XXIX. meet me in the afterglow

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CHAPTER TWENTY NINE.   meet me in the afterglow

Kennedy didn't know what to do with herself. Wednesday was gone, Presley was with Yoko, and her boyfriend was currently locked up in a prison cell. She felt like her life was crumbling more and more as the time went on. She felt lonely. All she had was her books, which she loved but she wasn't really in a reading mood. She was nearly asleep when Enid and Ajax came running into her room. "KENNEDY!" They both shouted.

Kennedy bolted up. "Enid? Ajax? What are you guys doing here?" Her eyes widened when Thing came crawling into her room. "Thing?"

"Kennedy, Tyler and Thornhill kidnapped Wednesday and took her to Crackstone's Crypt!" Enid basically shouted.


"Principal Weems is dead. Thornhill killed her," she explained further. "Also something about Nightshades."

She quickly looked at Ajax.

"I said I'll explain on the way. Come on!" He urged.

Kennedy slipped on her shoes and grabbed her phone before following the couple out of the room.

Ajax led Enid and Kennedy to the Nighshade's library. He had explained to Enid about the Nightshades being a secret society. She was incredibly shocked to learn that Kennedy already knew. "I can't believe you're in a secret society and you didn't tell me!"

"Because, you know. . . it's a secret." Ajax responded.

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "God, you and Xavier are the same person."

The rest of the Nightshades came running down the stairs. "Bianca. . . Davina. . . and Kent?" Enid named them off. "Seriously, even Kent is here? How exclusive is this club? Kennedy, how do you even know about this?"

"Me? Oh you know, kidnapped against my will."

"I already said I was sorry," Bianca mentioned and rolled her eyes. "So, what's the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?"

"She murdered Weems and then took Wednesday to Crackstone's Crypt," Ajax explained to them."

"We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it's too late." Said Enid.

He took out to drawn picture of Wednesday and Joseph Crackstone. "Because this is what's coming."

"So do we pull the fire alarms?" Kent questioned.

"We don't want to cause a panic or alert Tyler or Thornhill," Divina shot him down. "So how do we get everyone out?"

Bianca thought of an idea. "We'll use our siren song to convince them?"

"That's a good idea but how are you going to convince the whole school?" Asked Kennedy.

She smirked. "Oh, we have our ways."

Thing crawled between Enid and Kennedy and she bent down to pick him up. "Thing, Kennedy, and I will go look for Wednesday."

"Okay, Nightshades forever." Bianca announced the society did their signature two snaps.

"Seriously, a secret snap too?" She said in disbelief and glared at her boyfriend.

Kennedy awkwardly raised a hand. "Does this mean I can become a member?"

Bianca thought about it. "We'll discuss it later."

Kennedy and Enid were running faster than the speed of light. It was completely dark with the only light being from the blood moon. Suddenly, as they were running, Enid let out a painful groan and fell to the ground, causing Thing to roll onto the ground as well.

"Enid!" Kennedy shouted and dropped to her knees "Enid, are you okay?"

Enid let out more painful grunts. With her bones snapping and twisting, she shot up and revealed that her face had transformed into a wolf.

She gasped. "Enid, you're wolfing out! That's my girl!" She exclaimed with a wide grin.

"Oh my god!" Enid gasped and got up from the ground.  She touched the pointy ears that grew from her head. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! It's happening!"

Kennedy backed up and picked up Thing from off the ground. Her dark eyes widened when Enid's colorful claws outgrew and her pale skin turned to fur. "Kenny,  Thing, I'm wolfing out!"

With a keen howl to the moon,  Enid transformed into a full blown werewolf. "Holy shit." Kennedy breathed out.

Letting out another howl, Enid took off again in wolf form. Kennedy followed her as fast as she could. She went on runs with Xavier. Her speed had increased over the time.

She heard a loud growl coming their way and that's when she saw the monster. He had Wednesday pinned against a broken tree stump. Enid quickly tackled the monster to the ground and Kennedy rushed to Wednesday's side. "Wednesday, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she brushed off but she had blood trialing down her face. She had hit her head. When she saw Enid, her eyes went wide. lEnid?"

Kennedy smiled until she saw the monster stand up and tower over the werewolf. "Enid, look out!"

When Enid went to turn around, the hyde had swung her out of the way.


