New Waters

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~+Bridge: With the Kids+~

Whatever Torm has been expecting today was not to be met with his fiancée so soon.

He and his appointed agents and police accompany had come sliding down the side of the bank. Reggie and Zack he recognized from Tom's group heading for him with his fiancée in tow.

Here they are, Tika and Tomi on either side of him confused as Asher had clear recognized him.

"Storm!" The raven teen finally got out after a shocked surprise at seeing him. His raised voice even startled the two officers but not the agents.

Torm could feel Tomi holding his hand with a little squeeze at the outburst.

"Hello Asher." Torm says back calmly to not raise the tension any higher. He didn't want any of his friends or children around the area getting overly worried about this situation.

"Oh don't you 'Hello Asher.' me!" Asher exclaims as he takes a step forward and pokes at the older teen's chest. His obvious anger and worry evident in his tone. "Do you know how worried me and your parents were when you went missing!?"

Torm sighs as he lets go of Toni's hand to place it on the raven's chest. "First, calm down will you. You're scaring the little ones." They both look at their surroundings to see the younger kids huddled away from the commotion. The older teens having been following the group getting their charges or helping them away from the fuss.

Asher took in a few calm breaths before he started talking again. "Okay, fine... I'm calm. But will you please take off that stupid mask. It's unappealing of you."

Torm rolls his eyes yet does what he's asked to do. He brings a hand up to unhook on of the grips from behind his ear, letting it hang off the other ear.

A light gasp can be heard from Reggie when his full features were shone. As expected by the agents and Asher, he looks like a young copy of his older cousin, Tord Lawson. The silver in his eyes a lighter shade but not noticeable unless you look really close.

Tomi and Tika stared in awe at the similarity. But they shouldn't be the ones to gawk as Tomi and his own older cousin look very similar.

"Storm, you're the Norwegian Prince?!" Reggie says in surprise.

Crossing his arm he nods in confirmation to the question. "Yes, but I was trying to stray from my duties. A little freedom would be nice." He looks back at Asher. "And I am not going home," He states sternly.

"You are to go home, Torm! You are the crowned prince and heir to a throne." He firmly says trying to get the information through his fiancé's head. His people need him and he has a duty to do so. "Your inheritance ceremony is just a few years away. Your parents want you prepared for your big moment."

Torm narrows his eyes at him, "In a few years Asher, so let me spend my time as I like. I do not wish to be cooped up in the walls of the castle study and practicing to be perfect." He takes in a sharp breath and breaths out.

"Tormy..." Tomi whispers sensing the older teen's distress. He brings his hand up to place on his shoulder gently.

The raven who had been watching noticed the gentle action. Similar to his own actions when he was trying to comfort the devilish teen in the past.

"Hey! Get your hands off him short stack!" Asher says standing tall to intimidate the blue wearing teen. "Do you know who you're touching?!"

"Asher!" Torm remarks but the other ignored him.

Asher's grey eyes look to Torm a similar narrowed way to express his dislike to Tomi's action. Jealousy bubbling up his emotions. "I am your betrothed Torm. He should not be touching you like that." A bite in his tone.

Tomi pulls his hand back now unsure of what's going on. He's never heard the word 'betrothed' before.

Bryon, who had waved for Tika to come over to him earlier, actually knew what the word meant. His eyes widen knowing the person across from Torm is the teen's partner to be.

'Oh this is not good.' The brunet thought as he keeps Tika behind him. 'I need to take Tika and Tomi home right now. Get Officer Tom if he's available.'

He turns around to face his charge, "Tika, I need you to do me a favor. I need to you to get your friend, Tomi. I'm going to take you two home."

Tika didn't ask questions since she could tell the Torm isn't liking where all of this is going. She runs to a Tomi to take a hold of his arm.

"Tomi, let's go." She whispers quietly in a scared tone. "Danger..." Her voice even more quiet and scared.

Tomi looks between his friend and Torm who is still trying to cover for him in verbal fighting with the other teen. Tika took priority since he knew he had to protect her after what happened at her old home.

He holds onto her hand and starts walking away from Storm and Asher. They go to Bryon who is far by the side of the bank ready to take them home.

Torm, on the other hand, couldn't focus on them leaving since his betrothed is obviously taking up his attention.

"Asher calm down!"

"I am calm!"

Clearly not, so Torm steps closer to him to hold him by the shoulder. Then used a self defense moved he learned by his private tutors to knock Asher out.

Asher's eyes seem to widen as his surprise slowly hits him before passing out in his fiancé's arms. Torm help hold him up with a tired sigh.

"Prince Storm, by orders of your parents, you are to return home." One of the agents informs the Prince.

"We have permission to use force if you do not cooperate." The other agent adds keeping a neutral expression and a leveled tone like his partner.

Unamused he replies, "Take my betrothed back to where you are staying. I'll comply as long as you do not bother me for a whole day."

Both agents bow before him in acknowledgment to the order given by their prince. One of them takes Asher in their arms to carry him back to the car then followed by the other.

The police guards look at Torm unsure. "You know we have to inform Blue about this..." Zack said now that they've obtained new information about the identity of the prince. He felt a bit unsure on how to handle the newfound information to his captain. Blue is after all fond of the district's mysterious child.

"Do what you must... Just tell him I'm willing to speak if he asks for me."

Reggie and Zack left him be with looks that wanted to question him more. However, they knew whatever questions they had would be asked by their captain.

Once out of site, Torm can finally relax and give his attention back to his friends and the rest of the kids. Looking around he noticed the guardians checking to make sure their charges were alright while the others teens were also making sure the new ones were calmed down. Others not taking care of the little children were trying to clear the area with the help of the wolf dogs.

