Day two

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Neil's lips hungrily dug into Avni's. Their kiss deepened as Avni started to respond equally. Neil's hands moved from Avni's fave to her navel. His fingers ran along her skin, making her moan with pleasure. Neil took the chance to take the explore further. His moves were now urgent, as if it was his last chance. Reality slowly started to fall into Avni. Neil's acts were rough, as if he was dealing with mixed emotions of hatred and love. She broke the kiss and moved a bit away. "'ve given me a divorce already." She mumbled, trying to catch her breath. So was Neil, as he nervously let go off Avni. She jumped down from the countertop and ran into her room. Neil smacked on the counter with frustration! Why are they still not able to resist each other? Especially him! After her betrayal, why is he still not convinced that she doesnt love him anymore?! On the other end, Avni closed the door and rested her body on it. She took deep breaths and the moments replayed on her mind. Absentmindedly she caressed on her lips.. tears rolled down her cheeks as he hugged herself and sat down on the floor.

The night was long for the both of them. Neither of them could sleep. Neil ignored several calls from Mitali as his mind was in chaos. He tossed and turned beside Marshall and then moved out onto the living room couch.

It was late by the time Avni woke up in the morning. She jumped out of the bed and was going to head out when she realized Neil being in for the day. Avni made a mental note and quickly wore a cardigan above her tank top. Her steps froze as she saw the sleeping form of Neil on the couch. He was sleeping in an uneasy position, his feet was dropped out of the couch. But Avni dared to move closer or correct his posture. She shook her head and went in to check on Marshall.

Neil slowly opened his eyes, making sure Avni wasnt in sight. He took deep breaths to calm down his racing heart. But had to close his eyes quickly as Avni came out with the laundry from Marshall's room.

He watched secretly as Avni moved around the apartment. She started the laundry and worked on Breakfast. Simultaneously picking up stuff of Marshall scattered around and putting them back on the respective places. He could tell from her pace that she was running late. As the last thing, Avni kneeled down to pick up Marshall's toys scattered on the rug, just beneath the couch. Neil squished his eyes tight, as her hair brushed along his feet. He could smell her soft fragrance and it was turning him up so badly. Marshall came out the same instant and Avni got up to her feet.

"Good morning!" Avni greeted him, placing back the toys in the rack. "Daddy! I—I thought you left!" Marshall ran to Neil and woke him up. As he opened his eyes, Marshall jumped onto Neil's lap. "I thought you were not here.. I thought I had a dream.." Marshall mumbled, tears visible in his eyes. Neil's heart sank with the sight. "Ah no. I fell asleep here." Neil kissed on Marshall's cheek. Avni smiled a little and went back to her work.

The rest of the day was more awkward for the two of them. In the afternoon, Neil went to see Mitali. To apologize, as per Avni's guess. She and Marshall went to a play gym and returned back by late evening. Neil wasn't back even then. Marshall started to get all fussy soon, for not seeing Neil. Avni had to convince him a lot and forcefully make him sit down for dinner.

Avni tried her best to control her anger. But mixed emotions were taking over her. Just then Neil came in, and Marshall tried to get down. "No! Eat your food, its already too late for bedtime, Marshall." Avni made him sit back. Marshall pouted as tears rolled down his cheeks. "But—." "No buts. I'll put you on time out, if you dont finish you plate." Avni's tone was louder than usual, even she knew it. "Why are you so mad?" Neil asked, his eyes widened with the ongoing scene. Avni did not reply and resumed her work of peeling an apple for Marshall. "Do you want yoghurt in this?" Avni asked Marshall. "N—no-o.." his voice came out with a sob because of crying for so long. "Why was he crying?... I'm asking you something, Avni!" Neil grabbed Avni's hand and pulled her to a side and made her face him. "I should know? Or the one who promised him to return home by twilight?!" Avni pulled her arm from his clutch. "This little son of yours has been pacing up and down between the balcony and the living room for the past four freaking hours! Waiting for you, looking for you! And—this. I have tried your phone several times but you weren't answering. Its 11 in the night, and I had to literally drag him for dinner!" Avni could not control and lashed out at Neil. "God, I was at the police station helping Mitali with a case. And it slipped out of my mind! Its normal, I'm a human." Neil tried saying but Avni cut him out. "It's not normal when you have children. Your this normal, can cost you a fortune! You are very eager to get the damn custody right? I can already see how this is turning up!" Avni tried walking away but Neil again grabbed her. "At then, a whole family will be there to take care of him. Mitali will be there, who can fill up your—." "Don't you dare! And don't she dare take my place in Marshall's life. I gave him birth, and non of you can change that." Avni pushed Neil away from her and got away. Neil was in awe and shock. Avni was in a different avatar tonight, which he has never seen. Her motherhood clearly resembled in each of her word and move. Do they say it right? That nothing can defeat the affection of a mother? Neil wondered.

The night passed by and Avni and Neil was summoned to court the following morning.
(The last hearing from the series continued. Neil got Marshall's custody and took him to Khanna house.)

The scene resumes with everyone being seated for dinner. Marshall has spicy food and his dialogue made everyone emotional...

Prakash's phone rang just then. "Avni.." he read out the name on the screen. "Yes, beta... yeah?...ohh... but I'm at home right now... but the signature is important right... the hearing is in morning... do one thing. Come down here, if you can? I'll sign them and handover, okay? Okay beta.." He hung up the call and everyone's eyes were glued to Prakash. "Avni will now chair the legal section of Khanna Industries. Bebe and I have appointed her firm.." Prakash declared. "But—." Shweta tried to interrupt. "Enough. She's still my daughter, and I still trust her blindly, unlike some people. I handed her over two days back, and she already got the trial initiated in two days, to recover one of the biggest debts of Sinha Corporation on us! There's no way anyone can even raise a question on her capabilities.." prakash made himself clear, even Neil was mum. The bell rang just then and Bhima opened the door for Avni.

"Avni!" Bebe smiled ear to ear. Avni smiled back a little. She was still in her office clothes, a navy blue top and a black trouser. Her hands were full with files. "Mommy!" Marshall exclaimed and tried to get down from the chair, but Avni glared at him. "Marshi, you don't get up without finishing your food, remember? I'm here only.." Marshall nodded quickly and got back to eating. Everyone smiled at the little love. "Papa, Come once you are done. I'll wait for you in the living room." Avni said to Prakash. "Arrey, sit down and have dinner with us." He offered, but Avni quickly shook her head. She's an outsider. Not family anymore. "N-no.. I have had food." Avni gave a smile and quickly walked out. Neil could read how hurt her expression was.

After dinner Avni sat with Marshall for a while. The rest of the family witnessed the strongest mother-son bonding. Neil could see how hard Avni was trying to hold back her tears. Later Avni and Prakash sat down and discussed with the cases and got signatures on important documents. Marshall was all content to have Avni around, he was enjoying with a basket ball and all of a sudden..

"M—Mommy.." Marshall called out. Avni and the other's eyes shot to Marshall. He was all pale and clutching on to his stomach. "Marshi!" Avni rushed to his side, and so did the others. "What happened, baby? M-marshall!" Avni held him tightly in he arms, but Marshall's eyes slowly closed and his body fell unconscious in Avni's embrace.

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