Kennedy stuck her hand out and glared at the creature. Feeling like her head would explode, she let out a scream and used her powers, making the hyde go flying backwards with her mind.

Wednesday's eyes widened again. "Whoa."

She felt blood trail down her nose.

Enid quickly recovered and snarled at the hyde. Wednesday pulled Kennedy by the arm. "We need to get back to the school!"

"We can't just leave her!" Kennedy shouted.

"Kennedy, she'll be fine. We need to go!"

Reluctantly, she ran away with Wednesday but she looked over her shoulder in fear of the hyde hurting Enid.

When she got back to school, Kennedy smelt the smoke. She saw fire coming from the quad. Then she heard the screams of people inside. Kennedy and Wednesday saw Crackstone about to kill two Nevermore students with his septor. "Howdy, pilgrim." Said Wednesday, making him turn around.

"How canst thy heart still beat? What demon sorcery is this?" Said Crackstone.

Wednesday raised the sword at him.

"Stay away from them!"

Kennedy spun around and her eyes widened when she saw Xavier with his bow and arrow. "Xavier!"

He shot the arrow at Crackstone but the pilgrim raised his septor, making the arrow freeze, and he turned it to Xavier's direction.

Her eyes widened. "NO!" She shouted and quickly moved in front of Xavier, accidentally pushing Wednesday and the arrow lodged into her shoulder. Kennedy stumbled backwards and landed on the ground.

"Kennedy!" Both Wednesday and Xavier shouted. She quickly dropped to her side.

Tears filled Kennedy's eyes as she gripped onto the arrow in her shoulder, feeling a white hot pain scorn in her. Xavier dropped to his knees by her and Wednesday put her hands on the arrow. "Kennedy, I need you to hold still."

"No, no, no, don't pull it out—" Kennedy cried out when Wednesday pulled the arrow out. "Son of a bitch!"

Xavier frantically ripped off a strand of his shirt to wrap it around her wound. Wednesday threw the arrow to the side. "Get her out of here. I can handle this." She declared.

She took off running. Xavier blinked his eyes and quickly helped Kennedy stand up. "Kennedy, are you okay?"

Kennedy clutched her wrapped wound in pain. "I'm fine. Let's go!" She said and they ran to where the other students were. "Come on, guys. Let's go!"

Everyone ran outside by the woods. The commotion of everyone freaking out and Kennedy's adrenaline coming down, she felt woozy. The pain from the wound on her shoulder hit her all at once and she stumbled to the ground.

"Ken!" Xavier called out her name and grabbed her before she fell.

"Holy shit, Kennedy. What happened?" Ajax gasped.

With heavy eyes, Kennedy looked at her boyfriend. "I took an arrow for you. If that doesn't prove my love, I don't know what will."

A smile spread across Xavier's lips and he laughed.

Kennedy's head rested against Xavier's arm. She watched the school she'd been attending for so long burn. A part of her felt numb. Like she didn't have tears left in her. But she was also scared. Wednesday and Enid weren't back yet. She couldn't help but think the worse and it scared her even more.

Yoko announced that she saw something coming out of the woods. Everyone turned their attention to the forest. A shadowy figure appeared and the closer it got, Kennedy realized it was Enid. Ajax immediately went to get her.

She was bloody and bruised and her face was covered in dirt. Tears glossed her blue eyes. Kennedy immediately went and hugged her. "Enid." She wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

Enid leaned into her, shaking in fear. "Where's Wednesday."

Nobody responded and they only glanced at each other, knowing the answer was probably the worst. Turning her head, she saw theee figures appear from the school. She pulled away from Kennedy and took off running. Everyone followed her.

They watched her hug Wednesday tightly. Wednesday pushed her back slightly and stared at her, seeing the state Enid was in. They stood there for a minute before Wednesday pulled her back into the hug.

Kennedy exhaled a shaky breath. The tears she'd been holding back finally released. When Wednesday looked up, their eyes met, and Kennedy smiled with relief. She pulled away from Enid and like they read each other's minds, Wednesday and Kennedy met in the middle and hugged.

Iit was a long anticipated moment that Kennedy and been looking forward to. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Wednesday's shoulders and hers were wrapped tightly around her torso. "I told you I'd get that hug, Addams." She grinned.

