I. wish I had a time machine

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CHAPTER ONE.   wish I had a time machine

      There was a lot of things that prevented Kennedy from being happy about going back to Nevermore. One was the fact that she never did go home to see her mother. Her grandma tried but Dara Eden ultimately didn't want to see her daughter. The other was that she would have to see her ex best friend who was dating her now ex boyfriend. That was a long story. Kennedy begged her grandmother to let her go to normal school but of course, she was denied. Normal schools typically don't have kids with telekinetic powers walking around. It would be cool as shit if they did.

Kennedy was twelve when her parents sent her to Nevermore Academy, the boarding school for outcast. It's where they met. It was full of every outcast kid you could think of; werewolves, vampires, gorgons, physics, even sirens. To the norms, they were freaks. To them, they were just kids; the same as any other. Kennedy could be herself around them. She wasn't judged for having powers. She gained friends, she gained trust, she gained a. . .

Kennedy blinked when her halmeoni tapped her arm. "Kenny."

"Sorry, grandma," she muttered and glanced at her. "Were you saying something?"

Nia Yeun was her grandmother on her father's side. Her family was full Korean. To Kennedy, she was basically her second mother, if not the only one she had right now. "I asked if you're excited to go back to Nevermore?" Nia asked her sonnyeo again.

Kennedy only shrugged. Her grandmother also graduated from Nevermore. She had the power of precognition as well as her mother. "It's the same every year. You go to class, they teach the same lessons over and over, you sign up for extracurriculars, and there's a dance. Same old, same old.

"Hey, the Rave'N was always the best part!" Nia defended and smirked. "And not just because I won queen."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course you did. Have you seen yourself?"

"You got the good genes."

She smiled briefly and looked out the window again.  "I just don't understand why I can't stay with you. I can go to a normal school!"

"We've been over this, Kenny. People like us don't belong in schools like that. Those people. . . they see us as freaks, as outcasts. Nevermore is a safe place. You don't have to worry about being hurt there."

She frowned. "Yeah. . ."

Nia looked at her granddaughter. "You know if anything happens, I'll be here quicker than you can say the word Nevermore."

"I know, halmeoni."

Nia helped Kennedy get her bags from the car. "It's exactly the same as I remember it," she sighed while looking at the school.

"Dark?" Asked Kennedy.


The pair carried the bags inside where all the other students and their parents were. She and Presley were in Ophelia Hall, the same room since their first year. Finding her room numbe,  the granddaughter and grandmother opened the door and was immediately met by a high pitched squeal. "Oh my—"

"KENNY!" Presley Gonzalez squealed and jumped into her arms. "I've missed you so much!"

Kennedy smiled and hugged her back. "I've missed you too, Pres!"

Nia rubbed her ear from the high pitched scream. "Presley, my girl, still got those strong lungs?"

She pulled away from Kennedy and smiled widely. "Sure do!"

Nia pulled her into a hug. "How are you, sweetheart?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm great! I got here early to set up my side of the room. I've been itching for your arrival all day!"  Presley said enthusiastically.

Hearing the chatter, Marilyn Thornhill, the girl's dorm mother, popped her head into the room. "Ahh, hello Ms.  Yeun. Hello, Kennedy." She greeted with her usual cheery smile.

"Hello, Ms. Thornhill," Nia said back and shook the woman's hand. "In for another good year?"

"Oh, like you would've believe!" The red haired woman exclaimed. She clapped her hands. "I'm so happy to have my star fencing students back."

Kennedy and Presley smiled proudly. Out of all the extracurriculars Nevermore offered, fencing was something the girls shared a love for.

Nia sighed and cupped her granddaughter's face.  "I hope you have a great year, naui salang. I'll see you for parents day?"

Squeezing her forearms, Kennedy smiled and nodded.  "Yeah. I'll miss you."

"Keep your head up. It'll be over before you know it."

The girls sat on Presley's big bunting on the snacks that she smuggled into her bag. "I'll tell you one thing,  I am not ready to have to see Bianca and her whole siren squad again this year." Said Presley while biting into a twizzler.

Kennedy furrowed her brows. "But aren't you friends with Yoko?"

"Yes. Mostly because she's one of the only vampires here."

"Didn't you also say you think she's hot?"

Presley blinked. "Again, vampire."

Kennedy laughed and took another m&m from the package she had. "Good point."

"So. . . are you, uh,  nervous about seeing—"

"Don't say his name," she interrupted and closed her eyes tightly. She shook her head. "Please don't say his name."

Presley backed down quickly. "I'm sorry."

"It's just. . ." She paused. "I'm okay. I'm just not ready to talk about him."

Her friend frowned but nodded her head. "I'm on your side. You know that, right?"

Kennedy bit the inside of her cheek. "I'm not ready to see him. I don't want to talk to him. I don't even want to think about him. It makes me so angry. I wish I had a time machine so I forgot about all of it."

It seemed like forever since the last time Kennedy  spoke to Xavier since the break up. They promised to stay friends and keep in touch, but after a week or so,  there was no contact between them. It made her depression worse but nothing, and absolutely nothing,  could have prepared her when she found out that he was going out with Bianca Barclay, a girl who Kennedy thought was her friend.

They hadn't even been broken up a month.

Presley grabbed one of her hands, making Kennedy look at her with sad eyes. "Hey, I understand. Break ups suck but what he did after was wrong. I'm on your side, Eden. We'll avoid him and her together as much as possible."

Staring at her for a minute, Kennedy slowly smiled.  "Thanks, Gonzalez."

Presley smiled back. "Now, let's see how long it takes me to eat all this before Enid comes and takes it all."

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