A Devil and A Officer to a Princess's Rescue

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+House: With Tord and Tom+

Tika's uncle had been shot in the shoulder skillfully by Tord. Tom was surprised he barely notice the sound of the window shatter from where Tord shot from.

The officer quickly moved forward to pin the drunk man down to the floor of the living room. He pulled out his Emergancy handcuffs from his back pocket holding them in Tika's line of sight who watched with wide eyes.

"For child abuse and attempt of murder, you are here by under arrest. Anything you say from here on put can be used against you in court." Tom slapped the cuffs on the man's wrists.

Tord broke through from the back door and strides into the room looking around. The girl's uncle was obviously drunk and didn't seem to put care into the girl seeing the lack of toys for her to amuse herself with. He should probably check to see if she even has a room at all.

Tika watched as another man came from the back door with two horns adapted to his hairstyle. His silver eyes met with hers when he finishes looking around the kitchen and the living room.

"A-An-gel?" She says in a rough voice from raw use or lack of use.

A soft exhale sounds from Tord who gives her a soft mixture of a smile and smirk. "The Devil isn't an Angel, princess." The Norwegian goes over to her and goes down on one knee. His hands trying to work the chain off of her ankle.

"B-But... T-he De-vil u-u-se to b-e." The girl replies giving him a simple smile that shocks him, definitely not expecting such an answer from her.

Tom made sure to secure the man before looking at Tika being helped by Tord. "I'm gonna call the station to send help now."

"Alright, I'll keep working to get this rotten chain off her." Tord replies while tugging at the chain, but it's bulged down to the floor. "While you're at it, see if you can find the key on the bug."

The brunet nods, he pulls out his phone and calls the police station. As he does this, he searches the man's pockets for a key to Tika's chain. If he can't find it he'll have to see if there are any tools around strong enough to break them.

Tord sighs going back to tugging at the chains. "Come on." He kicks it and immediately regrets it having to deal with the lingering pain. "Okay, that's a stupid move."

Tika couldn't help but giggle a little bit. She covers her mouth with both of her hands, looking down after Tord looks at her. She felt she did something bad and a little fearful the man might hit her.

But surprisingly, she was met with a hand patting her head. Tika looks back up to be greeted with a soft smile.

"It was funny, wasn't it?" The Norwegian man chuckles.

She nods her head slowly a little. She then lets Tord go back to working her chains off. Her attention goes over to the nice police officer who had help her earlier by keeping calm and collected.

Tom, the man who spoke so easily to her shaken state, had surprised her. She decided she liked him, wanting to stay close to his protective side just like the other man who she had yet to learn the name of.


Tord looks up from the chain again to meet her gaze. "Something the matter princess?"

Her eyes shift on and off he other man shyly. "W-Wh-at is y-yo-ur na-ame?"

"Oh," He said realizing he hadn't told her his name. "My name's Tord."

Tika could feel the muscles on her face tugging up the corners of her lips into a smile.

"Th-ank y-you."

"No problem." Tord responds before getting back to work.

A couple more minutes go by until they hear and see an ambulance and police car sirens going off from the curtains of the window curtains.

Police and paramedics entered the house fully armed with their tools required of their job. Tom stood up placing his hands on his hips.

"Reggie, Zack, here's the culprit."

The blond officer grins as his raven hair partner glares at the man. Without a word they follow their captain's silent order to apprehend the fellow.

Meanwhile, another pair of officers were trying to pry the chain off the girl. A female officer named Merida left the house for a moment and came back in with a chain cutter in hand. Her police partner Randy used it to free Tika from her restrain much to their girl's delight.

However, even if they helped her, she felt scared with all the strangers who entered her house. So after getting free from the metal, she got up on her feet, stumbling a bit, and hid behind Tord's legs.

The Norwegian was caught off guard from the action yet held his ground. He placed his hand on the top of her head looking down at her confused.

"Hey, you should let the paramedics look at you, kid." Tord suggests to the girl seeing the paramedics ready to treat her injuries.

Tika remained quiet while gripping tightly to the fabric of his pants. She didn't even want to meet eyes with the paramedics.