But Wednesday didn't respond and only squeezed hugged the girl tighter.

Kennedy was sad about the semester being cut short. The day felt surreal. So much had happened over the year that she couldn't take in all at once. She felt like the year wasn't really complete.

Principal Weems was a kind woman who always had the student's best interest at heart. It felt strange now that she was gone. Nobody would ever be able to take her place. She was an outcast and would always be an outcast.

Dr. Kinbott was probably the greatest thing to enter Kennedy's life. She helped her when she needed it the most and she wasn't just her therapist, but she was her friend. She wished they had more time together. Dr. Kinbott always allowed Kennedy to believe that it was okay to be an outcast. She never judged her for it. Now she was gone.

The wound in Kennedy's shoulder was stitched and wrapped up. It still hurt to move her arm but she was okay. She was alive. For the first time in her entire life, she was happy to be alive. When she was done packing, she met Enid and Wednesday in the main room. "Hey, besties." She greeted.

Wednesday cringed. "Don't call me that."

Enid laughed. "I was just telling Wednesday that now that classes are cancelled for the rest of the semester, you guys have to come visit me in San Francisco."

"You know I will." When they passed the trophy case, Kennedy paused. "I'll meet you guys in a minute."

The girls walked away and she stood in front of the trophy case. She stared at the framed photo of the fencing team. Her eyes lingered on her dad and there was a pain in her heart. He was smiling in the picture. That's what Kennedy missed the most about him.

Bianca came and stood beside her. "He would be proud of you."

She half smiled. "I know he would. Sometimes I can't help but think maybe things would be different if he was here."

"Maybe they would. Or maybe not. Everything happens for a reason. Take us for example." She said with a smile as well.

Kennedy chuckled. "That's true. We're a good comeback story."

Bianca grinned and nudged her good shoulder. "You better call me, Eden. And come visit. I'm trying to make up for lost times."

"Don't worry, Barclay. You haven't seen the last of me yet."

Bianca gave her a final goodbye and Kennedy went back to looking at the trophy case. Wednesday came back to her side, looking perplexed. "Your boyfriend just gave me a phone."

She saw the box in her hand. "I know. It was my idea." She stated with a smirk.

Wednesday blinked multiple times.

"I don't have the money to get you one but he does. My number's already in with my name and everything.  You better use it or else."

"Or else what?"

"I'll show up to your house unannounced with a boombox blaring Taylor Swift," she threatened with a smug smirk.

Wednesday narrowed her eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes, I would." She nodded then smiled.  "Thanks for getting expelled from your old school, Addams. I don't think we ever would have met if you didn't."

"I'm somehow wondering if it was a mistake."

Kennedy chuckled. "Can I get a hug before you leave?"

Wednesday stared at her with narrow eyes. She looked around to make sure nobody was looking before she hugged her very quickly. "That's not going to be a regular thing,  just so you know."

Kennedy smiled again. "You wouldn't be you if it was." She watched her walk and then she looked up, seeing Xavier leaned over against the top of the stairwell. She walked up the stairs. "Hey, boyfriend."

Xavier smiled at her. "Hey, girlfriend." He responded and cupped her face with his hands. "This past day has been a shit show,"

"I dunno. . ." Kennedy trailed formed a smirk. "You being a jailbird kind of made you hotter."

He raised his brows. "Oh, really?"

"Really." She nodded and leaned forward, kissing him softly. She pulled back just enough to look at him and smiled. "Wanna know what I think?"

He nodded. "Tell me."

Kennedy rested her hands on his torso. "I think this has been the best year of my entire life." She said truthfully.

"How so?"

"I get my old friend back, I gained a new one, I used my powers to take down the monster, I saved your life from an arrow, and I got the love of my life back," she named off with a loving smile.

Xavier's face sent red and he smiled. "Well, wanna know what I think?" He asked. He received a hum. "I have the best, most beautiful, and smartest girlfriend in the entire world and I don't plan on ever letting her go again."

"Well good. Cause I don't plan on letting you go either."

They kissed again. Kennedy felt like she could kiss him forever. They had been through so much and overcame so much. She was proud that they were able to meet each other in the afterglow. "I love you, Xavier Thorpe."

"I love you, Kennedy Eden" Xavier said back, as genuine and as in love as ever.

And they held each other longer and tighter until they saw each other again.

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