[002] a golden cage

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[002] a golden cage

                    Elizabeth has always been fully aware that she's destined to become her mother.

                    She may have been rich and had more money than she even knew what to do with it. But at the end of the day, money didn't buy Elizabeth the luxury of escaping society's expectations and rules. She was a woman, destined to first be a daughter before becoming a housewife and then a mother. If she were to have a daughter, she'd have to train her into becoming a young woman destined to repeat the vicious cycle.

                    It's why Elizabeth desperately hopes to have a son when the time comes. She isn't cruel enough to watch her daughter be sent away like a lamb to the slaughter, except it'd only be her innocence that was slaughtered instead.

                   For now, Elizabeth has some freedom. She's young, beautiful, and single. She's a ripe fruit, perfect for the taking. Elizabeth would just have to wait for the right man to pluck her fruit and devour her completely. Elizabeth didn't desire a simple and sweet love. Elizabeth wanted all or nothing.

                    Once Elizabeth found the right man and got married, that freedom would be gone forever. But so far, that time hadn't come. With her father still in charge, Don Spencer didn't think any man was good enough for his precious girl. The few men Elizabeth brought around were met with a swift rejection from him.

                    Before, Elizabeth had been upset at her father for being so picky. But now, Elizabeth wondered if her father had the right idea and the perfect man for her was waiting just around the corner.

                    Ever since the party that happened just a couple days before, Elizabeth couldn't get her mind off of Logan. She was attracted to him, even despite their brief conversation. Maybe due to how brief it was, Elizabeth was eager to spend more time with him. Elizabeth was used to getting what she wanted and in one way or another, she was going to get Logan.

                    "You're much quieter than usual, Lizzie," her best friend, Freida, remarked.

                    Elizabeth snapped out of it, remembering that she was at home with her friend. She still lived with her parents since they figured it was best for her. According to them, Elizabeth was too fragile on her own. Like a porcelain doll, Elizabeth just needed one harsh nudge and she was bound to shatter in a million little pieces. She was better with them, at least until she was ready for marriage. Sometimes, Elizabeth wondered if that was why a part of her was eager to find a man.

                   Maybe it was less about love and more about looking for an escape.

                  "That's because I'm thinking," Elizabeth responds, although the smile on her lips leads her to believe that there's something more than that.

                  "About someone? Mm, of course. I recognize that twinkle in your eye," Freida chuckled.

                  "I don't have any idea what you're talking about," Elizabeth shakes her head, failing to hide the way her cheeks began to turn pink. She tries to hide it by taking another long sip out of her cup of tea but Freida already sees right through her.

                  "You're a terrible liar," Freida shakes her head, already catching Elizabeth in the act.

                  Elizabeth had the pleasure of knowing Freida ever since they had attended college together. They quickly became friends overnight and Elizabeth couldn't quite imagine life without her. Freida definitely helped Elizabeth when her emotions were a mess but also when she needed her the most. Which was... quite often, due to how lonely Elizabeth secretly was.

                Besides Jack, Freida was her real best friend.

               "Who is he?" Freida continued.

               "His name's Logan," Elizabeth responds. She knew that she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for forever anyway.

               "Logan... Logan... You wouldn't happen to be talking about Logan Roy, would you?" Freida remarked.

               "Yes, I am. Has everyone heard of him?" Elizabeth smiles.

               "Pretty much. He's already taking the media world by storm. The man just... poofed out of nowhere and now he's making a steady climb to success. That's no common, especially for newcomers. Usually, it takes a couple years before any real progress starts to show. But he's managed to prove everyone wrong," Freida remarked.

                 It was no surprise that Freida knew more about Logan Roy and the world of business in general. She was trying to break into the business world, even with all of the odds stacked against her. Not only was she a woman but she wasn't white. Nonetheless, Freida wasn't letting any of that stop her. She was one of the smartest, most determined women that Elizabeth had ever met.

               Elizabeth deeply wished that she could be a lot like her. But she was simply too fragile.

              "Maybe he's a special case," Elizabeth shrugs.

              "I'm sure you find him quite special indeed," Freida teased, causing Elizabeth to softly smack her arm.

              "Find who special?"

              The two young women turn around and see Elizabeth's father enter the room. Don Spencer was an intimidating man, even managing to scare Elizabeth sometimes. He was fiercely protective and as stubborn as an ox, greedy and entitled all the time. Not only did he like to hold on to his possessions and his money, but he did the same with his precious only daughter. He loved her, in his own way, even if he was possessive of her. He claimed that he was looking out for her, that he wanted to protect her from the cruel world he had raised her in.

                But Don Spencer seemed to have a hard time in letting anything he owned go. He liked to control everything in his life, even down to the people in it.

                 Since he had come alone, Elizabeth could only assume that her mom was still asleep from all of the alcohol she had to drink. Connie Spencer hid her addiction to alcohol quite well, so well that even Elizabeth had been clueless to it until much recently. One night several years ago, Elizabeth found her mom passed out in the living room, a bottle of alcohol close by.

                 Elizabeth had to clean her up and put her to bed, finally face to face with some of her mother's demons. Demons that she kept hidden so well until she couldn't anymore. 

               "No one," Elizabeth quickly answered.

               Freida looked between the two of them before she focused on her own teacup and took a long sip.

                "Really?" he asks, walking over to their table and sitting down with his usual newspaper. Don unfolds it but he doesn't really read it, looking over at Elizabeth. "Because I could've sworn that I heard you talking about a certain man. Logan Roy is his name?"