Looking around more his friends, Tomi and Tika were missing. 'Where did they go?' He thinks to himself confused.

Bryon's Group approached him, Molly, the only girl in his group, spoke. "Torm? What was that all about?" He tone gentle with genuine confusion.

"I'll explain later Molly, I promise." His eyes not really focusing on them but to the children and other teens going about their hide away. Tika and Tomi were not in sight. "Where is Tika and her friend Tomi?"

"Bryon got them to come over to him while you were in the midst of your fight with the one you wanted us to look out for." Austin, the other blond, said calmly. He is another one of Torm's closer friends like Bryon who liked to help out. "He left the hide away with them once they came over."

Torm wanted to groan as he just lost two friends during said fight with his betrothed. If Asher hadn't bursted out into a fury of emotions than he could have handled the situation better.

Then again, it was normal since they've always had their fair share of fights.

He shook his head trying to get back to the situation. "Where's Easton?"

"Helping the assigned guardians and their charges. He'll be busy for awhile until we get everyone regrouped again." Bryon informs as he looks in the direction the last member of Bryon's group is assisting.

Teens and children grouping together before being led back to their resting spots or accompanied home.

"Alright, then I suggest you two help him." The older teen turns away to head for the direction where his friends went off. "I have business to attend to now that all this has happened."

"Yes, Torm." The two teens reply before going to help their fellow friend.

They watch him leave without another word before doing as their told.

~+Walk back to the Tom's Apartment+~

Bryon glances over his shoulder at the two following behind him.

His charge hugging Tomi's arm as they walk with a mixed expression of confusion and sadness. Tomi, on the other hand, kept a straight expression on his face the entire way back to their home.

"Did you know?"

The brunet almost didn't notice the question since it was too soft and light. Bryon looks forward as he keeps walking them to their home where Officer Thompson would be.

"I didn't," He simply says back. His eyes close for a moment. "But I had a feeling..."

At home he also watched the news. His grandfather likes to keep the television on so he keeps up with the world news. Seeing a picture of the Prince of Norway gave him a simple idea if he added a few accessories Torm wore.

Tomi kept quiet the rest of the way after his response.

Tika made small talk to not keep the awkward silence lingering. When she addressed Tomi, he always either nodded or hummed.

Reaching Officer Thompson's Apartment Bryon guided them up with Tika's help since her friend was still not his usual energetic self. They reach their floor and headed to one of the doors at the end of the hall with the officer's full name on the name plate.

The taller brunet knocks on the door and they wait awhile for a response.

The sound of the locks being undone catch Tomi's ears.

"Yes?" The voice of their favorite person said opening the door. Black eyes widen seeing the three children standing across from his open door. "Tika, Tomi... Bryon also?"

Tomi tugs away from Tika to hug his mother figure tightly around the waist while he snuggles his face between the man's neck and shoulder.

Tom hugs him back, patting his back in a responsive comfort towards his younger cousin. He looks at a Tika and Bryon in confusion who look a little sad to say what's going on.

He just decides to show them a soft smile as Seth arrives by his side to see what's going on. The large wolf dog sounding a whine noticing the unusual feelings Tomi is emanating.

"Let's go to the park."

Tika and Bryon could only nod.

~+Time Skip: Park+~

While Tika and Bryon played around the park area, Tomi and Tom stayed back on the park bench. They let even let Seth off his leash to get some exercise in the open field of the large park.

The wolf dog some times chasing after Tika and Bryon like a game of tag.

"What's wrong Tomi?"

"I... I just don't feel good." Tomi says leaning against Tom's side with his head on his shoulder. "I'm tired."

"Really?" Tom questions wanting real answers. He will not rush for them, he's willing to wait. But he doesn't want his little cousin bottoming things up.

Not like the way he's been bottling up everything.

Tomi looks at him for a short while before looking to the park where his friends are playing.

"What does betrothed mean?"

Tom actually looked surprised by the question. None the less he answered. "Betrothed is more of a formal way of saying someone is engaged with someone to be married to one another. It's an agreement between both people when they want to get married to each other."

His little cousin looks sad expression continued after his expression.

"Why the question my little demon?"

Tomi turns his head rest his fore head on the man's shoulder. "Torm's betrothed to someone... His name is Asher..."

Tom seemed to freeze up.

"He kept calling Torm a Prince."

"And he is right."

The two cousins look to the new voice as the sound of footsteps got closer to them. Standing in front of them is the person they knew as Torm.

The taller teen gives a heavy sigh as he looks at the two sitting down on the park bench.

"I am the first Prince of Norway and heir to the throne, Storm Thorne. My father is Matthias K. Thorne and my mother is Eleanor Heart, the King and Queen of Norway."

Torm gave them a proper and curt bow before standing straight again. "Forgive me for hiding my identity and causing trouble. I just wanted my freedom away from home." His expression guilty.

Tom looks at him without the mask and could see the very resemblance to not only his parents but the man he loves. He felt dread as he realized the situation becoming of his little cousin and Storm.

He did not want Tomi to end up with the Hanahaki disease as well like himself. Yet he can't push the teen away just for this. Storm is like family to him after all this time since they met.

"Storm... Look at me." Tom said with calm in his voice. He is not mad at him. No, he couldn't be. It's no one's fault who anyone can fall for and love nor the desire for freedom.

Silver eyes meet his dark black ones.

"If you wish for a place to return to if you do not feel comfortable at home. My door is always open."

Torm's eyes widen at his words.

"But first, go home. Speak to your parents and betrothed to sort out the mess that has been made. Speak freely to voice your desires, if they can't accept some that's fine, but you need to make your own choices."

"I don't know if they will listen."

Tom gave hums a hopeful smile.

"You never know unless you try."


Hope you enjoyed ^^

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