : But Sanskar Bhai, are you really sure you're going to propose her after she passes the second Semester exams?

Sanskar (smiled) : Yes, I have decided... I have even brought a ring for her. I will propose her and make her wear this ring.

Laksh (hugged him excitedly) : I'm so happy for you!!

Sanskar : Haha... Yes. (broke the hug) Okay I will go now. I have to study too.

Laksh : Alright.


Sanskar was walking in the corridor of the big Mansion walking towards his room. On his way, he stopped and smiled to himself, recalling all his moments with Swara. How he was responsible in making her capable of reading and writing today, how he was able to bring a smile on her face, and how they both spent some quality moments together while he used to teach her...

He took out a box from his pocket and looked at it opening it. He took out the ring and held it infront of him. It was a beautiful diamond ring with some rubies stuck at the edges too...

Sanskar : I love you Swara... And once you get the final results, I will propose you infront of everyone in the university!! You're my life Swara... I am glad that I am the reason behind your smile.

How do you think about it? Would Swara make it this time? Had Sanskar made her capable enough of her to aim high, or higher, or maybe the highest? What do you think will be Swara's reaction when he would propose her infront of everyone in the university?


Hey Guys! Thank you so much for your wonderful responses on this TS! I can't thank you all enough ❤ I was the newest and inexperienced author out here, but because of u all my First TS on Wattpad itself is ranked #181. Love you all and I promise I'll keep giving u all such stories ❤


Once Again Thank You So Much For Your Love And Support ❤

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