                "Um... yes. Yes, he's Logan Roy. Have you heard of him?" Elizabeth questioned.

                "Here and there," Don shrugs. "But all of a sudden, it seems like I'm hearing about him a lot more. And hearing directly from him."

                Freida and Elizabeth exchange a perplexed look before Elizabeth finally decides to speak. "What do you mean by that?"

               "He called about an hour ago. He was asking for you. Do you know him?" Don questioned.

              "We met at a party. The one Jack took me too," Elizabeth explained. "I'm surprised he even remembers me."

              "He seemed pretty adamant on talking to you, but I said that you were busy and should call you in a little bit. I even wrote down his number by the phone," Don remarked.

              "Can I go and talk to him now?" Elizabeth perked up in her seat.

              Don waves his hand at her, giving her the okay to leave. Elizabeth smiles before getting up, preparing to head into the other room so she could dial his number.

              "Who is he to you?" Don questioned. "A new friend of yours?"

               Elizabeth nods, an innocent smile plastered onto her lips. "Yeah, of course."

               And with that, Elizabeth left so she could find the phone and call Logan. With shaky fingers, Elizabeth dialed his number and then pressed it close to her ear. She counted a total of three rings before Logan finally answered on the other end.

               "Logan," Elizabeth spoke first, "Hello. My father told me that you called earlier."

               "I did. I was really hoping to talk to you again. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we met at the party," Logan responded.

               Elizabeth chuckles, thankful that Logan wasn't there to see how bashful she had become over his words. "Is that so? Do you tell that to all of your other girlfriends?"

              "Why are you so convinced that I have a long list of women at my disposal?" Logan responded and Elizabeth could picture that same grin on his lips.

              "I might have heard about you," Elizabeth vaguely admits.

              She wasn't about to say more and risk sounding overly desperate. She knew that most men enjoyed a woman who could play hard to get. And that was the game Elizabeth was willing to play. It had worked for her this far and she'd continue to play it until she won the prize at the end.

              "From Jack, right? Well, what is it going to take to prove you wrong about me? I'm a very determined man, Elizabeth, and I'm not giving up," Logan responded.

                "I can see that now. I bet you pestered Jack for my number, huh?" Elizabeth raised a brow. That was the only way Logan could have gotten it, unless his connections spanned much farther than even Elizabeth could've imagined.

                "Maybe," Logan vaguely responded.

               Elizabeth snorts. "I guess you're just going to have to really prove yourself, Logan Roy. I'm not easy."

                "I was hoping you weren't. I enjoy a good challenge," Logan replied, and Elizabeth could just tell that he was being honest with her. Men like Logan usually did. It wasn't fun if it wasn't a little difficult. It made winning that much meaningful, regardless of whether it was a new car or a pretty girl.

              "Is that so? Well, I guess it's only fair that we continue our previous conversation, but just the two of us this time," Elizabeth replied.

              It had been cut tragically short between Jack's interruption and the dinner. Elizabeth hadn't been able to find Logan after that. Everyone at the party wanted to talk to the new up and coming businessman who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Everyone wanted to get to know him but it was obvious that he hadn't granted just anyone the luxury.

              Elizabeth desperately wanted to be the first, even though she was unsure as to what she might find.

              "I have the same idea. I have some work to take care of but we can meet up tomorrow and go anywhere you want," Logan proposed.

              Elizabeth could hardly hide the big grin that broke out onto her lips. "I'd like to go to the park. Unless you're worried about getting your loafers dirty."

             Logan actually chuckles. "I'm not worried at all. In fact, I'm already looking forward to it. I mean that."

             "I know. We can meet in the late afternoon. I won't have anything to do then and it'll be perfect. We won't have to worry about any interruptions this time," Elizabeth offered, biting her lower lip. She wasn't sure how she'd be able to get away from her parents but she could think of something.

               Besides, she was an adult and it was about time she found some way out of her golden cage.

               "That sounds perfect, Elizabeth. I'll see you soon," Logan agreed and she feels both excitement and relief.

               "See you soon, Logan," Elizabeth responded before she and Logan hung up the phone at the same time.

               Freida immediately noticed Elizabeth's mood shift, her friend much happier than before. She just knew that the call had gone well between her and Logan. But how well? Freida knew she couldn't ask her right now, not with her father around and her mother soon to join them. Freida would just have to ask her a little later.

               "What did he call you about?" Don questioned.

               "Oh, he just wanted to make sure that I arrived home safely and that if I ever needed anything, to let him know. Any friend of Jack is a friend of his, as he put it," Elizabeth lied, sitting down at the table.

               Don hummed, seemingly pleased with the answer. If anyone was going to be sniffing after his daughter, he wanted to be the first to know it and determine if they were remotely good enough for his girl.

                "I don't have anything to do tomorrow and... and Freida here offered me the chance to have dinner with her family. So I was wondering if I could go," Elizabeth continued.

                "I don't see why not. Just don't come back too late or else," Don added.

                "Of course," Elizabeth smiled.

                Freida smirked, sending Elizabeth a knowing look. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

                Elizabeth smirks back at her. She sent her a look, one that told her that she'd tell her everything sooner rather than later. All the while, she was excited for her upcoming date with Logan. Now that she had her alibi set in motion, Elizabeth was free to see Logan and find out more about the new and mysterious businessman who was slowly taking the city by storm.

( 🦢🍸💄)

word count: 2282
notes: logan certainly does have his ways, doesn't he? well now you know a little more about elizabeth's parents and you also met freida who's going to be the best character ever! please comment your thoughts and let me know what you thought!

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