Tord sighs and scratches the back of his head. He looks over to Tom who's giving orders to his coworkers. An idea popping into his head.

"Witness!" Tom stops talking and looks over at him wondering what the Commie wanted. "Mind coming over her for a moment? Need your help with a little something."

Tom looked back to Reggie and Zack and gave them their orders before going over to Tord. "What's wrong?"

"The girl's being quiet now. She doesn't seem to want to go with the paramedics to look at her injuries."

Tom turns his attention to Tika looking up at him. She sure wasn't too shy about his approach as he gets down on one knee to get on her level.

"Tika, these nice people here want to check your injuries." When he said this, she took a second to process what he told her. Then she shakes her head not wanting to go with the paramedics. "I promise they won't hurt you."

She looks down at her feet suddenly finding interest in the carpet. "Will y-you co-me with m-e?" Tika asks shyly.

Tom smiles and nods his head, "If you want me too, I wouldn't mind." He offers her his hand which she takes hold of as she parts from Tord's leg.

Tord watched the girl go with Tom to the two paramedics. They were soon lead outside to go to the ambulance so she could be checked throughly.

He places his in his pockets and decides to go looking about the house. Maybe he'll find something useful.

~+With Tom and Tika+~

Tom stood outside the back of the ambulance while the paramedics check on Tika. She at on the edge of the vehicle with a blanket covering her back and shoulders as they continued to write down their reports.


The brunet looks up from his phone to see Jayden, Edd, and Matt coming towards him. All of them looking relieved to see him. Jayden was the one to rush over to him and taking a hold of his hand.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" His former partner asks worriedly seeing the police and the ambulance.

Tom smiles patting his friend's hand holding his other hand. "I'm fine Jay, don't worry," He assures. "I'm just glad I noticed something off with this household."

When Tom looks to the young girl seated at the back of the ambulance, his friends do the same and their expressions change to pity for her.

"Victim." Jay says not even trying to question the sad sight of her form.

"Her Uncle is apparently the culprit. I assumed child abuse and added to the charge of attempt of murder." Tom huffs, not even trying to hide his distaste to the situation.

When it comes to children, Tom's crew at the police station knew their captain's distaste to people who treated them wrongly. Children rescued from cases like these often find themselves comfortable with Tom afterwards.

Sometimes some of the kids would come visit the station to talk to Tom and hangout with him for a little while before going home safely.

"Did you get any info on what's going to happen to her after this?" Jayden asks keeping his eyes on the beaten girl.

"Well her uncle is going to court, so I doubt she's going back to him. If doesn't have any other relatives left then she may have to go to an orphanage or a foster home." Tom shrugs his shoulder.

He honestly wished her well on her way to a good home that fit just right for her well being after suffering who knows how long here. Tika looks like she'll need special care if she shows more signs of being mute to others.

"Sir," One of the paramedics said as she approaches Tom and Jayden.

Tom runs away from Jayden to give his full attention to her. "Yes?"

"The girl's bruises are healing, but we suggest bringing her to a hospital for a more clearer check up before her uncle is brought to trail." The woman emphasized on the word 'clearer' which Tom understood.

"I'll be sure to bring her to meet a friend of mine who works at a hospital nearby in the morning. It's late so it's best she gets some rest before checking her any further."

The woman nods before going back to the ambulance where her partner is helping Tika off. The young girl then runs over to Tom and hides behind his legs this time, avoiding the gases of Jayden and his two friends.

"Hey there little lady. I'm Jayden, a friend of Tom." Jayden softly introduces himself to the girl.

Tika in response, refused to even look at him. She pressed her face against the fabric of Tom's pants leg without a single word.

Tom gives a soft exhale, he pats her on the head comfortingly where his three friends could see her physically relax. "You'll have to forgive her. She's really shy and doesn't seem to trust easily."

He was just surprised she could even trust him at that moment back in the house. Maybe it was because she decided she had nothing else to lose. But now, she has something. Two somethings actually.

Edd looks around finally noticing the lack of one person from their group. "Tom, where's Tord?"

