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What am I doing?

Naira really had to stop eavesdropping on conversations. It wasn't a very Muslim thing to do, and was looked down on in Islam. It was an invasion of privacy and without the other person's consent, she should have walked away.

But she heard her name and stopped in her tracks, leaning closer to the door as her arms hugged her tablet to her chest.

The murmur of voices became clearer, Rayan's voice booming louder than the rest as if he was agitated by his bandmates. They were in disagreement, talking over one another, speaking too fast for Naira to comprehend the string of annoyance that followed.

"Enough!" exclaimed Rayan, causing the other two to stop. "Seriously, guys. What the fuck is your problem? Don't you guys like Naira? Shouldn't you be happy for me?"

"Of course we like her," said Kyle like it was the most obvious thing. "But marriage isn't some spontaneous decision you can just rush into."

Wesley hummed in agreement. "It's a huge commitment and marriage requires acceptance from both sides."

"You think I don't know that?" asked Rayan. Naira could imagine his fuming expression.

Her heart fell as she realized that the most important people in the world to him didn't approve of their engagement. Absentmindedly, her fingers fidgeted with the ring that felt too suffocating to wear. It felt as though the weight of the world pierced through her skin.

She knew there would be opposition, however she didn't except it from the Red Knights.

Naira leaned her body against the door, a defeated sigh passing through her lips. She should have expected this, yet disappointment still rippled through her.

"Look, Rayan," started Kyle. "It's great that you're in love. Hell, you've been at a peak lately, and we're all for it. But the thing about being in love is that sometimes we're blinded by it. We won't realize when we are being changed by love and we won't recognize when it changes who we are."

"Change isn't always bad," retorted Rayan.

This time, Wesley responded, adding another stone to build on Kyle's argument. "You shouldn't have to change yourself to be with her. You have already established yourself as an individual, and your relationship to each other should respect that."

"Okay, let's back up for a minute. Naira is not changing who I am. My principles are still the same. My values are still the same," he fiercely stated to a point where her heart skipped a beat at the sheer honesty in his tone. "She introduced a part of my life that I used to run away from. She showed me what it means to trust Allah, to be free of my restraints, to understand who I am away from the spotlights and cameras. How is this wrong when I'm learning more about myself?"

A brief silence ensued among them, and she could only wonder what was running through all their minds.

"Look," sighed Rayan. "I know that adding religion to my life again changes a lot, and I know that my lifestyle as a popstar is now subject to change as well because of it. However, she is a part of my life, and she's important to me."

"But why do you have to be this devout Muslim now just because you love her?"

"I want to do this for myself," he insisted. "Sure, Naira is the catalyst to that change in me, but I've explored faith and it brings me a peace of mind that I haven't had for a long time, so please don't discourage me from seeking out happiness. After everything that's happened, I deserve happiness and I deserve a partner who brings that out in me."

The baritone of his voice cracked at the vulnerability he displayed to his friends, making her heart flutter. It was in that moment that Naira had absolute confidence in the man that she chose to be her husband, a man who loved her with no hesitation even when she pushed the tides against him.

Currents rocked their love among a sea of doubt, yet their love persevered through the storm, through the heartache, through the misfortune. And in its wake, a sunrise rose to the horizon, hues of color blooming in the same radiance that their love grew.

I really love him.

The words echoed in her head, a bell ringing in her ears at the sudden clarity that encompassed her. She didn't need to hear anymore of their conversation.

Knock Knock.

"Come in," their voices called.

Naira poked her head through the door with a bright smile. "Ready to practice for your concert?"


It's been a while, huh? Achem was really painful, but I managed to pull through with an A, so we good. Like y'all I used to spend 6 hours on a lab report every week and that doesn't include the 4+ hour labs.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short, but I promised an update.

Wesley and Kyle are just being overprotective friends, so don't hate them too much ;) They see it through a different perspective. What wedding dress color do you guys see Naira in?

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

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