Chapter 17

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Ugh. What time was it? I had a really terrible dream yesterday. A dream that consumed me. And now, I'm late for school! Oh my gosh! I woke up with a start, only to find out that I wasn't back at home.

My heart felt like beating fast. The LoveHacked universe. The LoveHacker. Everything I listened to yesterday was all real. I shook my head. No. All of this couldn't be real! I just knew it! And I wasn't surprised to find out that I was back in my own bedroom all by myself.

I looked at the window. Everything was futuristic in this universe! I felt like I was in a video game - as a video game character! I didn't want to stay here any longer! But I had to. And I must.

LoveHacked. A world of unfortunate love. A world of magic. A world of dreams. Everything is futuristic. I was so frustrated. WHY HAD I COME HERE?!! WHAT WAS I DOING HERE?!! Oh - WAIT! Was I meant to be doing - what I am doing?

A flashback came into my mind. It was one that would never end in oblivion. It was coming back to me. I always remembered that sort of flashback. It would never ever escape from my mind again.

"ZOE! You must read this if you're online! Soon, one of your friends/love interests will LoveHack you! I mean it, Zoe! This is your only chance to escape! Hurry! And I'll see you tomorrow! But please hurry or else, your LoveHacked app will lose all of it's data!"

I felt hot angry tears spring to my eyes and to the corners of them. Is this all true? Is Della actually meaning it? Was I really going to get LoveHacked?!! NO! IT CAN'T BE!!! IT CAN'T BE!!! That feeling was horrible! Imagine a life where I would actually get hacked out of nowhere from an unknown person! What would Della and Marcus say? Would they get mad at me when I get LOVEHACKED?!! I had too many thoughts about it.

I felt angry and betrayed. Blood was pouring down my veins as I thought about it more clearly. Ten minutes later, I couldn't hold it anymore. I was way too mad about the thought of getting LoveHacked. I was about to get a tantrum when I suddenly went thirsty and drank my whole water bottle up.

When I got back to the table, the good news was that I wasn't angry anymore! Phew. But what really got my anger back was the bad news. Oof. OH - MY - G - GOD!!! NO WAY. There is NO WAY THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING TO ME. Am I - NO. MARCUS WAS THE BETRAYER?!!

I was hot and frustrated. NO - NO - NO - NO - NO. This cannot be happening to me. No. Not even when Marcus gave me a laugh. No. Not even that. I was about to slam my laptop shut when I immediately saw a message. IT WAS FROM MARCUS?!!

"Dear, Zoe. Sorry. I had to..."

Taking this memory off of my mind was impossible. My mind felt like a thousand burning hot flames that were about to explode. But fires don't explode - right?!! Unless they are fireworks. Ah, me! I FREAKING HATE THIS!!!

I jumped out of bed and did my morning routine. I wasn't served any breakfast, sadly so I had to go out and buy something to eat. Grabbing my coat, I quickly rushed out the front door and began to look for a tavern or somewhere that has food served.

Finally, after a long five minute journey in the snow, I found myself standing in front of a tavern entrance. Little Blue Boy was waving to me. At first, I didn't notice him. But when I saw his movement, I waved him back with a cute and adorable smile on my face.

As I walked inside the tavern, I immediately sat down on a wooden brown chair. Ouch! My bottom felt uncomfortable. OOF. RIP ME. The chair was going to completely take control over my ass. I felt like my whole entire body was going to explode into thousands of tiny pieces. I was lucky to receive a soft and comfy red pillow.

"Hello? Can I take your order?" a man's voice spoke in a gentle and soft voice.

"Oh! Sure! Can I please order a hot chocolate mug with marshmallows and a cheese and ham sandwich?" I asked the waiter in a kind voice. A voice that sounded like a total princess. I remember Benjamin called me that.

"Certainly!" replied the waiter as he wrote my order down on his piece of paper.

I sighed as I waited for the order. As I waited, I remembered the true story that Little Blue Boy told me of what happened to LoveHacked, the world I wished never existed.

"This place is called LoveHacked. It is a virtual place from a social media with the same name. It used to be a joyful and happy place. People would interact with each other all day and just sit on their chairs non stop talking to each other about their life. It was just amazing! The social media opened in 2008. I was a co-worker at this factory in this world. Everything seemed pretty fine. Even I have a LoveHacked account! Well, of course I have one. I'm one of the owners here. The same process continued - until 2020. A monster called the LoveHacker has woken yet again. We don't know where he lives or how he came to life. We have never developed this character. It was just - there. Like for real. His job or hobby is to steal other people's accounts. He is currently working with another unknown LoveHacked user. This legend has been spread worldwide but maybe we were wrong. Maybe the legends and stories were true. Maybe the LoveHacker is real indeed. We heard that the LoveHacker has taken your account and that is why we sent you here. Out of all the other million LoveHacked users, you were the chosen one. Now, I'm warning you that this is your only opportunity to save your LoveHacked account, Zoe. Listen really carefully. This is very important. To rescue your precious account, we have given you the opportunity to stop and kill the LoveHacker within four days. If you do stop the LoveHacker, your account will return to you, permanently and you will save every other LoveHacked account worldwide. If you do NOT complete this task in time, your life and the heart of LoveHacked will be lost forever. It's either your life or his."

I was about to listen to more when suddenly, a voice called out to me.

"Miss? Miss? Your breakfast is served. Enjoy!"

I looked up and was about to thank the waiter but as soon as my eyes opened, he was gone. That literally sucks a lot. Taking slow sips of hot chocolate, I looked at Little Blue Boy talking to his friend that I don't know.

His friend's body was black like a dark soul. WAIT! HANG ON! WAIT A SECOND! He is a -  A SPIRIT!!! OMG! I was so confused. Was this meant to be a magical world or something? Or is this all just a stupid prank that I know nothing about? WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!!

After finishing breakfast, I was handed a map of LoveHacked. As soon as I looked at everything in the map, I gasped. WOAH. The LoveHacker's lair is so far away from here! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET TO HIS SECRET BASE?!! I was going to fail this quest for good.

OH, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!! If only I should not have touched that mirror! I looked at the map of LoveHacked again. The tears that were flooding my eyes made my vision very blurry. I could barely see at all.

What was I going to do? I would die soon if I don't hurry! I had to look for Little Blue Boy as quick as I could. Well, I shouldn't be screaming around now, should I? I mean, this journey lasts for four days and I only have three days left to complete this mission.

"Little Blue Boy?" I cried out in panic.

"Good morning, Zoe! Are you ready to go on this mission? It is quite dangerous but I have high hopes that you can do it."

"Aww, thank you, Little Blue Boy. I just hope I can do it. If I can't stop the LoveHacker, he'll take over this world and I will die."

"Zoe, don't panic. You can do this. I believe in you."

I patted Little Blue Boy on the back and smiled warm at him.

"Ok, first stop. The receptionist." I took a deep breath and together, we were heading off.

Hey, everyone! I finally got a LoveHacked chapter done after forever. I hope to tackle my goal otherwise, we're going to be here for a very long time! Anyways, have a nice day and cheers! ^^

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