"He-" Tom pauses looking around noticing Tord didn't follow him and Tika out of the house. "The Commie was with me when we saved her. I don't know where he went."

Matt was the one to point out the missing friend when he saw him coming out of the house. "There he is."

Tord walked right over to them when he noticed where they were. He stops a few inches away from Tom where Tika is able to see him once she unburied her view.

"Where were you?" Tom questions making a skeptical expression at the other.

"Went looking around the house," He says waving off Tom's expression of suspicion. "Anyways, I found something the little princess might want."

His friends, plus Jayden, watch him pull out a small stuff toy from behind his back. He holds it out for Tika to take a look at.

"Look familiar to you? Is it yours?"

Tika looks at the doll and her good eye widens a bit. She lets go of Tom to hold her hands out for the toy. Tord gives it to her and when she has it in her hands, hugs it tightly.

Tord and Tom smile for her affection to the small stuff toy. The toy itself a purple and black fur dog with black button eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes." A curve of Tord's lips showed just how much it was worth to get it for her.

Soon enough, a black car drove up to the drive way. A woman came out of the car holding a clipboard with a stoic face. Seeing Tom and his friends with the girl, she approaches them.

"Excuse me, is this girl named Tika Jetstorm?"

Tika retreats behind Tord's legs this time again, holding onto his pant leg. Tom steps up and nods, "Her name is Tika..." He looks at the woman up and down in a neat business suit. "Are you the person they sent from child services?"

"Yes sir. My name is Jane Morris, I work in the station in the city. I have orders to bring her to a nearby orphanage until further notice."

"Of course," Tom turns around to see Tika clinging onto Tord's leg for dear life. Her good eye looking up at him watering, ready to cry. "Tika?"

Tika keeps her eye on him for a moment before looking up at Tord who looks down at her confused why she wasn't going to Tom.

The officer goes to them carefully. He goes down on one knee again to talk to her. "Tika, this nice lady here is going to take you somewhere safe."

The girl shakes her head and slowly reaches for Tom's hand. He lets her hold his hand without complaint.

"I-I d-do-n't w-ant t-to." Her voice soft like a whisper. Voice still rough in speech as she shakes a bit.. "S-St-ay w-ith Mr. D-Devil a-nd Off-icer."

Tord and Tom's eyes widen at her words, even Jayden, Edd, and Matt were surprised. They certainly didn't expect her to want to stay with them, especially Tord.

"Wait, what?!" Tord had to say taking a step aside revealing Tika. The girl had to cling to Tom when Tord moved away from her form.

Tom rolls his eyes at Tord and went to patting Tika's head. "I could let you stay with me for awhile, but you'll eventually have to go to the orphanage."

Tika looked down by the answer, but she didn't give up as she pointed at him first and then herself. "F-fa-mily."

"Family?" Tom repeats confused. Tika nods as she points to her bandages up eye. That's when Tom understood what she meant.

With her eye now ruin it seemed to her like they could pass off as family. He smiles at her ones again, "If you're gonna stay with me, you have to listen to what I say. Can you do that?"

Tika responds with an enthusiastic nod of her head. Her grip tightens as she smiles up at him. Tom gets back up to his feet as Tika resumes holding onto holding the fabric of his jeans.

"Jay, mind watching her while I take to the lady?"

"Sure thing, Tom." Jayden replies giving a thumbs up. As Tom left to go talk to Jane, Jayden looked down at their girl to find her quiet again. He was about to reach out for her but she quickly escaped from him.

Edd and Matt watched her run away from the leading officer to go to Tord instead. The girl went back to clinging onto Tord who didn't really seem to mind that much as he merely pats her back without much of an effort.

Even with the surprise from a few minutes earlier, Tord watches the girl continue to cling to him. She didn't seem to trust anyone other than Tom and himself for some reason. Because they save her? Maybe that was her thought process about why she felt she could trust them. The thought made him swell with a bit of pride.

"So you're name is Tika, huh?"

The girl smiles a little looking up at him and nods her head once.

"Well it suits you perfectly, princess."

Tika blushes embarrassed at the compliment from her savior in red.

"Th-ank y-you."


Thank you for Reading!



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