[004] the devil in a suit

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[004] the devil in a suit

                               Like any successful businessman, Logan Roy knew that it paid to have the right connections.

                               From the moment he stepped foot in America, Logan knew exactly what he planned to do. He was going to start his own business and become one of the richest men on the planet. There was no room for failure. He had what it took to make it on his own and he was more than willing to fuck over any and everyone who got in his way. Few people possessed that killer instinct and Logan knew that was exactly why he was going to outlive them all.

                             Royco Holdings had gotten a rocky start but it was doing pretty well on its own in Canada. Sure, it was just advertising like billboards and such but it was growing in popularity. That all changed when Logan left Canada and all of his past behind, starting anew in New York. He decided to change his business from billboards to newspapers, collaborating with Waystar which was an American Newspaper company. Royco Holdings became Waystar Royco and it was an immediate success. 

                            Logan Roy had seemingly appeared overnight out of nowhere and had become incredibly rich. People who wouldn't even glance his way about ten years ago were now dying to become his best friend. Women... well, Logan never really had lots of problem with women. But now that he was rich and successful, there were too many of them. Logan had more than he could ever imagine but it still wasn't enough.

                          The CEO wanted much, much more. By the time he was finished, he'd have the entire fucking world in the palm of his hand.

                           But first, Logan would start with trying to acquire a much simpler but still beautiful trophy instead. Elizabeth Spencer was proving herself to be a lot more interesting than the other women he had gotten to know. She was beautiful, which definitely helped in her case. There was something about her - this bright, alluring spark - that made Logan want to have her all for himself. He was this close to having her and he knew that if he kept things going, he'd have the richest and most beautiful girl on his arm.

                          Elizabeth was the best and Logan definitely deserved the best.

                        "Make sure to get a dozen red roses from the flower shop close by. The very best at that. Buy a card too so I can write a note inside," Logan speaks, glancing over at his assistant, Naomi, while he continued to sit comfortably at his desk.

                        "I'll do that right away," she nods. 

                        Naomi was young and in desperate need of a job which was one of the reasons why Logan hired her. She'd do whatever he wanted her to, even if that meant cleaning his office from top to bottom. Logan needed someone who would work for him and ask no questions.

                        "Good. I need them as soon as possible. I plan on sending them out before the day is over," Logan ordered.

                        Just then, there were several knocks on his door which caused both Logan and Naomi to look in that direction.

                        "Who is it?" he asks, sighing when he realized how stupid of a question that was. So he chose a different one instead, even if it wasn't much of a question at all. "Go and answer the door, Naomi."

                        Naomi nods, deciding to open the door since Logan certainly wasn't going to do it. That's when he sees none other than good ol' Jack Fleming which brings a smile onto Logan's face. Remember earlier when we mentioned that it paid to have good connections as a successful businessman? Jack was probably one of the best connections that Logan could ever get. He was a successful lawyer, one that had yet to lose a case regardless of who his client was.

                       Logan knew he'd need Jack when the time came around.

                       "Jack Fleming," Logan greets with a smile, motioning Naomi out of the room with one wave of his hand. Naomi then leaves, allowing the two men to be alone.

                        "Logan, you're a very hard man to catch most days," Jack remarked, sitting down in front of Logan's desk.

                        "I'm pretty busy. Waystar isn't going to run itself," Logan shrugged.

                        "No, it isn't," Jack looked around, letting out a low whistle over how impressive Logan's office was.

                        "I'm glad you're here though. I was hoping to talk to you. May I ask why you decided to visit me?" Logan raised a brow. Jack wasn't the type to just do random things for no reason. He was a lawyer, he always had a fucking reason for everything.

                        "It's about Liz," Jack confesses.

                        "Liz. What about her?" Logan chuckles. 

                        Jack shrugs. "I just want to make sure that you're treating her right. I hear that the two of you are going out."

                        "Did she tell you that?" Logan guessed.

                        "We're very close. She pretty much tells me everything," Jack admits.

                        Logan suspected that was going to be a problem down the line. He'd have to wait a little while and observe to see if his suspicions would be proven correct. 

                        "Well, yes, we are going out. I like her a lot. She's a fucking firecracker," Logan replied. Honesty was the best policy in this situation.

                         "She's also a lot better than the other broads you usually have on your arm and she deserves a man who'll treat her with nothing but love and respect. She's gorgeous and smart and... and you should worship the very fucking ground she walks on," Jack continued.

                          Logan chuckles. "I see what's going on here. You came here to try and intimidate me a little. Make sure I don't end up breaking her heart or something. And if I do, you'll break my legs or something. Is that right?"

                          "Something like that," Jack vaguely responds.

                          "You have my word," Logan smiles, placing a hand on top of his chest, "I will not do anything to hurt Elizabeth. I swear it. She's special to me. And I'm going to treat her as such."

                           Jack relaxes a little bit more. "Good. Because I hope to become close friends with you, Logan, and it'd be a real shame if you did something to fuck that up. I'd like to represent you in court someday."

                           "You and I have the same thought process because I was just thinking of the same exact thing," Logan nodded.

                           "Liz is my best friend which means that if you're dating her, we are going to be the best of friends. You'll be taken care of and I expect you to return the favor," Jack replied.

                           "I scratch your back, you scratch mine. You can count on me," Logan replied.

                           No, Jack certainly couldn't. If and when Logan had the chance, he'd turn on Jack if it meant advancing himself. But Logan knew better than to let Jack know that. He had to use him for what he could get first and when he was truly done with him, Logan would toss him to the curb.

                             Soft knocks on the door interrupt their conversation. It seemed to be wrapping up anyway, so Logan wasn't too upset about it.

                           "What is it?" Logan called.

                           "There's someone here to see you," Naomi answered from the other side of the door.

                           "I'm busy," Logan frowned.

                           "He says he's your brother, Ewan," Naomi added.

                            Logan frowns while Jack looks confused. "Brother? I didn't know you had any family out here."

                             "I didn't know I had any family out here either," Logan huffed.

                              Leave it to Ewan to pop out of nowhere and surprise him like this.

                             "I think I should go now. We'll talk very soon though," Jack replies, getting up in his seat and walking towards the door.

                             "Oh, definitely," Logan nods his head.

                             Less than a minute after Jack leaves, Ewan Roy storms into Logan's office. Obviously, Logan wasn't pleased to be seeing his brother. They were nothing alike, perhaps maybe for their cold attitude and inability to love. Logan hated his brother for wanting to stay in Canada, living a simple life on the farm instead of doing something actually important. And Ewan? He hated the fact that Logan was willing to sell his entire soul for money and success.

                             He was the devil in a suit.

                            "What are you doing here?" Logan glanced up at Ewan who stubbornly chose to stand, towering over Logan who remained seated.

                           "Maybe I wanted to see how you were doing. How the company's doing," Ewan replied.

                           Logan scoffs. "The company has nothing to do with you anymore. The moment I bought your shares and took full control of it, your involvement was through."

                           "If you're worried about me wanting a part of it, I don't. Unlike you, I don't want to sell my soul for capitalism. I'm doing just fine on the ranch," Ewan's quick to add.

                           "Ah, the ranch. It's exactly where you fucking belong, beside the pigs and all their shit," Logan retorted. He couldn't help himself really. When they were younger, the two of them used to be quite close. But as they got older and tragedy took its toll on them, that obviously changed. Now the two brothers looked at each other with enough hatred to be considered enemies.

                          "You should watch the way you talk to me," Ewan warned, glaring directly at Logan.

                          "And why the fuck should I do that?" Logan states. He stood up from his seat, arms folded behind his back. For a moment, Ewan thought that Logan was going to approach him and the fight might potentially escalate. But much to Ewan's surprise, Logan just walked towards the large window to look at the city view instead.

                         "I was in the war, you know. I deserve more respect than what you give me," Ewan stated.

                         Logan immediately rolled his eyes. If there was one thing Ewan loved to do, it was mention his time in the war. He thought that it actually meant something with the way he kept bringing it up. But it didn't mean jack shit, especially in the world of business.

                         "You worked in the fucking kitchen, Ewan. You did it just to impress some local tail. And how the fuck did that work out for you?" Logan spat, turning around to look at Ewan.

                         Ewan frowns and Logan knows he's hit a nerve. Logan doesn't just punch, he hits you right where it hurts. It's what he's learned from childhood and when he had kids, he'd make sure to do the same to them. It was the only way he could teach them how to be strong and not weak.

                         "Maybe I'm a bigger fool than I thought I was, but I really hoped that you managed to change since the last time I saw you," Ewan sighed. While he was still angry, he looked more sad than anything and that bothered Logan. Anger, he could deal with, not sadness.

                         Being all sad and emotional was for pussies.

                         "I have changed. I'm not the Logan from Dundee anymore," Logan countered.

                         "Yes, you are. The only difference is that you have money now. But no amount of money or women or success can ever hide who you really are. Who you'll always be, Logan Roy from Dundee," Ewan retorted.

                         The frown on Logan's face deepens and it takes every ounce of energy in him not to punch Ewan right in the nose. "Do me a favor. Fuck off."

                         "Gladly," Ewan replies, storming out of the office.

                         Logan closes his eyes before taking a very deep breath, trying his best to calm down. But it's impossible. He's always had problems with his temper for as long as he could remember. And as he got older, it only seemed to be getting worse. The sound of footsteps approaching his office door cause his eyes to immediately open.

                         "Is everything -?" Naomi began to ask as she rushed inside of the office.

                         "Make sure he never comes here again. If he so much as takes one step inside of this building on your watch, I'll make you fucking regret it. Do you understand me?" Logan threatened.

                         "Yes, sir, I do," Naomi quickly nods, turning as pale as a ghost.

                         "Now get back to work. I want those flowers immediately," Logan replied.

                         Naomi practically runs out of the office just so she could get everything done as fast as possible. When she's gone, Logan sits down at his desk once again and tries to continue on with work as always. But try as he might, Ewan's words still haunt him.

                         If there was even a part of him that was still the boy he once had been growing up, Logan would do everything he can to kill him.

( 🦢🍸💄)

word count: 2153
notes: long time no see! i wanted to do a chapter in logan's pov (there'll be more of them in the future) and while i do feel a little insecure about this one, this is the best version i could come up with so i hope you enjoyed!

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